It all begins with the individual, giving individual choice, empowering them with dollars so that they can then go and purchase the things that they need to purchase. You would have competition. You would have not only public sector providers, but nonprofit providers and charitable providers and for-profit providers all competing with each other to deliver the best service at the lowest cost. We have this bizarre situation where we give all this money to a central planner, they use it to deliver services themselves, and then they evaluate their own performance and say, we’re doing such a bang-up job, give us more money. And we always do. Those are not roles that in any enterprise are concentrated in one entity. You have to have a different purchaser and a different provider, and then somebody else saying, evaluating the performance to see how you’re doing. And this is the way that you apply conservative principles to how you deliver healthcare, how you deliver seniors care, how you deliver advanced education, how you deliver K-12 education. And that’s the project that I wanna engage and get started on.