So Dorothea asks, why do millennials hate their lives? Is it because millennials are born into the edge of time? Any advice? It is definitely that, you know, and it’s like, a lot of people are criticizing me recently for being kind of apocalyptic in the way I talk, but do you think your kids don’t get that in school? Like my kids now, my kids didn’t go to school for the whole time, but since they go to school, like they’re far more depressed and hate their lives. Why? Because all they’re being told is how the world is falling apart because of ecological reason, because of racism, because of all of these things. And so the very school system is giving them a sense that they’re basically the last, right? They’re Gen Z, they’re the last generation. That’s how it’s being presented to them. So it’s understandable that they struggle because they’re being presented with an apocalyptic narrative on all sides. So I don’t know what to say, I feel bad for them. I think for sure, I think for sure the symbolic world, at least I’ve seen in the younger people that it’s, and this idea of understanding. So we have an opportunity right now and it’s a very interesting opportunity. And you can see that I’m trying to use that opportunity as much as possible, which is that there’s atropin stories of the old forgotten world, right? These old legends that we’ve forgotten and that are these hidden gems that you have to discover. And they can kind of re-inform the world. There’s this ancient kingdom which is lost, this ancient civilization which is lost, right? The secrets of Atlantis, the secrets of the Egyptians, all of this kind of desire to rediscover this ancient lost lore and world. It’s like, we’re in a very interesting situation right now because Christianity itself is that. And so you can actually present Christianity as this ancient line of kings and Lord of the Rings that has been lost and will be reforged, the sword that will be reforged for the final battle or whatever, that type of trope is one that we can do. So like what we’re doing with Richard Roland, the universal history is exactly that. It’s like saying, there are all these hidden secrets and mysteries, which they’re not secrets in a negative sense, it’s just that people have totally forgotten them. And everybody used to know these stories, everybody used to know this universal history, now it’s gone and so we can rediscover it like excited children that are finding a hidden treasure or something. And so I would say that’s my advice, that it’s actually an opportunity to help them rediscover this stuff. So, you know.