Drawing a distinction between education and indoctrination is very difficult thing Um, but it still needs to be done. I’ve recommended to politicians in canada and the us mostly in canada so far that they Asked the universities to generate in ontario my home province the newly elected conservative government has Required the universities and colleges to formulate a statement a free speech policy statement and all of the colleges in Ontario have now complied and most of them have adopted some variant of the chicago university of chicago statement, which is a real move forward and i’ve been thinking that an equally useful thing to do would be to ask colleges and universities to To formulate policy dissociating Education from indoctrination and there is precedent for this that’s non-partisan So for the canadian revenue agency, which is equivalent to the irs in the us tax agency Forbids charities from engaging in political activism And so that means there’s already a set of definitions Regarding what constitutes activism say rather than charitable work Which seems to me to be something that could be usefully applied in the education field distinguishing activism from education Because the problem is is that part of the problem is is that there is this small minority of very disruptive people in my estimation Who have been subsidized for their destructive work for about 50 years? And that’s given them a power that’s far out of proportion to their Intellectual rigor to the credibility of their ideas and to their numerical prevalence