Okay, hello everybody. I am here with Thomas Winant van Rizant and We are going to talk to you about the new Avengers Endgame movie. We did a video about it about Infinity War just a few weeks ago talking especially about human sacrifice and story of human sacrifice and we were both really excited to see how the new movie resolves all those Questions that we were posing and so we’re going to be talking about it together This is Jonathan Peugeot welcome to the symbolic world So, hey Thomas, maybe you can start off you’re usually so good at giving us a little a small like a very Synthetic vision of the Avengers endgame movie So, hey, I’m Thomas. I’m a fan of the Avengers endgame movie So, hey Thomas, maybe you can start off you’re usually so good at giving us a little a small like a very Synthetic vision of the plot and then we can you can jump into the symbolism Okay, so I guess for those who haven’t watched infinity war There’s gonna be major spoilers. So if you don’t want spoilers for sure. We don’t even think about that Yeah, I mean if you if you made it this far about spoilers, then then you don’t want to be spoiled here at this point The culmination of the 21 Marvel movies that came before and it’s about all the marvel superheroes facing off against the super villain Thanos and Thanos wants to Gather all these these powerful infinity stones to kill off half of the universe because he thinks by killing off half of the universe He will save it Because he thinks overpopulation will be a problem and it has been a problem on his own planet So that’s his aim. So his aim is not is not in his own eyes bad But he thinks he will be a sort of god savior of sorts And so in infinity war he actually succeeds in doing so and it’s because of the heroes inability to to Fight him In in appropriate way in an appropriate way. So what they do is instead of self-sacrificing themselves They try to save the individuals sorry to try to save the the individual in in favor of The collective am I saying that right? Yeah, well, it’s a play on both They they you have some who are willing to to save the individual to to save one individual like they’re the person they love In order to to to try to save them and sacrifice a collective Then yeah, that’s sorry Yeah Thanos who does the opposite and you have others who are willing to do the opposite which is To sacrifice one person in order to save the right totality say sacrifice someone else and so it’s all about this this this problem of human sacrifice And so in endgame so Thanos has won and half of the universe is now dead and the world has descended into uh sort of nihilism pessimism and depression and the remaining heroes now Go out and actually kill Thanos they find him and they kill him But but they can’t bring half the universe back because he has already destroyed the very stones that they need to to to turn back time And to to bring everyone back and so now their aim is to somehow find a way to to turn back time and and bring everyone back and they do it by inventing time travel and and trying to Get all these stones together and and snap the world back into into existence so to say so that’s basically the entire plot But most of it is all about resolving all these character arcs and and culminating this in the final moment of these 10 last years of the mcu So I think that I think that in this case really the time travel which is usually such a mess in terms of sort You know it can be because it’s a mess in terms of story tellings and maybe it is a mess but it ends up ends up being a great way to Revisit all their plot lines and kind of tie everything together So you have to close your eyes in terms of the let’s say the all the plot holes that are there I mean, there’s so many plot holes in the story And they have these little these these little explanation moments where they’re trying to explain to you Why there’s a plot hole and how they’re how they don’t like why is it that they can’t go back again and save them again? You’re like, yeah, that’s always the problem with time travel but anyways that doesn’t matter because you’re so taken up by how they’re able to pull all the threads together and I have to give them to really take my head off to them because It’s most of one of the most satisfying Movies i’ve watched in a while in terms of doing that where you think how is it that they were able to bring all these Every character has their moment every Storyline finds some kind of resolution everything that’s left that has been left out, you know You know tony sark’s relationship with his father, you know the captain america’s relationship with that woman that the agent the agent that he He left behind all of that everything kind of comes together and every everyone finds their own little resolution so First of all, I have to say that it was they deserve their whatever two billion dollars that they that they got for this Oh, yeah, yeah Bringing it all together. Yeah, I have to say I went the very the premiere night and I’m not really an mcu finisher I followed the movies off and on but I did decide to to rewatch and watch all the ones that I hadn’t watched Previously just in preparation and I was like, of course entire room was packed And but i’ve never been In such an experience of like cinematic experience where everyone was so involved in a movie that it was it was very much a visceral Experience that you wouldn’t get if you watched this movie on tv So no, I went to see it in I went to see it in imax And I had my daughter with me who is 11 years old and and she she when we told her when you’re 10 You can start watching kind of star wars Marvel level movies. Okay. And so in the last six months, she’s like I want to see endgame Because she wanted to see endgame we had to watch all the necessary We didn’t watch all 20 but like the necessary movies, let’s say to get to right, right So she was all in it like so we rewatch all the women she was all in it And I had never seen her like this. She was jumping in her seat. She was she was exclaiming out at the screen She saw spider-man appear. She was like It’s like i’m like with a little fan girl, you know So I was I was able to live my joy kind of through her and yeah There are little moments where I kind of had a little I had a little bit of a tear a little little bit of Tear moments, uh, you know partly also because of her how excited she was and just everything was was happening So exactly I have to admit that I was totally taken up by the but Yeah, no I had I had the same experience but that must have been if it’s your own daughter that must have been On another level. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, that must have been good. Uh, so yeah anyways, so let’s get on to the to the analysis All right, so yeah, so let’s get so I was really happy too as well to to that we did that video that we wanted to do because You know, we’ve been thinking about doing the end game video and you know, everything was there were a lot of things going on And so we finally did it before um We’re doing the infinity war video and then we did it before end game came out And I felt like we really nailed the right nails in like we really had gotten to the core of what the story was about and right watching end game confirmed that because They seemed to deal with that very problem that we had in terms of the storyline and how it was reintroducing this weird you know individual versus collective and we said even at the end that Let’s say the like like the christian answer to that problem has been self-sacrifice But that has been like the kind of the christian answer and then that becomes a major theme of of end game as well Right. Yeah, I I think and it’s it’s exactly like that It’s if if infinity war was was thanos’s movie, which they claim it is as well It’s all about thanos and it’s all about his philosophy of the necessity of of coercing or sacrificing other people For the greater good so to say and it’s all and it’s actually sort of confirming that philosophy to be true He wins in the end and and the avengers are unable to to to do what they must to to prevent it from happening And so if that is the case in end game It is then again flipped on its on its head or flip back on its feet rather It’s and and it becomes instead of this Coercing or sacrificing other sort of greater good it is it becomes uh the voluntary self-sacrifice for the higher good and and and and then yeah, that’s I think it’s Uh, it fits really nicely. And so when I was first watching end game I noticed it very very early on even from the moment that tony stark when he he still has his family His family miraculously did not get snapped and so he’s the only one and so he his life is actually pretty good But then when I noticed that he actually decides then to to let that go or potentially let that go I was like, oh, I know where this is headed and I already that moment. I knew okay He’s not going to he’s not going to make it. Yeah. Yeah, but it didn’t matter because it was it was very powerful The the I was like I was happy that I was gonna go in that direction Yeah, and I think especially it was powerful about using tony stark as You know the main thread in terms of self-sacrifice one, of course is that he’s the best actor I mean, he’s obviously the most charismatic of all and you know They keep putting him in other movies because he was so he’s like, oh we’ll just put we’ll just put tony stark in the in The spider-man movie just in case make sure that it that it were we’ll put him in the the captain american movies You know to make sure that that they do well So for sure there was that but also because he was his whole character was about a kind of narcissistic person uh in the beginning who who you know who’s a womanizer who just thinks about himself and And then you just see this major arc of himself coming to the end where he actually becomes Less narcissistic because he’s able to have a wife and a child But then he has to take that even further Which is the capacity to even sacrifice that in terms in order to to fully kind of empty himself you know to to save everyone and so That made the whole arc so powerful, you know, even more than just having someone sacrifice themselves is because you know Everything he’s been through you kind of know his story and and how he who he was And he plays it convincingly too You really do feel that he’s able to even keep even in his self-sacrifice He keeps a bit of his snark a bit of his attitude all the way to the end But he’s doing it in a kind of flips it into this this moment where he gives himself So that was really well played for sure. Yeah, and I think What I noticed as well is that they played his his sort of final arc in this movie as as a sort of return of the king journey as you know, he starts off In like floating in space like far away far away in chaos and and he’s slowly dying You know, he’s going into death and then he also he’s saved but then he still loses his identity as iron man He rejects that identity. He takes out his uh, what do you call it? Yeah, his heart All right, he loses his heart like you can have it then And then you know the world goes on they kill Thanos but they can’t do anything about what has happened And so when they find Tony again, he is not involved anymore with uh with the avengers initiative You know Like there’s only a couple people in the building left and he’s living out somewhere out in the woods and and living his own life of his family And so then it’s all about you know He has to then re-identify himself with with that that identity of iron man and And then this is what you say it has to take that um That spirit of of self-sacrifice I guess to to the next level in the sense that okay First he accepts that he needs to try and figure out how time travel works And then he needs to accept that he might have to let go of his family in in favor of of trying to save You know I think the the inciting moment is that he sees that picture of Peter Parker and he has that responsibility to at least try And and bring him back because he’s been this fatherly figure towards him And then finally it’s also he goes back in time and he finds some sort of I think it’s some sort of closure in his relationship With his with his father, but I don’t I don’t i’m not quite sure what his relationship previously was because i’m not i’m not that um I don’t believe i’m not that um knowledgeable about about the whole MCU history But I think you know there was something unresolved there. I feel like but and then he says something to him, but I forgot the quote um, but that takes him to to you know, the final moment when he comes back into the present time and he finally needs to face off against Against Thanos and that’s the moment when he’s able to to renew the world, but he’s in a self-sacrifice So I thought that’s they played that whole story like perfectly and it’s I think for maximum maximum effect Yeah, for sure the other way no it was it was and everything was played so well because There is this idea in uh, you know We had this idea in christianity that christ trampled down death by death like this idea that he tricked death um by dying right so so this notion that When christ was crucified everybody the devil thought that he had won right because here I crucified god I killed god like he won but then by bringing christ down into death then that It’s like bringing light into darkness. It flipped it all around and so they played that part really well, which is Tony first of all tricks thanos, you know with the glove thing where thanos thinks that all of a sudden He has the glove but then no like the he’s able he took the stones and there’s this like final trick at the end Where he gets the stones back? Um, and then he he basically uses the power thanos used to destroy Uh half the universe he then uses that against thanos and against his army and against all those people Then they they all disappear and everything is restored And so there’s this this great kind of this this I would talk about this double inversion, right? So it’s like, yeah. Yeah, so thanos kind of flip things and then using the same narrative structure, you know, uh, Then they flip it back so that everything returns to To to to what it should be so yeah, right All of that was played definitely very well and the scene the scene I think one of the the best scenes or the best played scenes where it was the scene with hawkeye um And uh, what is her name? I give The black black widow black widow uh because because we had that scene in infinity war With gomora where you have the human sacrifice and now they played the same scene But now you have these two characters who are fighting about Who’s going to sacrifice themselves? Which was which I thought everything was just so well played in that in that sense Right. It’s it’s they it’s like a subversion as well inversion as well where it’s like it’s not they’re fighting over who has to kill Well, it’s not like oh you have to die or you have to die It’s more like I have to die and or and the other person’s like no I have to die And so it’s uh, yeah, that’s I think that was very clear. Then it’s like oh, they’re they’re flipping the the story uh 180 uh from infinity war There’s also like a secret admission of how much they care for each other because the idea was you have to kill The thing you care most about like you have to sacrifice the the the thing you care most about and so here you have this admission That uh, especially hawkeye losing his family now here’s black widow They’re the two people that care the most about each other And so so so you kind of as a testimony to their strength of their relationship And then at the same time now fighting over who’s going to have to sacrifice you. Yeah No, it was so simple. It’s such a simple arithmetic, but it it ends up being so powerful when you see it, you know play itself out And and uh, I mean like and it’s these self-sacrifices play themselves out even in smaller ways as well And you know you have with almost all of the characters are like most of them like nebula who has to fight herself as well And ultimately kill herself Uh in order to save the person she initially hated so it’s like a final a final moment where we see that that she is now she’s now no longer this this Villain or this bad person. She’s now truly like an avenger. I guess or I think that was that was one of the smartest ways that they played self-sacrifice in the whole story because There are so many characters who do that captain america ends up having to fight himself and kind of beating himself down in order to to to To take the the infinity stone and then tony stark does the same He actually causes his old self to have a heart attack in order and so it’s like instead of Everything ends up being turned back on a fight with yourself like either fight with yourself or killing your old self or you know Being willing to watch yourself suffer all of that happens Uh in small ways, but you know all building up towards this kind of these these two big sacrifices, uh at the end So I mean it was it was played in in the minute in the smallest detail is played really well Yeah, right and and and I think because you have all these the it works on all these levels It is also the entire film becomes a rejection of the philosophy of Thanos in in the first or most of it at least Well, we can argue a little bit about it but it becomes sort of a rejection of the in the first film in the sense that You know the first film is about Thanos saying that well once I have snapped half the universe out of existence People will be grateful and and and it will be sort of a rebirth But then it is shown that it’s not exact. It’s not that but it’s more like a slow descend into death people become nihilistic clint or hawkeye, you know, he he He’s fueled on his hatred and he just tries to kill all the bad people weren’t so he goes like really crazy And and so because Thanos also sees that that people weren’t aren’t grateful now His philosophy is taken to its extreme in a sense that now he wants to kill everyone in existence just start Yeah, and I think that one of the greatest parts of the movie was exactly that how? Because in the first movie If you’re if you’re objective you’re watching the story You know you there’s something a little convincing about Thanos. Yeah, because he he he gives us examples He says my world this happened in my world He gives example of of a gmora’s world where it succeeded and so if you’re if you’re if you’re objective and you’re kind of Listening and you’re watching him. Uh, you’re seeing that he’s willing to go to the end of his ideas Like he’s willing to kind of take it to the end. Um And so there was something strangely convincing about Thanos in the kind of good bad guy Like the way a good good bad guy should be and now in this movie he’s actually totally exposed As being the narcissist that he is. Yeah, but he first of all, he’s willing like you said to Now he’s like i’m going to destroy everything and remake everything in my image. Basically is what he’s saying, right? He’s like i’m going to the whole world in a way that they’ll be grateful to me He says at least now they’ll be grateful to me. And so he exposes himself there and then there’s another scene where He’s in danger and he calls for the cannons to like shoot down on the The fighters and his own generals or whatever say well, yeah, but our our army you’re going to destroy our army And he’s like, I don’t care. Just do it, you know, because i’m important. It’s me and so he actually ends up Exposing his real nature. Let’s say uh, and then you don’t he’s not convincing at all. Like he doesn’t he totally He loses his sheen of of of seduction you could say right which is well played as well Yeah, and then I think and then it’s it’s also his line where he says Uh, I am inevitable you know, he’s like a sort of ultimate determinist in the sense that he thinks that like this is inevitably going to happen and like We have to like killing half the people like I guess all the people that’s that’s the ultimate goal like that’s the ultimate end but then um, it is Refuted by Tony Stark saying like I am Iron Man and and so I think it also plays into This idea of of technology and in a sense that the technology the boundless technology that they have was that the cause of of the genocide of half the planet of the planet and maybe that’s also why Thanos says he he’s inevitable that this is inevitably going to to happen But then it is also technology is the solution that that that can prevent it from happening but not technology in itself But it’s more I felt like it was more The spirit of self-sacrifice that was guiding it that that it could also be something that would redeem the universe and yeah, they then time travel and they they use the technology to you know, to to Renew the world. So I thought they gave a sort of full view of of of the the power and the destructiveness of the technology that they that they have because you know, the other movies are are all about the the The danger of the avengers as well because they’re so powerful, you know in civil war. It’s all about well You know all this collateral damage and are you doing more good than you’re doing? harm and so um, I think those two themes also played into infinity war and and Endgame as well. So that that that was nicely done. Yeah, I agree I totally agree that the idea of power itself like the problem of power, you know And the problem of kind of like I talked about in my video on the lord of the rings and the the ring this The problem of power itself and how it has two sides like it, you know, it has It’s always uh, it’s always it’s always kind of increases you but it also Is dangerous and it also makes you vulnerable to the very power that is increasing you like it makes you It puts you in danger. Um, yeah for sure. That was definitely played out well, um And so then one of the interesting things that I thought was the crossing arcs of tony stark and captain america Those two I found I thought they did that very well as Also because cap, you know captain america was at the right at the beginning this he becomes captain america because he’s so selfless That’s why they choose him right because in the first movie he throws himself on a grenade And uh, I think the grenade’s not an actual grenade But they see that he’s willing to just sacrifice himself for everybody else and so because of that they choose him to become captain america and then he becomes this image like this symbol of patriotism of uh of self-sacrifice willing to sacrifice yourself for others he because that becomes his image And then you have on the opposite side you have iron man tony stark who’s a narcissist who’s selfish with all of that um, and so then you have these two crossing arcs where It’s as if captain america has to learn to also Be more than just an ideal like he has to learn to be a human being and enter into relationships and have a family basically And so then he actually in the end he actually gets the nice little life and he’s That’s part of his arc. Um Right, right the opposite way where he has to become captain america in the end and sacrifice himself So I thought I mean I just so you think like did they think about this right from the beginning like this whole how they’re going To cross it, you know And then have a have a conflict between them in the middle and then finally they kind of come back together in the end But but each one has learned from the other something like that like my goodness. That’s some serious storytelling Yeah, it was I hadn’t you you told me just now and I hadn’t thought of it that way I was like, oh wow, that’s actually really really well done. Yeah Yeah, and even even hulk like actually resolves himself, you know by integrating his battle as union would say, you know Kind of integrates his dark side and so then he he becomes just this monster who’s kind of like this part He was hilarious that character was hilarious in this was yeah Yeah, no and and he had his moment of self-sacrifice as well when he is like, well This is my duty to to to put on this the glove and and try to bring everyone back even though they know that That it might it might kill him. Yeah, that’s true But so every almost all of the major like characters did have a moment like that in this movie right, so the problem the problem of the Figuring out his thorn like this the four character is a little more complicated to kind of figure out You know where they’re going where where they were trying to do for sure. It was hilarious I mean it was so that that his old heart was arc was so funny because You know, especially because thor at the beginning in the first movies. He was so high and mighty and playing He would speak almost in elizabethan english, you know, he had a slightly english accent and now you come to the end where he’s He’s a gamer. He’s sitting on his couch drinking beer, you know, and he’s basically And it lost his purpose in life uh, so It was funny. But what do you think in terms of the meaning like how do you how do you see it? I don’t know if we were going to get it to a solution, but we were we were talking about that even before the video Yeah, so I think we need to take into account that what happened in in thor ragnarok I don’t know if you’ve watched that movie that movie is really crazy as well I thought it was really funny, but I think it worked really well into making this this sort of rogue hero character uh into Ultimately the king of his people and sort of in his own way But it took like he had a long long journey to get there and he lost Asgard and and everything happened but then right after that infinity war happens and he loses Anyways, so it makes sense that he would go and and and into this depressive state and becomes this this low full person And he’s fat and everything and he’s anxious and so he becomes like the opposite of what he what he was before almost um, and but then the thing is What he he throughout the movie he stays in this he becomes more of a comic relief character And I think a lot of people who like thor didn’t quite enjoy it because they wanted him to to to become thor again And so in the end he does you know, he sort of has a redemptive moment and he finally uh You know restores himself as as as being thor but the thing is I think that the crux like the question is His arc is all focused on him going back to to resolve the the death of his of his mom Which he wasn’t able to prevent in the second thor movie And so he talks to her and I think he just wants to be with her wants to save her But she tells him look now this is this is this has already happened and you can’t really do anything about it And then she tells him you need to be who you are and not who you are supposed to be And that then becomes sort of his his mantra Throughout the rest of the movie and in the end what he does is instead of Retaking his place as the king of of new asgard He now decides that you know, i’m going to be who I am and not who am I supposed to be I’m not going to be the king. I’m going to be thor and i’m gonna hang out with the the galaxy and go on adventures so even though this is this is exciting because those two, uh, These two have these two groups have have good chemistry with each other and like i’m sure that last scene was hilarious in the in the spaceship Absolutely, so you can tell it’s like oh this is going to be good But then you also have this you can interpret it in a way whereas he’s now rescinding his responsibility to someone else and he’s Uh degenerating back into a more immature state as a sort of adolescent Hero type character sort of peter pan, you know always going on adventures And so especially if you’re like, oh you you have to be who you are not who you’re supposed to be can also be interpreted as That you’re like sort of static you can’t change who you are You should just yourself accept whatever whatever it may be like you can it can become sort of a A way of not improving yourself or like that we can see but then there’s also the other side where it’s like Thor is It has always had this high image of himself He’s a bit of a narcissist in a way and so once once he was unable to defeat thanos He actually instead of going for the head in infinity war he tries to drag it out Like he he hits him in in the chest And so that’s ultimately his own ego that that defeat that kills half of the universe And so then his ego is completely destroyed So it also makes sense that he maybe had it his persona or was was his vision of himself was too inflated And so you can interpret it as that and maybe so in the guardians movie the next guardians movie We’ll see a more I guess a more natural progression to to to something something greater I guess for sure one of the smart things that the way in terms of the character one of the intelligent things they did Is they had him cut thanos’s head off which was so smart because thanos tells him in the in In infinity war he says you should have you should have gone for the head or something like that Like you should have cut my head off and so now thor as soon as he sees him, you know He starts his bad guy speech and cuts his head off but cutting his head off ends up being as much an admission of his own Failure as it is of success at that moment where he he actually kills him Then when he later he says something like i’m the one who killed him. Did you kill him? Did? Which one of you killed thanos? He’s actually he’s actually admitting his own failure from the from the from Infinity where so it was really really smart really played well in that sense And so maybe maybe the best case scenario for thor is that he has Abandoned his pretense, right? He’s abandoned He stopped thinking that he’s better than what he is, you know And so he’s got a a dark moment to go through in order to become something more And and the end of the movie they actually make you feel like okay his heart is not over It’s just starting and we’ll see him in the next guardians of the galaxy movie or something like that And hopefully he’ll he’ll you know, at least lose the weight or something, you know It’s I mean, yeah, I I hope that will happen like i’m like that’s I think the only movie that i’m really excited for just because I like the character and I like what they did with ragnarok and I so and I like the guardians as well So I think that will they will mash well together So i’m hopeful as well but I do understand the criticism from people who who’ve watched ragnarok and who who like thor is that because in ragnarok he Goes through like a pretty dark Uh phase as well as dad dies and he Continuously is like it’s basically saying like how can I be? The the king or like how i’m the god of thunder but he he can’t accept that like he doesn’t know that he He has that power and then he doesn’t need the hammer to to be Uh to to to have that identity, I guess and so sorry Go ahead. Go ahead. I was gonna say one of the positive things In the movie in terms of showing that maybe that’s where he’s going is that you know, there are scenes I forget it I think it’s in the second avengers movie where thor kind of puts his hammer on the table And then everybody tries to lift it and he’s kind of like ha ha ha you suckers like i’m the god of thunder You know, you’re all a bunch of loser mortals and there’s no way you can do anything And then in this movie when captain america picks up the hammer and uses it thor actually rejoices. He’s actually Joyful to see someone else be worthy of the hammer Uh, whereas in the in in another movie in the earlier movies, he probably would have felt like okay This is a jab at me. It’s a knock at me that that uh that someone else can use the hammer Yeah, and I think that’s also the reason why captain america and in avengers ultron I think that he knew that he could pick it up But then he didn’t because he knew also knew that that would hurt Thor’s ego and that would like interesting. That’s an interesting idea because he does in event in ultron He moves it right? It kind of moves a little bit. Yeah, you see, uh thor become nervous. That’s true. I forgot that scene Oh, yeah so as I heard people saying that that he Probably could have picked it up But then he just because he is captain america and and you know, he’s as selfless as he is He’s like I have to not do this because it’s not going to be good for uh for for thor at this moment So yeah, I write that you’re right about I hadn’t thought about him rejoicing over over picking up the hammer Yeah, so I mean that’s great. That’s great storytelling there for sure. Yeah. Yeah, for sure All right So now we need to get to the we need to get to the the more difficult part the more difficult problem which is one of the things that I have been suggesting in the past two years is there seems to be a narrative in these action types movies where in the trope of self-sacrifice there seems to be a strange idea that We need to sacrifice ourselves But then in order to give power to someone who has some marginalized identity, you know either This idea of being replaced by a woman or being replaced by some other character that is that is somehow marginalized. And so The question is the difficulty in this movie is that you see some of that for sure in some of some of the the scenes And sadly there is that one scene the uh, the kind of female, um superhero power moment in the movie where all these women superheroes kind of come together in this really choreographed shot And then they’re like all fighting together um, it’s a very strange moment because A lot of the characters are good characters and you know, they probably could have You know interesting arcs and everything but it was so choreographed that it just did not I don’t know I just stood out to me as being this very strange fake moment and very deliberate moment um And so then it’s hard then then you then that’s like the cue It’s like it’s hard not for it not to be the cue to think okay Okay, so this is part of their thinking. This is what this is one of the things they want And so when then thor gives his power over to this very marginal character valkyrie, which we just met once in the in the ragnarok Uh movie who’s basically a she’s a she’s a warrior and so he gives his power to her And tells her you’ll be better at it than I am and all this it’s like, okay This is very strange. Like this is very weird um, and then there’s again the the captain america who gives his shield to falcon which is It’s like it’s hard to understand because what I don’t understand. How can falcon be captain america? He doesn’t have any power like just in terms of the story So, you know, it doesn’t make sense just because he has a shield like how is he going to Like if you gave me captain america’s shield, like what am I going to do with it? Man, I can’t throw it and bounce it off the walls like captain america It doesn’t like it doesn’t make any sense And so then it’s hard not to see it as being justified by some weird political desire to to uh play to this Kind of social justice stuff. So Uh, yeah, I mean to me it seemed it might have might be sort of a precursor for what’s to come in the next phase Of of marvel movies. I don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see I guess but for sure that Especially that moment where it’s the all sort of female Uh power moment It was the only really the only scene that felt very jarring even if you If you don’t care about the politics surrounding it I think even if you just look at the story level it felt very artificial to the story like that That just took me completely out of the immersion for a couple seconds Uh, but I know like obviously it is some some type that was some type of more like a virtue signal I would say because I have a friend of mine who who who would agree with the these types of this type of imagery in movies And he was silent for the entire movie, but that when that came on he’s like, oh, I love that they did this So so for sure they were pandering to a certain audience with that with that moment wasn’t just like for the story like that I think that is naive to to say um I kept thinking that best case scenario. Sorry. Go ahead. Keep keep talking. Keep talking No, I was I was done I was Yeah, people were gonna keep saying that I interrupt you and and I probably do which is horrible. Uh, no I don’t know So best case scenario, this is my best case scenario for that is that They I think they unapologetically played out the main characters from avengers You know and so because a lot of the main characters were men in the in the original stories I think they they said we’re going to unapologetically play out those characters play, you know have Uh tony stark be the hero have captain america. Everybody’s gonna have their moment. Everybody’s gonna have their their uh intense moment in the story Um, and so of course of all those characters black widow was the only original one She does have her amazing moment in the story, but it ends up being mostly guys. And so I think It was like, okay, we’re gonna unapologetically do that. But then we need to give this little This little you know this little thing where at least we’re showing people that we’re on their side that we’re we’re woke that You know, like you said, it was a kind of virtue signal So that no one was too annoyed that tony stark ends up being the one who saves the day in the end, you know Yeah, yeah, probably that that makes it hopefully that’s the best that’s the best case scenario For that and the worst case scenario is like you said it’s that they’re showing us the future You know and that captain marvel is the future and all and that they’re going to to play into that They’re going to play the politics more which would be too bad for marvel in terms of uh, yeah Yeah, so I guess the future will will decide on how we can interpret what happened in an end game here The future is female so But one of the things I have to give them though is that I think they really played fans Really well and they played the whole because some people were so scared that captain marvel was going to come in And just kill thanos and she would be a deal Like you know, right and they actually played with that they played with our expectations because they give us that moment where she kind of comes In you know, and she’s like she destroys the spaceship and she’s just like coming in you thinking Oh my goodness, this is not this is not going to be good because like who is this character? She comes in and she starts and so you think it might go that way and then finally he just throws her to the side And so And so I thought they really that was a really smart way to to kind of show her power But at the same time give us the story from give it like resolve the story from the last 20 movies Like don’t give us this one character that appears and solves the storyline It would have been would have been dramatic if they had done it that way Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, it would have been It would have been the equivalent of what happened in in game of thrones. I know you don’t watch I don’t watch game of thrones. Is that what happened in game of thrones? Well, something like that happens not as I wouldn’t say it’s not as bad as as if if captain marvel would have defeated thanos But it’s it’s actually pretty similar in terms of storytelling. We had that in the star wars movie We had that blue haired admiral who sacrifices herself and saves the day She’s the hero of the story, but we’ve never seen her before she just appears in this movie for like 20 minutes And that’s all of a sudden like she’s the one who takes the the she basically saves the day like they For sure. I’m hoping I think marvel definitely learned from star wars and we wish that star wars would learn from marvel a little bit at this point Yeah It might be too late for them Yeah far too late for all Yeah I don’t think I don’t think I might not even go I might even go see it I didn’t go see solo. I probably will not probably won’t see it. Just wait for it to come out and Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I don’t know or something Yeah, but at least we had our little uh, our little end game moment, which was definitely worth it We’ll see where it goes. We hopefully you know, it won’t play to the worst aspects of the Or the more political aspects that we saw in the movie and that they’ll keep giving us good character arcs and good characters And you know, we always say like I don’t mind there being great, you know female characters. That’s awesome like if we can do it, but Give us good stories, right? Don’t give us just politically veneered just like Political stories with a with a superhero veneer on it. That doesn’t it’s not gonna it’s not gonna fly But captain marvel made a lot of money though. So that’s a bit it’s a bit worrisome Yeah, I didn’t I didn’t watch that movie. So I don’t know What’s the thing? Yeah. All right So is there anything else that you want to say on to end our uh, our discussion, uh about about this Let’s see. I don’t I don’t think so. I think i’ve said about Every thing that I did I written down. So, uh, yeah, I don’t know if you have anything No, I think no, I think we covered it and I think that i’m still happy that we we kind of called it You know just before the movie came out and so it hit the nail on the head like Just the precisely so it was uh, it was uh, That was good. All right time so as usual, thanks for your discussion and everybody Don’t forget to check out the storyteller’s channel and uh, and thomas’s great movie interpretations there as well and uh, we’ll see you soon If you enjoyed this content and our exploration of symbolism get involved I love to read your insights and questions in the comment section You can also share this video on social media to your friends and if you can Please consider supporting us financially through patreon or paypal You’ll find those links in the description below You