Can you comment on Jesus uttering the phrase, Oh Father, why have you forsaken me? As he took his final breath. I always found this scene deeply unsettling. My first reaction when I thought about it was that because Jesus said it, believers in him can no longer say it with any authority. Before Christ, I’m sure many people felt as though God had forsaken them from time to time. But when Jesus came, knowing what he had to do and because we humans are the ones who killed him, it now stands that anyone who believes in Christ’s teaching cannot truly say that God has forsaken them anymore. It seems like some kind of grand flip. Obviously this is very complex, but I’m totally in the weeds or am I onto something here? Thank you. I will have to be totally honest with you. I have never been satisfied with any of the answers that I have read to that question. And for all my love of the church fathers and for all my love of the… I have felt like that phrase in scripture should just remain in silence, that you can’t understand that phrase because it seems like it is the ultimate aporia. It seems like it really is the notion of the logos emptying itself to its… I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t even know how to say it. I don’t know how to say it. All I can say is that I am very grateful that that mystery is there in scripture. I think it’s there to help us to know that we don’t understand everything and that the relationship between the truth the infinite being and non-being, all of these things are something that we can’t fully grasp. And I think that when Christ utters those words, he is uttering one of the most profound and disturbing and difficult to understand mysteries that have ever been uttered. So, and it’s tough for me when you guys ask me to explain to you some of the things that Jesus does because some of the things that Jesus does are like they’re beyond meaning. They’re creating the world. And so they’re… And so, yeah, that’s all I can say about that. But you can find the traditional answer. You can find usually the traditional answer will read something like that it was in a way the human nature of Christ, which was expressing itself. That kind of stuff, you see that in the fathers, you see that kind of language, but I find that… I find that it doesn’t satisfy our disturbance before that statement. So that’s as much as I’m gonna give you there. Thank you.