Without a unifying narrative, you have fragmentation and disunity, and that’s associated, it’s associated neuropsychologically with anxiety and hopelessness. And so- But what’s great about the fairytales is that they actually deal with that, exactly. So in one way, what you could say is that the basic story structure, you know, Campbell had this whole hero’s journey, which is powerful, and I think he captures something real, but you can reduce the story to basic one, like a one move, right, like down and up. Basically problem and then dealing with the problem, right? Situation, problem or question, and then dealing with the question. And that can help us understand why it’s related to object perception, because that’s what it is, right? You don’t do it consciously, but you’re constantly kind of asking what’s important, you know, what’s relevant. And you can imagine when you see something that you don’t know what it is, it’s like a crisis, especially if it’s coming at you in a way, you have to answer that question. And it’s a life or death, it can be a life or death situation. You end up in a place where you don’t know what’s happening, you don’t know what’s coming towards you, and you have to answer that. And I think the story kind of kept the basic story pattern, captured that. And the fairytales, most of them, they capture that very much, you know, because, for example, Snow White, which we’re telling now, it has that story. So Snow White, things happen to her, she ends up, you know, something changes, and then she ends up in the forest, you know, with these little monsters. With dwarf men. That’s right. Yeah, that’s the eternal predicament of women, to be surrounded by dwarfed men. Yeah. But you can understand it, it has multiple levels, but you can understand as the very transformation of a young woman, it does have to do with puberty. Snow White pretty much has to do with puberty. I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on there, is that as she reaches puberty, she deals with all the problems of puberty, you could say, or that transformation. It’s a question. What the hell is happening to me? What is going on? And I don’t have the answer. And especially for a young woman, you know, this cycle of menstruation, it’s annoying and it’s painful, and it’s, what is this? Dangerous. What is happening to me? The story of Snow White has this moment where as she becomes possible, she comes into competition with the Queen, right? She comes to the moment where she can now be in competition with the Queen. Then she falls into, she goes into the woods, into the space of chaos, but then she also, she falls in with men that can’t be her mate. The idiosyncrasies of masculinity. Say that again. Idiosyncrasies of masculinity. All the things about masculinity that are kind of annoying, you know, like Disney captures it really well, you know, with the various grouchy and like there’s all these different kind of aspects of masculinity. Yeah, they’re not united. So those are, you can think about those, each of those dwarfs as the embodiment of a fragmentary narrative. Exactly. A fragmentary. A micro narrative that isn’t, that isn’t the print. If you could mix all the dwarfs together and extract out the best, you’d have a prince. Exactly. Yeah, that’s right. That’s the right way to see it. gets caught in that world and then she has to, she has to learn, especially for a traditional worldview, she has to learn the job of a woman, right? She has to learn to clean and to cook and to do that. And it’s like, what is this for? Like what, you know, she gets all the power. That’s in the service to those dwarfs too, weirdly enough. That’s also the plight of modern women too, is that I’m doing all this cooking and cleaning for nothing but dwarfs. Exactly. And so then, I mean, obviously that all leads to her dying, you could say, or falling asleep. There are many iterations of her falling asleep in the story. They’re all related, right? She falls asleep and then she’s woken up by dwarfs, which is like, that’s not going to do it. Why wake up at all? That’s not going to do it. And then, you know, work and learn to clean and do all that stuff and kind of live in the forest. And then ultimately that leads to her second falling asleep and then being woken up by the right, the right mate. And so the solution, then she finds the reason for all of this. So what’s the reason for this cycle of transformation? What’s the reason for all these changes in her body, in her life as she’s kind of in that transition? And then finding her mate, basically, finding her husband, finding her prince, that answers the question.