You speak often of Christ flipping things around or enacting an inversion, such as the crown of thorns turning death into glory. Would this be part of Christ as master of unity and multiplicity, or trying to bring everything back together? Yes, that’s what I think it is. I think it really is trying to bring everything back together. And this is the mystery of non-duality. The idea that if we believe that the world at that ultimate reality, that God is non-dual ultimately, and that everything is good, that everything is good if it is in its proper place and if it is in its proper direction, if it is directed properly and if it is in its proper place and everything is good. There is nothing that is in itself bad. Evil is always an improper attribution of something in the wrong place, in the wrong direction. So my contention has really been that death and glory is made of the same stuff, you could say, that that which was glory became death and that which is death can be changed into glory. And so that solved the problem of death. And it’s really hard to think about this, but there’s something interesting. Sorry about all the Neopagans who are watching this. I keep going after you guys. Just because it’s just the thing that’s on the horizon right now, I can see these Neopagans kind of coming in the distance. So for example, one of the accusations that the Neopagans have of Christianity is that it somehow fetishizes death, that it’s weakness because we accept death and that their metaphysics, their vision of reality is strength, it’s boldness, it’s this kind of will over the world, all of this type of attitude. But see, the problem is that you’re going to die. That’s the problem, is that you’re all going to die. So how do you deal with that? You have to deal with death. And if you only see death as a tragic undoing of all that you’ve built, if you only see death as a tragic, as a sad, tragic end to a life of strength and will and imposing yourself on the world, then you lose, you lose. That’s how reality ends. Reality ends that you lose. Until what Christianity does is that it says, we’re going to deal with death. We’re going to take it seriously, dude. You’re going to die. So what is death? What is it? Why is it part of reality? Or what can it do? What can it do for us? And that, in that you find the Christian answer, which is that in the willing acceptance of death, you transcend yourself and that death is transformed into something more.