All right, so Dorothea says, what do you think about the great resignation? The phenomena that around 40% of young people are either quitting their jobs or thinking about it. I’ve seen right-wing media connecting this to the anti-work movement, but my experience in Southeastern Europe is that really a lot of young people are quitting and it’s because of being overworked, underpaid, and just mistreated by an over-controlling management. Is it maybe that in the chaos of the world, people just don’t believe that enduring that will pay off? A lot of my friends say they don’t believe there will be something like pension in 50 years. Yeah, I don’t believe that. It is weird that it’s happening in very different places at the same time. So, I mean, it’s a disengagement, and I think that you’re right. I think that the disengagement has two forms. The one of the disengagement has, one of the disengagements is part of the notion that you mentioned, which is the idea that in the workplace or in the industry, we see humans as machines. We treat humans as machines. We see them as machines. We see them as things that produce things. And so you measure, you have to produce so much, you have to be so efficient, you have to make so many things in such time, and we compare and we calculate, and that’s what a job is, is basically you’re a human machine. And so it’s like, I understand why people wanna quit that. I understand why people wanna leave that world. You’re not building, you’re not, let’s say, a village that’s like everybody’s working together to build the church or that everybody’s working together to make sure that the village survives together, that there’s a sense of togetherness. And so if the mayor of the village is a little harsh or a little annoying, you can see that nonetheless, they’re there to make your village thrive. But when you’re working from some giant corporation that doesn’t care a lick about you, and that is only there to create billionaires and now trillionaires, I guess, I can understand why you just wanted to just skip out on that. I get it. But I think there’s also the other part, and I think there’s also a kind of draw of the world of leisure and a world of decadence and a world of pleasure where we think that the purpose of existence is to have fun and the purpose of existence is to dilapidate ourselves and to party and to do all that. So it’s like, imagine those two worlds facing each other. One where you’re either a cog in a machine and you’re just a human robot, or you are something like an indulgent video game playing, porn addicted guy in person. It’s like, that’s the reality that a lot of people have. And so no wonder that people go for the woke, people go for some cause, something which makes them feel like they’re participating, something which makes them feel like they’re building something. And so it’s like, it has a lot of sympathy for young people today. And so it’s our job to reconnect. Like it’s our job to try to create, participate in things that are real. That’s why I say go to church. And I told you, like when I say go to church, obviously I do mean go to church, but by saying go to church, I also mean, like try to be engaged in things and projects and in teams and in groups and like whatever it is, co-ops, like whatever it is that you can muster to create real common goals, real common projects and goals, I think that’s gonna help. And so, yeah. Thank you.