Do you think that there’s a right number of children to have as you’re saying that that popped in my head I come from I don’t think one is a good number and The reason for that now if you have one child it’s like I’m not saying well That’s terrible man like what the hell is wrong with you. That’s hard. Yeah have one child because children First of all socialize each other and they amuse each other and so we found so we had two kids and then my wife Also took care of a couple of neighbor kids That actually in some ways made things easier because the kids will just run off and amuse themselves And then what you have to be is around when they have a problem But they don’t want you around and you don’t necessarily want them around you have adult things to do right with one child You’ve got the problem of having to amuse the child all the time and the child has the problem of not having siblings to hash things out at at a peer-to-peer level and I think that maybe that one of the reasons the overprotected child you know going to university phenomena has emerged is because Children are now mostly produced by older couples So who are more intent on doing everything right for them, but they also don’t have enough siblings So they’re not getting sort of you know they’re like puppies that haven’t had enough Rough and humble play with other puppies yeah, and they’re really like that. I mean and that’s not good We know from the animal developmental studies like even with rats Social animals don’t do that well unless they have peers to get into it with you know and a lot of socialization takes place between peers and so so I would say two kids minimum because Well then then you have kids and they can amuse each other and maybe three is nice You know but one is one is I do not believe that one is easier than two. I don’t believe that