This is something women should know, you know, if you’re dating a man whose fundamental orientation is short-term sexual gratification, he’s either pursuing a psychopathic path of manipulation or you’re training him to become that person. The amount of sexual boredom in this society is extraordinary. So you have more sexual choice and variety available than literally any time in human history, given free license by the state because there are no intermediate social institutions in which sort of informal mechanisms of disapproval could make themselves felt. And one of the things, it turns out, psychologically, that human beings are turned on by is taboo. And so when you get rid of literally every taboo, then people tend to get bored. And the power of what marriage was supposed to be is it takes this this short-term hedonic desire. And it’s said, because female virtue still existed, that in order for you to obtain this, you’re going to have to sublimate that desire for the building of something greater.