Yeah, and what do you think there’s been a recent? I’ve noticed Focus from a lot of different people on this idea of you know a haunted universe or a universe Which is more populous than? Than then we’re familiar with thinking of it and I know reading st. Perfyrios. It was very interesting to me. There’s a story Where someone is talking to him and he’s asking him? You know, is there life on other planets are there aliens and he says why are you even asking me about life on other planets? Do you know just how much stuff there is around us right now? Exists and and I just thought that was so interesting Because st. Perfyrios is one of those saints who has you might say relatively unique spiritual gifts in that he was able to see Lots of different things in the material world and the non material world which aren’t accessible to us or even to a lot of other Saints and that was just fascinating to me in terms of this new kind of excitement or relatively new excitement About a more populous universe. So yeah, when we talk about fairy tales, obviously we’re talking in part about Fairies. So do you think that at what point do we say that? There is kind of a genuine concrete reference to beings that we might call fairies. Yeah, so Let me back up a little bit and try to I think kind of contextualize what’s happening in terms of this New interest in like you said a more populous universe, you know, one of the things that happened of course in 19th century materialism was the evacuation of agency in the cosmos As Superstition right the idea that that every time you see agency in the cosmos or that you see other consciousness acting in the cosmos It’s just superstition and and projection, you know That’s the type of word they use but that type of thinking this materialist type of thinking Was never trying didn’t come to the point of trying to account for our consciousness and our agency and they were just ignoring it as This kind of blind spot from a point of view where they looked on the world with that agency in consciousness but then but then use their reason and their agency in consciousness to Evacuate the rest of the universe of agency and consciousness and so I think that we’ve come to a point where even a lot of scientists and a lot of You know, especially scientists that study cognition. They’re realizing that this is a really ridiculous position to stand in It’s a ridiculous position to ignore the categories of consciousness when we’re literally using those categories To evacuate the cosmos of consciousness So I think that’s the point where we we’ve come to where now there are people very reasonable you know people that aren’t Christian that are atheists or secular or all kinds of people that are willing and in some ways realize that using categories of agency and consciousness to understand certain phenomena is Actually more useful than the kind of cold analytical description that that they are used to especially for understanding social movements for understanding kind of large-scale Transformations using things like agency to explain those, you know what people use the term egregore They use different, you know, they use things like emergence words like emergence in some ways It doesn’t matter to us at the outset with word they use but they’re noticing something like Intelligent patterns kind of coming back and manifesting themselves on the world So once you’ve crossed that threshold and This is the funny thing that a lot of people don’t realize once they cross that threshold and they ride that out Consistently they will find themselves once again in a world of gins and fairies and and intermediary Beings and I think that that you’re seeing a lot of people talk about Re-enchantment, you know, you have broad rare I’ve just read an article by Mary Harrington today that tries to talk about re-enchantment people taking mushrooms talking about all these Beings that they meet and everything and I think that that’s the future if you want to know what the future is That’s it. But it’s a scary if you it’s not that great of a future. It’s scary Because without order without the logos You know ordering that world for us then it’s a it’s a very scary and dangerous world to walk through So I think that fairy tales are a way to help people Re-accustomed themselves with these types of patterns