in so if anybody is For anybody’s watching this on the YouTube You can look either on the chat or in the description and you can find a link to a stream yard website I would allow you to to join in the chat so I’d recommend that somebody come here and Let me let me give me somebody to talk to so yeah, otherwise, uh, it’s been a Good Sunday for me. I only had the the one nine o’clock mass It’s outrageously windy here in Farco today 55 mile an hour gusts pretty intense. So And all of that Yeah, oh, oh my goodness. Oh my goodness a blast from the past. This is John Norberg John you are live on YouTube right now and everything will be recorded for posterity. So do be proven young man All right. Well, I’ll try not to swear anything unseemly such as that sure I yeah by sheer luck happened across your link on Facebook and realized it had been a little while since I’d caught up on what father Eric sites was doing in his life So I figured I’d pop in here and see if maybe I could catch up on what father here. Thank you Yeah. Yeah. Well, I’ve been moved To Holy Cross in West Fargo Yeah, you and father Riley are now kind of like neighbors across the town now, right? Yeah. Yeah and so I get to see them I get to see my parents a lot and Yeah, yeah, it’s uh, it’s a good if you could see out that window behind me you would see there’s a bunch of steel going up for the For the the new church It’s very exciting once things start going up into the air having that steel there We’ve got one of my internet friends here. Andrew. How you doing Andrew? Hello there How’s how’s life out in the East Coast? It’s it’s good. It’s good. The weather is still Very warm strangely. Yeah, I can attest That’s right. Yeah, you both live on the East Coast now You need to come to the Midwest where everything’s better except the weather the weather objectively is awful well, I Like the winter talking about the weather Don’t you guys get tornadoes over there? Not that often in North Dakota usually doesn’t get the right kind of airflow for it So yeah tornadoes would be pretty pretty awful, but we don’t have to worry about that exciting though. Yeah Well, John what have you been up to lately? Well Bought a house. So that was cool Could be moving in about a week a little less than that tomorrow is here at 30th birthday. So that’s also cool Oh We had a baby about two and a half months ago. So that’s also cool. All right. All right. That’s Yeah, yeah good memory yeah, what’s what’s the new ones name Genevieve Christine Nice nice very nice and and now I saw you post on Facebook that house is out in the country ain’t it Yeah, a good solid eight acres for us to run around and maybe get a horse Possibly a cow of some kind to provide some milk and cheese You’d better the cow will make you a lot more money than the horse will The I think the the call the horse is like money money burners hay burners something like that They don’t they don’t make you a dime unless you’re like hurting cattle Unless your horse’s name is flight line Apparently that guy just won the Breeders Cup yesterday and he’s supposed to be the next secretariat I mean pretty historical win and I know if you if you guys haven’t heard a flight line You will be before the next year is out Okay, I Much attention to horses Andrew what part of the East Coast are you from I’m from New Jersey. I’m right near Long Island and all that stuff I’ve never been to New Jersey. You’ll have to tell me is it as smelly as they say no Why is that the word people go to No, I’m just kidding. I I spent zero time there myself But I have a friend who’s from Jersey who claims that it’s the stinkiest place on earth I’m not sure if I believe him or not, or if he’s just pulling my legs So I figured I’d ask somebody who’s actually been Yeah, not sure what he’s talking about I Mean I’ve been to other states several times and when I came back I didn’t think it smelled too bad. So Maybe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time well to be fair, I’m from Maryland with Baltimore basically right down the road and I have yet to go to Baltimore and see a single rat I’m sure they exist there but we are not a rat infested city like, you know, somebody might say we are Are you famous for having rats in Baltimore? I got news story, wasn’t it? Yeah, there was actually it’s funny because I just saw an article yesterday That there was a grocery store that was shut down in Baltimore because the health inspector said it was rodent infested But I personally have yet to experience a single rat inside or outside in my entire trips to Baltimore. I Don’t think I’ve seen a wild rat in my life Either mind pretty good at hiding Right. That’s like something our size just gets registered as a predator and they they managed to skeet at all Yeah, that’s true But yeah, no no no smells over here I guess unless you go near the city or something maybe Well, I shall have to make a trip up to New Jersey to ratify your statement myself Yeah, I’ll take my word for it Now For those of you who don’t know my friend John We went to seminary together way back in the day for about two years and that’s how we became friends Oh, and what John probably doesn’t know is any of these wacky YouTube channels that I’ve been following Have I ever talked to you about that John? I Know you’ve talked to me about many of your weird and wacky interests I think you were the guy who got me into Doctor Who Five years ago, that’s got So what do you what YouTube communities have you been up to so You’re actually being broadcast on one right now because this isn’t just on my channel. It’s on my friend. Jacob’s channel he’s a he’s a Jew and very serious about it and And it all it all kind of It’s like we’re all like a little Eddie Following behind the the the big steamboat named Jordan Peterson And just sort of the the possibilities he’s opened up in his his conversations and his his philosophy and all of that So anyway, what I’m saying is is that you should hop on the discord server and check it out because we got all sorts of wacky characters We just happen to have you know Catholics here right now, but there could be all sorts of people here You’ve got Laura saying hello. Hello, and I’m gonna say hello Laura Why don’t you find the link and get in here so that we can have a proper Catholic chat? Laura is also Catholic Must be me Get all my Catholic friends to well just jump in one thing And so since we are Simultaneously broadcasting this on my on my Jewish friends channel, we have to be careful that anytime we mentioned the Trinity That we note that Jacob would say that this is idolatrous believe the Trinity Our opinions are not Jacobs or whatever people say well, basically basically it’s just we have to we have to pay pay pay tribute to it is because I’m Probably a lot of these viewers here come in Coming through that you should do that Laura Just find the the stream yard link It should either be at the top of the chat or in the video description and you follow that link you get right in well well, I was reminded today with the gospel of my deep admiration of Jewish fortitude with the book of Maccabees that we all listened to this morning And I think that’s something that we could all learn a lesson from today Are we willing to die for our principles like to that extent? You wouldn’t even eat a little a little bit of pork there just yeah rather die Just reminder that pork That that Maccabees was not in the Jewish Bible, but I I would think it would be regarded at least as a like a historical book that they could Consider I don’t know We’ll see if See if anybody hops in the chat to To allow that yeah, we’ve got so many books No, we do we don’t have you many as Ethiopian. So Got every every book in their Bible. Have you read the book of Tobit? I have I Read that recently and I thought Saint What is it? Saint Raphael the Archangel it sounds hilarious The road is safe it is it will be fine do not worry You think they would think he’s kind of strange but anyway Lady I am going to have to take my leave father Eric It was great to see you and you’re great to meet you Laura. I know you just hopped on Hey, I’m John nice to meet you, too. Hi. I hope you all have a fantastic chat out there father We’ll have to catch up some time next time. I’m back around the FM area. Yes. Yes, absolutely Don’t be a stranger John. All right. Well have a great chat everyone Thank you. So Jacob is uh, Jacob is not on here, but he’s watching us. Is that what’s going on? Yeah, he’s just He’s just monitoring the the Gentiles to make sure that we’re behaving ourselves here It probably hopped in if we you know start saying things we shouldn’t yeah. Yeah Not a rabbi. Yosef says that the book of Maccabees is more acceptable than Jubilees, but it’s certainly not scripture So thank you for the semi authoritative Huh semi authoritative thing. So Yeah Yeah, good old second book of Maccabees. That was our first reading in the Catholic liturgy today. I remember Yeah, Laura were there any good points from the homily you heard for your Sunday? Yeah, it sounded like a no no there may have been I just got to think about it You know how it is with homilies you don’t Sometimes they give you an impression, but if somebody asks you to summarize them later, you can’t necessarily do it, right? Yeah Yeah, let’s see. Honestly, I’ve had trouble with my own homilies summarizing them some right I Can summarize one of the homilies I heard and that’s the Pharisees believed in the resurrection The Sadducees didn’t believe in the resurrection and that’s why they were sad you see That’s what I heard in my home That certainly made an impression didn’t it actually I was singing with a fellow choir director of mine who told me that joke and then about 20 seconds later the priest tells that joke in his homily So it was quite interesting Yeah, I’m sorry, I don’t I don’t remember any specifics from the sermon but it was fine That was a good question I should have been able to answer it yeah, well, I mean honestly if if your priest wasn’t leaving you with a With a pearl That you can just hold on to and remember Means he needs to he needs to tighten up his preaching a little bit well but also the sermons are in Spanish and I’m probably gonna remember stuff from them if I listen really really carefully. So if I zone out at all then I’m not gonna remember Okay, so probably my fault. Okay. All right. All right. That’s right. You like that Spanish mess. I forget that right? You don’t look very Spanish Yeah, yeah, they only do the homily in Spanish they do everything in Spanish Oh Let’s gonna say it might be kind of funny if a priest does the mass in English but then only does the homily in Latin We’ll now see going to going to mass in Spanish if you have been really into Latin stuff can be a little bit difficult because The Spanish responses are often so similar to the Latin responses that you can you can you can Accidentally start saying the Latin because a word tips you off or something. Yeah Like there’s not that much difference between et cum spirito tuo and econ to a spiritu right All kind of mixed up there Wow Yeah Do you do Spanish masses? I do not Okay, you know Spanish. I do not I I mean I I know that you don’t I don’t I don’t priests were trained in Spanish I That’s just around here. Yeah So we have enough priests trained in Spanish to cover the very few Spanish masses that we really need in this area You probably have more Spanish speakers in your area which means you need more priests who have that capability So so no my Latin is better than my Spanish not that I could speak either Yeah, well me either. I Know how to pronounce it but not how to speak it. Yeah Yeah, not a lot of people out there know how to speak Latin spontaneously. So I think you’re okay You know, I heard about one of my buddies seminary professors not a seminary I went to He he landed in the airport in Rome and he’s just a real absent-minded professor and then he goes up to a taxi driver or concierge or something and and just accidentally starts speaking to them in Latin Because he’s just one of these brilliant professors And this the taxi driver or whatever looks at him and says I We haven’t spoken that language in 1500 years The guy looks up into the sky and he’s like yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve been here Charlie Campbell it says there’s so you said there’s so many Catholics here Well, you could change that you could find the stream yard link either in the video description Or in the chat and you could join this chat yourself Also, you know given how many Catholics there actually are in the world the fact that there are three of us on the stream right now Isn’t really that many Catholics? Yeah, I think that’s a great question. I think that’s a great question Yeah, we should talk about some Catholic things Yeah, okay Catholic things what’s your favorite Catholic thing father Eric? So a week ago for the first time with a congregation I celebrated the traditional Latin Mass I I I I I I Traditional Latin Mass Sweet last yes last Sunday nice Congratulations who came So it was it was the Latin Mass community that we have here in Fargo and they’ve recently moved from the Cathedral to the Chapel at at a local high school Which came with some wailing and gnashing and teeth, but we’re making it work And I guess for some reason I’m kind of the last on the rotation They’ll only call me if if they need me because the other guys who cover it Either are at the Cathedral or have special assignments without regular Sunday duties So but they couldn’t get anybody so they got me and I was extremely happy to do it It was the Feast of Christ the King in the old calendar And they had a brand new gold vestment I got to be the first one to wear it Wow really wish somebody taking a picture because because it was some of that taut notch really really good stuff Yeah, and Yeah, so anyway, it’s funny that our friend here I think I think Charlie’s a Lutheran talking about late Reformation Day to all who celebrate well in the old calendar The Feast of Christ the King was put as close to Reformation Day as it could be on a Sunday It was always the last Sunday of October So sweet, yeah So yeah, anyway good times good times that sounds like an awesome mass to celebrate It was it was and was it a high mass. It was a high mass. No incest I haven’t learned how to do the incense yet. It’s tough I’ve never done it before I haven’t learned how to do the incense yet. Oh, it’s tough. I’ve heard yeah well, I mean so If you look at the new mass right and the new ritual just says the priest incenses the altar It basically gives you free range to do whatever you want as long as incense is involved but I’ve seen the rubrics for the old mass and it’s like Exactly three one Like exactly what groups of three exactly where they’re supposed to go on the altar and you have to recite a psalm in Latin While you’re doing it. Yes And so I’m just I’m just not there yet, I don’t even have the prayers at the foot of the altar memorized So yeah That’s a Catholic thing for me That’s a really good Catholic thing. Yeah solid Hmm. Awesome. What about you Laura? Oh, no, if I’ve been doing any interesting Catholic things lately just saying the rosary That’s pretty good. Oh, hi la familia Bazzani Oh Favorite oh well, thank you. Oh, that’s so sweet. Mm-hmm I really though he should he should meet some other Catholics just a more a more broad appeal balance more balanced Yeah, more of a complete breakfast Which part of a complete Catholic breakfast are we? Are we like bacon and eggs or are we like that bowl of cereal on the side or like oh we’re baking and eggs Okay, good eggs. Yeah. Yeah, and it’s like like like farm farm fresh eggs Yeah, oh, yeah bacon eggs bacon bacon slaughtered ourselves Uh-huh. No, we’ve got Sally Jo and we’ve got a prophet in our midst you guys can hop on whatever you want you can find the Link in the description of the YouTube video or in the chat So come on in it doesn’t this isn’t just a Catholic chat It’s true. I’ll ask you about your favorite Catholic thing when you join Yeah, some Protestants have favorite Catholic things. What are you drinking father? Er just H2o. Oh man. Yeah, I thought about like bringing a glass of whiskey or a beer or something But my voice is just too weak and I want to get up early tomorrow. So Congrats on your high mass. What kind of music did you have? It was just they don’t have an organ at the chapel in the high school so it was just Mostly just the the chants of the bass Mass number eight the mass of the angels means of the angelic. We do that one Yeah, because those were the ones that I knew the chance for I Would join in but latency makes that terrible so yeah We’re not we would we would need some serious next level technology to actually pull that off. Yeah Yeah, so so yeah, that was good and there was a few hymns a few hymns thrown in there But mostly mostly just the chance for the mass Yeah, yeah, I mean they’ve been they’ve been doing it at the Cathedral, you know since forever So also they just had to be displaced into whatever space they had I don’t know I didn’t see I wasn’t looking at them So it’s in a high school gym now Chapel it’s a it’s a Yeah, so thankfully a little more dignified that a gym but Catholic high school. Yeah, oh, that’s not too bad. Yeah, I Really get the sense at this high school that they ran out of money by the time they got to the gym Jim I said Jim but I met chapel Oh, but I meant to say Just it’s not even big enough for what they use what they could use it at the high school You couldn’t even fit an entire class in there and The ventilation system is so loud It’s so Charlie says, you know chance plus crying babies. Well, how about just getting over the fans? I’m not talking about the screaming fans. I’m just talking about I’d be one of them screaming Latin mass fans, yeah, I Used to have a restore the Latin mass bumper sticker on my laptop Nice and then you got a new laptop or you I think that was like a well That was like many many years ago. That was like a fan thing to do though slap and restore the Latin mass bumper stickers on things But see you can tell it was before some more in pontificum because it was restore the Latin mass. Oh Yeah, yeah So long time ago Gosh, yeah, cuz I didn’t start actually paying attention to Catholic stuff until well after that But you were always Catholic, right? Yeah, I was I was You’re not paying attention were you a priest at the time no I’ve only been a priest two years. Oh, yes I didn’t like really start paying attention to Catholic stuff like the wider Catholic world like things Oh, right not happening directly in front of me When I entered seminary in 2011. Oh So by then Though the sumoran pontificum which had liberalized the use of the old missile had been in place for four years It had quite a lot of Momentum behind it already, but you know when I when I entered seminary I Didn’t actually know how different the old missile was like I literally I literally believed that if you Celebrated mass auto orientum and did everything in Latin it would be identical to what they had before I had no idea And look at me now. Yeah, yeah Well, so one thing I like better about the new right is I like the Easter Triduum as it’s currently configured. What do you think? I’ve never experienced the Easter Triduum in the in the old right so I have a hard time comparing it There wasn’t a there wasn’t a Holy Saturday vigil mass right in the old Well, it was a vigil mass, but it would be done at like 8 o’clock in the morning as With all those days. Oh No, I like having it at night and the fire and yeah, well they would do all of that It would just be at 8 o’clock in the morning. Oh but in the Holy Week reforms of 1955 when they had By that point Pope Pius XII had changed the the Discipline on the Eucharistic fast it was no longer Midnight from the night before it was now a three-hour Eucharistic fast so At that point they actually started doing the Easter vigil as a nighttime vigil rather than in the morning So even before Vatican to that had already shifted a little bit Hmm All right, if you were wondering Something that you want yeah, yeah, but a lot of the trans were mad about the Holy Week reforms in 1955 because they saw it as a harbinger of things to come. Oh anyway Right How’d they know? Charlie Campbell are all three of you guys in the room? Charlie Campbell are all three of you cradle Catholics? No Charlie. I’m an ex-Lutheran So I remember Reformation Day and I can sing a mighty fortress What flavor of Lutheran did you grow up as Laura? Missouri Synod Missouri Synod. Okay You know, there’s a little impish part of me that whenever I hear Missouri Synod, I think real Lutherans Oh really? Yeah Well, how about the Wisconsin Synod they’re pretty hardcore. Yeah, but there’s hardly any of them. Oh, okay, you know Yeah, like I had a good experience growing up in the Missouri Synod. It was it was really good. Yeah They were our our Sunday school was excellent. They did a wonderful job of teaching us all the bible stories They made us memorize the ten commandments Uh, we had to memorize all the books of the bible It was you know, it was yeah, it was solid. Yeah And then we had confirmation class confirmation class was more specifically Lutheran stuff but Sunday school before then was You know just like the basic bible stuff ABCs Yeah All right, we got a question from the good prophet Zacharias, how does RCIA work? Is it pretty standard or is it based on parish too late for me to be baptized this coming Easter? Well, you might be able to show your local priest your library and how many books you’ve been reading And that might convince him that you’d be ready. I don’t know but The way it tends to work in the United States Is it kind of follows the academic calendar sometime in late August or September? You’ll start with classes and If by February or March people are feeling ready and like they want to go into it They’ll they will Get ready to be received into the church So, you know Might be a bit late for you to be baptized this coming Easter Especially if the priest at your parish you would be looking at does it know you? But never hurts to just go in and ask see what’s up And going through the classes, you know some of the classes twice Certainly wouldn’t hurt anything and I don’t know like I see you post a lot of Books that you’ve bought on the discord that would make me think that if you’re actually able to read some of them You’d probably be pretty well equipped to to contribute to classroom discussions and those sorts of things Yeah, and even though i’m a convert I didn’t go through typical american rcia, so What did you do? I wouldn’t have much to add there. I I was in I was at university in scotland when I was received into the church and It just wasn’t It wasn’t as formal an arrangement as rcia And I was in the church and I was in the church and I was in the church and I was in the church And it wasn’t as formal an arrangement as rcia is in an american diocese Yeah, oh, okay same with my marriage prep. There wasn’t There wasn’t really like a formal um I don’t know. What do they call it here pre-cana or something? There wasn’t a formal marriage preparation program or anything The priest just asked us if we were both baptized and if we were related and then Then he thinks you need to have clear before you get into it Yeah, and then he he made sure we understood what saint augustine said the three goods of marriage were And he told it to us in latin Uh, yes, the bonum prolis the bronum sacramentum and the bronum fidelium pretty much. Yeah awesome Uh, it’s everybody all catholics know that Yeah, but anyway, it like didn’t take very long and the equivalent of rcia was you had to go to this monday evening thing that the parish priest called faith inquiry and he just had a series of topics he’d go through Right, like all the basics. So like the first one would always be like, oh so god exists and then Yeah, you know it would kind of build from there and uh It was kind of it was also kind of pegged to the academic year and then we’d all go out to the pub afterwards and have beer Nice the chaperons in the voice chat Oh, oh, oh Okay, your excellency I’m sorry. What? Can you can you not see our screen? Uh charlie campbell says the picture? What what does that mean I I I think he’s trying to compliment me Oh He’s trying to join the call. I don’t know Yeah, I was starting to wonder if bishop barron was like in the the youtube comments Well, we should be able to see all the youtube comments here So anyway, cool say hi, maybe he’s in my region now, right? He is now No, he’s in he’s in winona rochester not minneapolis. Oh, okay. Yeah He has the oddly shaped diocese Yep, the oh, oh it was uh, it was the casual latin terms Oh the simmon bonum, etc. I know that wasn’t casual. That was me explicitly making a joke very different very different, uh Yeah, um, no, he’s got the funniest shaped diocese in the united states. It’s the bottom two counties all across minnesota Oh, okay, just a straight line Yeah, and it’s just like Who Who drew that map? Yeah You know inconvenient right because like a friend of mine who was a giant nerd back before they had Uh consecrated the co-cathedral in rochester, but it was still just the diocese of winona Which is on the wisconsin border, right the minnesota wisconsin border he Looked up a town in the winona diocese that was closer to like seven other cathedrals in its own Wait what Yeah So it was closer to like the cathedral in sue falls it was closer to the cathedral in the Closer to the cathedral of the st. Cloud diocese it was closer to the cathedral in the St. Paul, mediapolus and like a couple in iowa I think i’m closer to the Cathedral in the diocese and matuchan than my own so Yeah, I guess that happens Mm-hmm All right, i’d like to pitch a word on fire album of gregorian covers of bob dylan songs Is that bob dylan singing gregorian chant or? gregorian monks singing bob dylan I I hope it’s the other way around, you know, because otherwise it would be like Uh Gloria I’m surprised prophet zacharias isn’t baptized yet. Oh man I don’t know. He seems like a wild heathen to me We’ll get him one of these days yeah Get him get them all All watered up and all oiled up and send them out into the world ready to go Did they do oil during baptism too? Well, he’d be confirmed at the same time. Oh, oh, I see as an adult convert It’s baptism confirmation eucharist all in one night Wow That’s pretty intense. Holy saturday It’s holy saturday. It’s a very holy saturday for anybody who goes through it. It took me years to do each of those Yeah, not the first one I guess Your parents got you in there right away. Yeah Zain alphons has said it was probably a mortal sin if you didn’t get your kid baptized within a month of them being born Yeah, we did everyone within a week. Yeah, but infant mortality rates were quite a bit higher then so That’s true Speaking of which my college mega church did a baptism service today says charlie campbell. Um Um Did they use a trinitarian formula leave that in the comments? We’re all interested Or was it the creator and the redeemer and the sanctifier because in which case it needs to be done again Because nobody did they say and did they say something like we baptize you or oh, yeah It’s got to be I baptize you. Yeah. Yeah. Do you remember that priest in was it michigan who realized that um, what was it? I was in seminary with his own Wasn’t his own baptism invalid or something like that because yeah, I was in seminary with him. Okay. Yeah, so can oh wait You’re in somebody with that guy Oh, can you tell the story that because people might be interested in that? I don’t want to go over it again Well, so basically the short story was that this priest discovered I don’t remember how was it by looking at his baptismal certificate or something that whoever baptized him had had said We baptize you in the name of the father son the holy spirit instead of I baptize you in the name of the father So is it invalid and that meant what did that mean? He wasn’t actually validly ordained etc, etc And he had to like yeah, he had to go through everyone that he’d ever given sacraments to and redo it or something Uh, it depends on the sacrament. Um Wow, but yeah, yeah, yeah, they had to get to go. Yeah, because only priest can do certain ones baptism confirmation first eucharist Deaconate ordination a priesthood ordination all at once Wow, wow even faster than saint ambrose got it My goodness Yeah, all right lol Uh few things you and I won’t like so it’s a diet baptism Um Whole immersion name of the father son and holy spirit done in a nice large black cylinder up on stage while the band is playing Oh boy the band And they’re done by a close friend or mentor of the person being baptized Honestly, i’d probably look at that and say it’s perfectly valid. We’d accept it. Um Yeah, it sounds like something we accept Yeah, yeah And we had the praise of worship band going this morning at my church. So Oh, we have one of those now. Yeah They play their music very well That’s good Yeah Oh by the way father did you do um All souls day latin mass I did not I did not I had um I had a mass for the parish that day and it was a bit of a busy day already. Um So Sir dabs a lot does a person who finds out their baptism invalid does that person need to go to confession for having received and given sacraments after they get baptized Or before um So if there isn’t any doubt about the validity of the baptism, let’s say we have a video um They wouldn’t need to go to confession I wouldn’t think that they had actually sinned Whoever had done the invalid baptism would be the one who needs to go to confession um so Yeah, um yeah, they wouldn’t they wouldn’t be culpable for for you know and Lest Lest we think the the sacramental system of the church is overly rigid we shouldn’t believe that just because A sacrament was performed invalidly that the recipient of the sacrament who probably um Was completely innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever We shouldn’t believe that they Thereby would not receive any grace from god as if they’ve been completely abandoned The idea behind the catholic sacramental system is that god has bound himself to the sacraments He has promised to make his love and his grace available to us through the sacraments But so we had should have a very high degree of assurance of knowing um, we are in communion with god, uh through the sacraments But he is not thereby bound His grace is not thereby bound Um to sacraments he is able to uh spread his grace wherever he wants So thanks for coming to my ted talk Charlie campbell says I had to refrain myself from saying welcome to the body of christ since the folks there think it’s just a public faith Declaration got to stay undercover undercover lutherans Got our undercover lutherans here You don’t have to stay undercover anybody who wants in on the chat Uh, you’ll find a stream yard link in the description to the video And this is never was never intended to be a specifically catholic chat. Not that i’ve met i’ve got two catholics here, but uh, Anybody is welcome here. Uh, we this is truly a catholic chat That it is universal everybody about the whole can join Yeah, actually so, you know father eric i’ve been thinking we we discord catholics should um Do a little more talking publicly about why it’s good to be catholic because I’ve i’ve done a few appearances on youtube where I talk about things that can be frustrating about being catholic, I guess Wait, so should we talk about what’s good or what’s frustrating? No, we should talk about what’s good. Oh, okay I see maybe not right now. Although with this it would be an opportunity to do so Maybe we should just go for it. What do you think is good about being catholic father eric? What do I think is good about being catholic? I mean, that’s kind of a dumb question I got to send the da’s earay last week. Yeah. Oh, that’s why you were asking about the all souls day. Yeah I guess you could still do it in the modern liturgy as a hymn, but it wouldn’t be the same place as it was The liturgy if it is done with care and skill is very great However, it can be Um, it can be a source of suffering as well But when done well, the liturgy is a great thing about being catholic Yeah. Yeah, absolutely sure But uh, we got a recording of it and i’ll actually put it in the discord Cool. Yeah, cool. Yeah Yeah, you know, um something I really appreciate is uh You know, I had a classmate from nigeria, right? So he had to deal with the culture shock. He had to deal with coming across um All of these new American things but uh, you know when we got into classes when we got into liturgy and we were praying together it’s like Everything was there already. He knew he knew the mass He was he was well catechized and like had gone through four years of college seminary in nigeria He knew his stuff. He was on board with what we were doing And so it’s like even across the atlantic ocean and across a a decent size culture gap We were already in communion and I thought that was pretty great. Yeah, I really like that too Yeah, you can go anywhere in the world and just fit right in Sir dabs a lot i’m orthodox Okay, cool and a catholic priest offered a fellow orthodox person at my parish communion when they were visiting sick family at the hospital Is it okay for a catholic priest to give orthodox communion? well according to the uh Statement put out by the bishops of the united states. Yes, uh from our point of view That our theology of the eucharist and our understanding of the priesthood are close enough Where we do not object to an orthodox person approaching us for communion So i’d probably give them a little instruction on how we do it here Because it’s a little different in the roman right versus the divine liturgy of st. John chrissostom today Now my understanding is is that your average orthodox Your average orthodox Bishop will tell his his people not to approach catholics for communion Uh, so that’s part of it, but they might make an exception if let’s say you were traveling you were in a hospital There’s no orthodox priest nearby, but that’s an orthodox side of the equation kind of question from my part You know, we generally uh, it’s considered close enough where where we would be happy to share communion You Joseph it’s good that you included that father about the sacraments and now that it’s a jacob chat Uh, god isn’t a vending machine. He’s able to spread his grace wherever he wants Yeah, you know sometimes I hear pbk talk about you know The providence of god and his supremacy and all of that and he talks about it as if it was a specifically calvinist thing and i’m like Calvinists don’t have a quarter on the the providence of god market like we’re in that market, too and if I if I like the most The thing I end up saying the most to people Is like trust god God’s got a plan God’s in charge here and we’re not and thank god for that Yeah My bishop makes no concession for an orthodox christian to community catholic mass I was just curious to understand your side of the issue. Okay, that’s what I thought. That’s what I thought So I hope everything was was was hunky dory there with your uh, your your friend, um And maybe maybe the orthodox person didn’t uh didn’t accept communion, uh, which is fine, you know, um you you really ought to um Respect your beliefs and respect your own conscience You know like when I was out at the thunder bay sunday morning service, uh, they had an open table and I didn’t go up and receive communion because Because we wouldn’t We wouldn’t at a at a at a protestant church, uh That and and that was the first time i’d ever seen anybody serve communion in plastic cups Oh, I just i’ve never seen that before, you know, like the simplest vessel I had ever seen communion given in was pewter Huh? Like you shouldn’t be using that but at the lutheran church where I grew up We sometimes had a common chalice at communion time and everybody always receives under both forms That’s important in the lutheran church Yeah, that was that was an important point. Yeah. Yeah so sometimes we had a common chalice and sometimes we had a uh, like a tray full of little cups That they would walk around with because people felt like that was more hygienic and they’d be like little I assumed they were little glass cups, but I it’s also possible that they were just very hard plastic Yeah I mean, but the tree was kind of shiny and fancy. So That made it a little fancier spruced it up a little bit. Yeah. Yeah, what’s better pewter or plastic? pewter pewter is at least durable but Gold or silver bro, come on. Yeah, like how often do you have to buy chalices spend some money on it? They don’t usually uh wear out very easily if they’re gold Yeah, I mean replating them does get a little expensive but you know, okay So what else what else is good about being catholic? I think if anyone asked me If like especially if any other christian asked me why? um Why I Am catholic, I guess I would I think my number one answer would be the sacraments Yeah I think that has to be our number one answer Yeah source and summit of our faith and all that Not a rabbi yosef saying that uh The the kadush the blessing of wine should be done at a nicer cup often silver Very cool. Thank you. Gotta have nice things for our lord, you know, I think about uh Oh gosh, oh the prophet’s name escapes me but it’s a post-exilic prophet And he’s berating the people for not rebuilding the temple Yosef will know I know yosef will know It makes me sad that I can’t remember it because I studied this I’m a scholar um I haven’t studied this so Yeah, no, you guys are fine. You guys are fine. Anyway Basically says go ahead like get get the temple built guys. This is important. Um It’s not nehemiah No, no, no, that’s a whole bunch. Uh, or zechariah Maybe zechariah. Yeah Uh In orthodox eucharistic theology, we do not believe it is possible for the chalice we commute from to give covet or any disease What is the catholic understanding? Well, I think if the chalice is made of silver, maybe that’s possible Does silver have antibiotic properties? Yes So they say yeah Although in terms of catholic theology though father, is there any belief that you wouldn’t be able to get A disease from penian. I don’t think there is I don’t think so that would be frankly That would be a pious sentiment. I’ve heard among many people right like just very devout people Especially at the beginning of covid when we stopped distributing the chalice. We’d be like, I don’t believe that the and Like dang it all, you know, sometimes the experts are wrong and the folk are right So I wouldn’t I wouldn’t rule it out. Um Because we have such a sophisticated and developed theology of the eucharist whereby we could say that the accidents the physical properties of the wine remain while the true spiritual identity of the Of the of the wine is no longer wine but is the blood of christ I know that wine also has a disinfecting property because of the alcohol in there and the Physical properties of alcohol would remain in the eucharistic species So I don’t worry myself all that much about it Yeah, uh-oh It seems possible thinking That were possible a new challenger has entered the room That means wisconsin is dominating this chat right now, booyah Yeah I just wanted to stop. Oh and While i’m having a smoke break Yeah, bernards and vincents for our lord, huh? Please continue I I was just finishing up a little bit of something. Um Um Oh, yeah, go on did someone say handy plastic communion kits with a wafer plastic sealed to a teaspoon of wine for quick distribution No one said that ever Oh, man Moving on quickly chad. What’s your favorite catholic thing? Yeah Do you go to a lutheran church chad I do I I go to a lutheran church Yeah, but you’re allowed to have a favorite catholic thing too though if you want I have a lot of um, we’ll allow it Uh I recently tripped over st. John Climacus, I think that’s some pretty intense stuff. Um, I like the saints So Uh, I also every time i’ve stepped into a beautiful church I’ve basically been walloped by a two by four of um Being stunned by the visual effect and I think there’s something very powerful about that Yeah, st. Joseph had spasulica. It’s great, right? So is uh, so is uh St stanislaus Yeah, I haven’t been in there yet, but I want to go they were having the latin mass in there I don’t know if they still do yeah Mm-hmm the polish really know how to do a nice church They do like I know I know the gothic was invented in france, but I think the polish perfected it. It’s my opinion next I gotta know more about this That have you been to germany father eric? I have not I have not maybe the germans are also I mean anybody who’s trying should be able to come up with a good church, but uh Um Another thing I think I honestly don’t even know why i’m not catholic to be quite honest I think it’s ridiculous actually the more I think about it But I like that sentiment Um, well i’ll go to mass with you anytime chad we can just meet up somewhere So ethan b says that the rosary is kosher for lutherans or that he heard that it was um Um Nobody in my I think so would have said the rosary we all would have found it creepy But I can’t speak with friends. Oh, yeah, I have a friend who’s uh studying to be a lutheran pastor And he said they uh, they have very similar Marian ideology or what is it theology to catholics? We didn’t at all Oh Different we were very we were very eager to never pay any attention to our blessed mother Wow Well, we live in new jersey, so maybe it’s different I also like the the idea of confession partly because of my practice of the 12 steps, but I don’t know. Um Yeah, it’s interesting. I think the reason why we stay at the church that we are is because it’s close to home and We wanted to submit to trying to be a part of a community and They seem to um, they’ve been around for quite a while Not as long as the catholic church, obviously um, I there’s you know, like we had a sermon put out the other day we had our Our senate secretary was there as our intern pastor because our pastor was on vacation and she was going on about the It uh, it was reformation day and she was talking about, you know the reasons why Luther and and uh reformation and I was thinking that it was a very unnuanced um explanation I thought that there was Uh, I thought I thought it was I don’t know. I just thought all I kept thinking was yeah this protest should probably end and um We can get on to bigger better things but I honestly don’t at the end of the day don’t care that um I don’t put much weight behind the idea that I’m in a Lutheran church Um, I think it’s all kind of ridiculous to be quite honest. I I really don’t know why I’m not catholic So I am not orthodox because that one is like an hour away. So I’m not going to go to a church So i’m not going to go to a church Well, you and I should meet and go to mass sometime you can bring your wife It’ll be fun. Well, she grew up catholic. Yeah I don’t know a lot thickens. Yeah. Oh, yeah, all sorts of people grew up catholic I did But I think I think god loves me either way so that’s probably I think you’re right But you mentioned confession like confession. I think is an underrated sacrament confession’s really great You know just this last week, um, I did a confession of 30 years And uh Like someone had been away for 30 years. Yeah. Yeah like like visibly I saw like as if I could almost see the weight just being lifted off Right and that’s the power of the the sacramental system and I think they got that in oregon orthodoxy, too just this assurance that uh, uh That i’m a mediator That I could somehow mediate that forgiveness yeah, you know as a as a Priest who’s beset by weakness myself, um Indeed at the sacrament myself and uh And it’s just pretty special to be a part of that and uh, I went and visited the person the next day And they still had that piece on their face, which was not there when I saw them at first. So We’ll just just praise god. Praise god for sure The alcoholics got it right somehow Yeah, I mean wasn’t there a catholic priest who was like a consultant in the early, uh early formation days, uh Uh, yeah, I mean there was well there’s an episcopal guy his name was named shoemaker um Episcopalian or something. I don’t know but then there was father at dolling who was bill wilson’s um spiritual advisor who came just after the formation of a and He said that It wasn’t until he actually he was a jesuit priest out of st. Louis and And i’ve heard other people he wasn’t alcoholic But what he did say was it wasn’t until I came to a where I see really saw the power of god So that’s an interesting thing to say For a guy who’s a jesuit priest Um, you know, i’ve heard other priests Um recovered alcoholic priests share their story and they said It wasn’t until I recovered an alcoholic synonymous where I went from having a A working relationship with god to a personal relationship with god I don’t know Yeah, yeah, and you know, um I think if you ever meet a good priest somebody who’s really um Humble and somebody who’s really in love with god It’s because they’ve experienced their own shortcomings And have had that met by god’s mercy And that’s why they were priest and that’s why they’re a priest the way that they are a priest, right It’s not a matter of i’m a superman and I have the authority to do this because i’m so great Um And it’s really funny in the lives of some of these saints right like I think of my man st. John viani, um Who lived a very innocent life by any kind of worldly metric, right? Um, you know grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere in france Who was always a pious child. He never wandered. He never would have missed a sunday mass. Uh his entire life. I’m sure Um And then You know, he gets to be in like his mid 50s his mid 60s. He’s spending 12 to 16 hours a day in the confessional um People are coming to him from all over And he thinks that what he needs to do Is to just go to a monastery and weep over his poor sinful life Like that’s who he is You know, meanwhile this guy is like breeding people’s souls in the confessional and that’s that’s what he thinks of himself, you know starts like something like mother chorizo was talking about she had pretty uh interesting things to say about her What felt was worthy she felt? worthless and You know, and like those things are very relatable For sure. I love the saints Why am I not dude, why am I not a catholic? That’s that’s your business, I mean it’s like it’s kind of my business too because you’re making it my business but uh I’m not I’ve always promised I wasn’t going to be a high pressure salesman in these sorts of things, you know Sometimes I think You know, i’ll go to an a meeting and I think this is the dumbest a meeting i’ve ever been to nobody’s staying sober and These people are Maybe they’re a little higher than their whores or whatever and then I think well god has certainly placed me here for a reason And so maybe that’s why i’m not catholic Maybe there needs to be other people in these other places That are actually practicing surrender the the protest. I don’t know I don’t know. I you know All I know is i’m grateful that you know, whatever this little corner of the internet is is coalesced and we’re able to kind of find each other and share our experiences and and try and encourage each other to Um do whatever it is that we’re doing and and great for that so Thanks for letting me speak and I’m i’m grateful that you’re on here doing this thing and I hope to see you on here more. It’s good to see you guys I’m gonna clock out. Take care, Chad. See you That’s nice He’s a good why is chad not a catholic, huh? We’re gonna have to start asking that more often and remind him Yeah, but we don’t know the answer yet demand an inquiry call your senator to j Why is chad the alcoholic not a catholic? Oh, we’re gonna we’re gonna get a website and we’re gonna get a youtube channel We’re just gonna demand answers Sounds like calling an inquisitor to me Maybe I could be the inquisitor So speaking of inquisitors, you know, I almost joined the dominicans Yeah, yeah Which ones? the Dominican sisters of st. Joseph in limington hampshire Well hampshire or new hampshire hampshire old hampshire old hampshire over in the old country. Yes Interest I don’t know what daggots think about them They’re very good They’re very good There’s still some of that some of that catholicism in england. It ain’t all dead. No Some good stuff there Yeah Like that was like a model catholic country back in the day How long ago before the reformation You know, it’s like they had monasteries everywhere they had like like if you ever if you ever hop on the uh, Symbolic world Symbolic world Uh universal history bandwagon, you know and like hear those guys talk about like the old western European tradition like most of the time they talked about things they were doing in england Uh, like like how they would do holy week in england and and and all of that which which sounds really cool like I wish I wish we had some of that but um, Um, but we live in america and not england so I can’t do that. I gotta gotta deal with what we got Yeah, well so st. Dominic’s priory in limington hant is uh In the new forest which is quite lovely and there are like wild ponies wandering around and it’s bucolic and and lovely Yes, yes all the stuff that jrl tolkien loved yes based ashire on Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it’s kind of like the shire Their neighbors love them, too They have like farmers on either side of them who are very fond of them yeah, like when you got a good set of nuns people just They just love them and they’re very lovable. So Yeah That all it all fits Yeah, a lot of nuns are really great Now did you ever actually get into the novitiate laura No, I was scheduled to enter and I would have been in the novitiate. I had an entry date It was going to be the feast of st. Dominic in uh, 2000 Hmm Probably 2002. I think that’s in august. Yeah august 8th my ordination date Oh, yeah Okay, it was supposed to be june 6 the feast of st. Norbert, but that got changed Yeah, anyway, um, yeah, yeah, so that’s when I was I was scheduled to enter but then I didn’t I’m sure your children are very happy about that Yeah, i’m not so sure about that. You know how sometimes teenagers um Aren’t aren’t always that happy to be alive Speaking of Sometimes they’re like you should have made a different decision that I wouldn’t have to be alive right now He’ll get over it Charlie campbell is pointing out that he was born in 2002. I’m not sure what you mean by that charlie He just means i’m really old. That’s okay. Is that why he’s in college? Yeah, he’d be about 22 years old, uh, yeah now he’d be 20 Me Ah Yes Yeah. Oh my goodness. I’m so old You’re not as old as me well I guess I was born in 1977. Hopefully I get there one day You’re like smack dab between my parents and my oldest brother laura Huh Oh Good times though late 70s early 80s. I good time. I hadn’t heard that before what Really last time I heard someone talk about the 70s. They said oh, yeah, the 70s were not kind to people Oh Oh, they were okay for me, but I only experienced three years of them though. Oh, okay You didn’t have to worry about crushing inflation as a three-year-old. No, I wasn’t thinking about that. Yeah Yeah Or paul vlocker setting the interest rates to 20% No, and I think my older brother enjoyed having a long having long hair and a shag lined guitar case So he he dug the 70s too Mm-hmm Awesome. Oh, hey, i’m pretty close to sir dabs a lot. He was born in 1999. I’m I’m i’m like slightly older than these people. Yeah, so I just turned 45 a couple weeks ago Nice 93 till infinity. I am older than prophet zechariah’s baby What does 93 till infinity mean Means that prophet zechariah’s is never gonna die But he wouldn’t he didn’t exist. Well, he better not because he’s not baptized. Oh, he was more than 93 Oh, okay. I thought he meant that he is 93 years old and will remain 93 forever He would be the day because 93 year old on the planet Oh, man With age comes wisdom laura, yes Yes, probably Yeah, no, I think that’s true you don’t strike me as the proverbial fool so Yeah, i’m less hot-headed than I once was yeah It’s good What age were you when you were slapping latin mess stickers on your laptops? I would have been about 23 Oh I’ve missed that’s a good age to be just a little bit provocative and like kind of go after people Yeah You know, oh really? Yeah, well, I mean, you know where I was I mean it’s not or maybe it’s not a good age to be doing it But it’s an age when people do it and oh, okay I’m not saying you have to do it, right? There are plenty of people who are not There are plenty of people who are not temperamentally inclined towards just arguing with people constantly But when I was 23, I was in the seminary and you know what we did with each other constantly Argued we argued about stinking everything. Yeah, and it was good and it was healthy And it was all contained inside the seminary so the people of god didn’t have to deal with it Yeah, that’s good I was a I was a highly argumentative young adult and actually it was probably good that I didn’t go into that convent because I think I would have been highly argumentative and I probably would have created division It would have been a big problem. They know how to deal with that in a good novitiate. Oh I wonder what they would have done to me. They would have just smacked you into obedience and say these are the lines We’ve drawn and you novice are not going to to rewrite them. You just got here But they would have done it in that super nice nun way where you’re being chastised and It’s like being chastised with you know, foam bullets or something I Hurt so 93 till infinity is a rap song and his age Yes, we have some real connoisseurs of rap in the comment section and not on the video right I’m surprised. There’s 93 year olds doing rap I don’t think that’s what that means. But you know what new head canon the person who wrote 93 That’s actually that the rapper’s name is 93 to infinity Yeah, yeah New head canon, ah, oh man Charlie Campbell does not have a favorite Wagner opera. Oh But Charlie told me he likes Wagner better than Verdi probably and now he’s telling us he doesn’t have a favorite Wagner opera I don’t know man another inquiry I can tell you my favorite Wagner opera. It’s the Flying Dutchman for sure Very nice. What about your favorite Wagner opera? I don’t think there is anyone named Wagner who wrote operas. Oh, all right But I was interested in why Jordan Peterson liked de Meijster singer so much Because it shows us the fundamental nature of the hierarchy Well, it kind of does I guess right like I’ve been thinking about it It does have it has some themes that would appeal to him, but so do a lot of operas So I wonder why he why he is easier than that one I think it’s just because I think it’s probably just because he saw it recently and maybe he hasn’t seen a lot of operas So he was just impressed but um Yeah, but it doesn’t like it has some some things that would appeal to him. It’s um It’s it’s got A uh, it’s partly a meditation on what you could call order versus chaos. Oh Oh, he just knows the styles. Okay, it’s 19. I’m not gonna I’m not gonna rake him over the coals for this one Especially if he doesn’t live in an area where they’re having a great opera every other weekend Yeah, that’s fair. Yeah So so basically charlie likes big orchestras and lush opera Charley likes big orchestras and lush orchestration and and a cinematic kind of sound maybe Maybe that’s what he’s telling us. I don’t even know these things about opera. So I probably should at this age Okay, that’s why gp likes a partner. That’s the easy answer Okay, I was gonna say so meister singer has a bit of a balance between order and chaos because uh, The young guy who is the main character of halter von stolz sing? Comes to norenberg to become a master singer and there’s this guild of master singers there, right and they have all these rules about how to sing well and they have um these uh sessions where people get judged and they can advance up the ranks and um If you make an error in singing they’ll mark down that you made an error and if you make x number of errors You can’t advance right and and they have um Um designated tunes and the tunes have names and so you have to like learn various tunes You have to learn how to perform them correctly, you know, like very organized and then this this kind of wild child from outside from out of town comes in and Wants to rise to the top of the guild, but he’s too uh He’s too chaotic, right? His his music his music comes from the heart It’s kind of spontaneous, but it doesn’t fit into the scheme at all, right and then so so, um, anyway, he it there’s someone in the guild who is too Rigid and then there’s this outside guy who is too chaotic. The too chaotic guy gets taught how to be more organized The too rigid guy gets humiliated because he’s not adaptable at all and he’s too. Um Set in his ways and so you can kind of see how that would that would appeal to peterson All right, yep All right. Yeah, uh charlie campbell reports that uh, ames iowa does not have an awesome opera scene But peter chicily peter chicily is from ames iowa Right, and then he probably moved to new york, didn’t he? Well, maybe but But but so but growing up in ames iowa is no excuse for not knowing a lot about classical music Is the point of me? Sure. Sure And then uh, he’s a brass player. I guess. Oh, okay that um, so if you actually know stuff about opera, uh, that Yeah That makes sense. I thought they Don’t they just sing in opera? Well, yeah, but there’s an orchestra It’s not like barbershop where you have to it’s all voice Yeah, I remember now and a friend of mine friend of mine’s got me roped into a little barbershop thing for like a Christmas dinner theater. I’m super pumped. I haven’t done barbershop in years. It’s the best. Oh, are you singing? Yeah. Yeah. No, I used to do it all the time in high school. Um I just I just don’t now but I want to It’s awesome. Oh, yeah, really when you really get those chords to sing man And like you got all the overtones going up to infinity in there Boom Yeah, I was in a local production of the music man Oh, yeah, so if Yeah in 2019 right before covid and uh, yeah, we had some good guys to play the barbershop roles It was fun. I’m home again rose without a sweetheart. Yeah but just singing the bass parts is really lame because You don’t have the melody there Oh, man Uh prophet secarias was uh complimenting my impressions. Yeah. Yeah and uh Charlie Campbell wants to develop his peterson impression. So we’ll we’ll see about that. We’ll we’ll eagerly await it I don’t think a woman can do a peterson impression Maybe very skilled one could but i’m not gonna try You could do the cathy newman part Speaking of women, I gotta fix my hair. Okay You know, it was outrageously windy today in fargo and I kept on joking with people that I was worried I was gonna have a bad hair day That’s a good joke that’s a good joke It was extremely windy here yesterday. So I guess you got our wind our wind from yesterday went over to you Wow Yeah, it’s it’s bad even by fargo standard so that’s how you know, what’s crazy Uh crazy windy how windy was it in new jersey today? Andrew k Um, I don’t think there was any wind in new jersey today there was some rain that’s about it Although i’m now more concerned about wind and wearing hats because I got a haircut Where uh that I wear? hair gel for now Hmm. So it’s like can I put a hat on or will that ruin everything? Hmm, you know And wind Yeah, world is so much scarier now. You need to switch to that 10 rating. Uh hair gel there Yeah Like like don’t don’t they don’t they still I used to do hair gel. I could find some pictures from high school, but um Like I used to use like the 10 rating hair gel and it would just be like kind of solid You know all the way back. Yeah. Yeah. No, I don’t have 10 but I’ve got it’s pretty good. I think uh, maybe I could wear a hat. I haven’t tried it yet I’m gonna need to know that for winter Yep, our we might have the most estuary possible thing here a barbershop With a jew a catholic priest an atheist and a pentacostal. They’re absolutely killing coney island, baby Hmm That would be great that’d be great we need to make that happen now we just need and jacob can jacob sing barbershop Or or or joseph? I uh I I guess we’ll have to find out Switch out the atheist with the Byzantine chanter and you’ve got something. That’s right We can go with non-theists, but no atheists Yeah Apparently we’ve got a new a new word for you know Uh neoplatonic conception of god and it’s just non-theist now, uh instead of Theist anyway, yeah, you know didn’t play dough I don’t That doesn’t make sense Yeah, anyway, okay. Well joseph can uh, if joseph can sing you can you can learn him how to do barbershop We got the catholic priest and the jewish person I Need plenty of orthodox around we just need a pentacostal Hmm, I guess we’ll have to pray to the holy spirit to Uh john john might be enough of a pentacostal john from madison Oh, yeah. Yeah He grew up that way. Yeah, I remember seeing one of his videos on uh, randos united I bet he can sing He probably seems like the kind of person well, that’s like all the pentacostals have is singing for their liturgy Like singing and and and falling, you know Yeah from what i’ve seen up and singing Yeah, so he can do the big finish at the end of every barbershop song he can fall down at the end Yeah, oh man Oh, this sounds like peterson Prophet back to ryan said I mean what else have you got? Huh? I mean really because what the hell do you know? You’re just some kid trying to make it in the world Oh man It’s hard We could somehow shoehorn sand into the charismatic pentacostal category, maybe I think so sam adams sam adams. Yeah Yeah, he’s a musician. He plays the guitar Yeah, he does play the guitar in a church Yeah A trinitarian church because he doesn’t want to drive an hour to find a unitarian church. Yeah, which is just I’m glad I don’t have those problems like maybe if you’re in the middle Sorry, I was gonna say chicago discord people are going to red lobster tomorrow and apparently sam is not coming Wow drama or maybe his wife just had a baby Well, maybe although, you know, it’s actually been a few months I Don’t know aren’t they kind of like a lot to deal with For a while, especially once you get up to three of them running around in the house. Yeah You know more about this than I do so i’ve dig you’re the authority here Well, I won’t I won’t get involved in whether that’s the reason if that’s the reason he should probably stay home Okay Yeah, I might need to know that kind of thing one day Yeah, we still got to find andrew a lady. So Oh, hmm a new jersey lady, I mean I might have found one but we’ll see what happens, you know Is it holy mother church? No, I did think about that but no Although it’s never certain I guess right well once you’re married it’s usually Currently That at that point yes, it would be or you know when you’re dead maybe then it would also be pretty certain Yeah, there are there are ways to certainty Not many but there are ways I mean I uh My fourth year seminary. I uh, I was praying I was praying with isaiah chapter 35. He’s talking about the the water Bubbling up in the desert and the the arid ground becoming a fruitful land and a holy way being there And uh, and I just had this sense that he was talking about a renewal in in the church, uh, even at our time Not just a prophecy for for thousands of years ago And then the lord just kind of said yep and you’re going to be a part of that as a priest And then like kind of from that moment on you know after four years of seminary kind of like well There we have it Yeah, that’s pretty great. Yeah So anyway, and that is a place of discernment too, right? yeah, yeah, so like my first three years of seminary I was kind of kind of on the fence for a while and Now i’m here. So yeah Well, I kind of figured uh, I wasn’t able to like find anyone I was interested in so I was like hey Why don’t I think about being a priest and then I found someone I was interested in so Yeah, it’s a pretty common story right there Yeah, I think something kind of like that happened to me actually Oh really? hmm Well, I mean It was a lot longer of a process than that. But yeah Yeah, if god needs you he’ll get you yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that’s what my mom always says Yeah Don’t worry, that’s what I tell any guy who’s thinking about the seminaries don’t worry about it I wasted a whole bunch of energy worrying about it when I was in high school worrying and I guess I probably just had to pass through that right like as a stage but uh Being worried that you’d be a priest Yeah, right because god would call me to that which I dread the most and was most likely to make me miserable, right? Oh, yeah, it was perfectly logical rational and theological. Um Of course, he would do that. Yeah. Yeah, because that’s that’s the sort of god he is he tricks you into things He calls you to missions that you’re utterly unequipped for and impossible to do and wants us to be miserable That’s the god we worship I think I felt like that for a while which is How I ended up not being a priest for eight years. Yeah, it did it seemed that way to me for a while. Yeah Yeah Things aren’t going my way. Maybe I didn’t do difficult enough things Well, it’s self enough It’s more like I don’t know. I’ll talk about my experience, but it was more like There was something Inside of me like a little part of me that didn’t trust god properly That needed to be ironed out By worrying about it until I realized that worried about it was dumb interesting Maybe god treats me that way. It doesn’t treat people that way in other situations So, hmm, I think he does treat different people differently. Yeah. Yeah praise god for that hmm The interesting thing is you Were so worried about being a priest and now you are one Yeah, right and it’s completely different than what I imagined it would be I imagine yeah, you know Like it’s pretty great There’s a lot of good things going on. I’m happy to do this, you know I’m sure i’m gonna have bad days and bad weeks and that sort of thing but You know goodness like I I hear everybody talk and it’s like well every once in a while Everybody has really bad things happen to them. Yeah, and some people it happens to them constantly it seems And there’s just no getting around that, you know, it’s not like i’ve got anything special Well, that’s good I don’t know. We’ll see what the future has coming though Yeah, did you guys see that? Uh that poll that uh, like I don’t know something like 5 000 american priests took I didn’t see that Yeah, where where was it? It was um, it was put out by the uh Was it university of georgetown? I can’t remember who put it out. It’s it’s in the it’s in the catholic channel probably two weeks back But like the number one thing that priests are afraid of and it’s made perfect sense to me when I took the survey I took the survey full disclosure and and what I saw the results is Uh being falsely accused of abusing a child. Yeah, because that’s no surprise because um That’s an automatic suspension until all investigations are cleared the church will not investigate at the same time uh As the um As the civil investigations going on It’s like a year and a half of you just being in limbo, yeah Yeah And you can’t do anything you can’t say mass publicly, uh, you can’t function in a parish You can’t go around dressed as a priest you just You’re not going to be thrown out on the street. You’d still have a right to sustenance from the church they got to put you up somewhere and feed you but uh If you got to hire lawyers, you know, that’s a whole bunch of money out the window. It’s just uh Hey, do you remember that news story about father george rutler? A few years ago. Yeah, and uh, apparently it turned out to be a bogus accusation, right? but That wasn’t reported as much as the original accusation was reported. Yeah, that’s another thing. That’s another thing. It’s a permitted permitted black mark on your record that the uh, the the media is not in any uh, hurry to uh, to uh, to wash away so So yeah, you know if that happens to me I might not be so cheerful. Yeah, I imagine yeah It’s crazy But I guess I don’t know is that like the safest thing to do Well, that was the plan that uh, the bishops came up with after the revolutions in 2002 Uh spearheaded by the wise and discerning leadership of one ted mccarrick I keep hearing wise and discerning leadership of bishops from priests Uh gosh, so my bishop is my bishop is jerome listucky Wasn’t there like that Uh a congressman from illinois who was a listec you too. I don’t know I’m he was like he was like a catholic pro-life democrat, which doesn’t sound like fun, but if you can pull it off Yeah, I don’t remember I don’t know anything about your bishop, which is probably good news Charlie campbell’s roommate eats michael a oatmeal by pulling the packet dry into his mouth Um, does he microwave it first It’s probably that’s like instant oatmeal, right? It’s the really thin slices of oat Yeah, so it’s probably fine. I feel like that would be like an entire packet of saltine crackers Like you ever try to eat just a bunch of saltine crackers Yeah, so if I were going to do that, I would make like a really hot cup of tea and I would um And I i’d like alternate Sprinkling the oats into my mouth and taking sips of really hot tea. Oh, hi carlos Carlos in the philippines Carlos in the philippines. It’s probably like 5 a.m. There. Hello carlos. Hello carlos The brown paper packs dry Just yeah, but right i’d i’d take it with tea and then it would be like the tea was kind of cooking the oatmeal as it Went down, you know, oh, yeah Would be doable laura You know You could take the packet of oatmeal and dump it into your cup of tea and then Uh slurp that yeah, you can have green tea Maple syrup brown sugar oatmeal. Yes. Yeah It’s 11 a.m. Actually, well shouldn’t you be working then Wait, is it 11 a.m. On monday? It’s yeah, he’s on the other side of the international dateline I’m really bad at time zone. So I think green don’t travel yesterday here carlos Why not just mix the hot water with the oats well, that’s true. Yeah, I I think all of us Charlie to answer your question are of the opinion That what your friend is doing is very strange and we would not do it Yeah, but it’s but but father is it intrinsically immoral probably not no no Is it a sin to ask? It does not matter for the confessional unless he notices that it’s causing him health problems And he continues to do it. Oh, wow Uh, that would be the only circumstances in which I would I would sit there and say wow what how many? How many foods does that apply to like? Can I eat pizza? Can I eat potato chips? Or do I have to go to the confessional every time I eat potato chips Well, I don’t think because like I don’t I don’t notice that they’re causing me health problems But like the objectively they are right Well, I mean you that would come under I think gluttony Mm-hmm regular or gluttony which uh, as saint thomas aquinas says, uh almost never rises to the level of mortal sin So That’s pretty good. So you could confess it but it wouldn’t be strictly required Ah It would be a pious confession not a necessary one Which I still recommend once a month Yes, that’s a good idea So how often do you go to confession once a month or as often as necessary The same rule I give to anybody So if you commit mortal sin every day Every day you’re going to confession you and me are going to become best friends Oh my goodness, so is there anything interesting you could tell us about confession Um, you might find it interesting that it’s actually not that interesting it’s kind of yeah most of the time That’s what I hear wow because most of the time, you know like you get you get those those really great moments, you know um Those really great moments where you can really just help somebody But most of the time it’s just sort of yeah. Yeah. Remember god loves you God loves that he really does Say your prayers and your penances five hell marries now make your act of contrition And you could just kind of kind of just run on that for for a while And so when you got like two hours of that you’re just sort of like Like after I don’t know I don’t know how padre pio and john vienny, uh, uh did it Oh, we got a theological question here sounds like the most emotional thing ever. Yeah Does confession work if you’re planning to do mortal sins every day? so part of the penitence part Of the confession process if it’s going to be a valid confession is a firm purpose of amendment So, uh, you’ve got to be able to say i’m at least going to try and stop Before you can be absolved If you’ve got a deeply ingrained habit as some people do um That that’s very sad and you should work on breaking that habit Um But that still doesn’t invalidate the absolution as long as you have an intention to try and move in the right direction Everything should work out. I do not recommend mortally sinning every day and coming to confession every day That would be Eiersome for everyone involved That would be an emotional roller coaster your guardian angel would just be like All the time like come on let’s go again And secretly while you’re doing confessions you’re taking notes so that you can write the next sermon and fix the community, right? Or so brett weinstein would have us believe I didn’t know brett weinstein had commentary on confessions, you know, certainly Stuff that you hear the confessional Does give you an idea Of what the people who are coming to confession are dealing with? And if that inspires a sermon so be it but uh Nobody’s names get mentioned Was there anything that surprised you that you would be at liberty to mention? About hearing confessions? I was surprised that I could just go and do it right so it’s like it’s my second day as a priest um, it’s an hour before my first mass starts And um, I just decide I want to go into the confessional and and see if anybody shows up, right? So then I go and I sit down in the chair, you know, and I got my my stool on and i’m like Oh snap. I’m doing this for real now I’m sure that’s kind of uh, you know, you got a baby in your arms kind of kind of the same kind of like I guess i’m responsible now. Um Yeah, and then people came in And I was just able to do it, you know Like i’ve definitely changed the way I do a few things in the confessional. Um, but uh Yeah, not a ton not a ton. Yeah, that’s that’s cool Does the penitent receive the remission from sins at the moment of the prayer of absolution or at the moment of the act of penance after Oh boy, uh, so assuming that they’ve got grave sin, which needs a confessional they would resume Receive the remission of sins at the moment of absolution What is needed for absolution is the intention to perform the penance that you’ve been assigned For venial sins venial sins are super easy to have forgiven You can just make an act of contrition in your heart and that will actually forgive the venial sins You can be blessed with holy water that will forgive the venial sins You can make an act of charity for god that’ll wipe away all venial sins I don’t know if you guys knew that but venial sins are super easy to have forgiven It’s still good to confess them so you can Make sure that they’re being forgiven and that you can become aware of the little sins you’re committing um So it’s still a pious practice Not strictly necessary. Oh receiving communion, uh With some level of fervor Oh, yes, it’s gone Uh being blessed by the bishop Specifically, that’s what thomas acquainted says a little silent blessing that the bishop can give when he’s going by what about the pope Pope too. He’s a bishop. Oh, okay Oh, yes, that’s right. Yep Oh looks like carlos is actually trying to get in here, but he doesn’t have his uh devices connected yet Oh, well, we look forward i haven’t talked to carlos in a minute I don’t think i’ve ever seen the face of carlos. It’s um, I think I have Making the sign of cross forgive venial sins probably probably does Bam, we’re all good to go. Oh, oh, hold on. You can’t see it. I So that helps yeah Oh, I need my bottle refilled. I have salt too Nice. Oh, I should get some of that Yeah, definitely. I don’t actually know what you do with salt, but I heard it’s pretty good So I should throw it in the corners of rooms and stuff Oh Is it has it been properly exercised? Yes exercise. Yeah, it’s not just salt. I wouldn’t brag about just having salt. Yeah I mean salt’s pretty good. But some of this in an old jelly jar So have you ever had to perform an exorcism? I’m gonna guess no like on a person not more not just on salt I uh, I I do not Have the faculties too I have the book though I could show you the book. Oh, okay. Yeah shows the book The book So this is the old old roman ritual the weller volumes, uh, so it’s got christian burial and exorcisms reserved blessings Uh, what’s the et cetera? What’s the et cetera let’s take a look here, um Looks like we’ve got blessings approved for certain places litanies registers to be kept by pastors That’s a real I Have some real chapters right there. Yeah, catholics don’t have a specific crossing motion Top bottom left shoulder right shoulder Yeah, we were told left shoulder right shoulder and that I think we were told that was pretty important Is it a coincidence that maimonides has almost the same breakdown of sin levels and atonement maybe a good longer conversation at some point um Well as a good bishop baron, uh once said that the catholic church Uh suffers when it forgets its jewish roots. And so maybe there’s something more there, uh, but I don’t have At my fingertips usually it’s it’s like one john chapter four Where he talks about not all sin being deadly. That’s where we look at when we talk about the difference between venial sin and mortal sin Um How hard is it to receive the faculty for exorcism orthodox priests don’t need a faculty all of them can perform exorcisms um So this is something i’ve heard is that orthodox priests will actually do remote exorcisms So they’ll be like saying the prayer for the patient in a different location Which probably works like i’m not going to say it’s a bad idea But the catholic practice is usually a little bit more hands-on you’ve got your roman ritual there And you’re you’re doing this exorcism, which is reserved to uh The priests that the bishop gives the faculties to so basically, um the bishop would want somebody who’s doing this to be properly suited for uh this uh This this this task that he’s been given a little bit of training, uh Yeah, yeah the training you know you just go kind of apprentice under somebody who’s been doing it for a while And then you can go do it. Um, and specifically, uh, I also have another book Meanwhile i’m messing with my lighting Uh very nice maybe I like being in the dark. I don’t know. What’s that one? Minor exorcisms and deliverance prayers for priests who you can use minor exorcisms Yeah, this was recommended to me by the uh by the exorcist of the archdiocese of st. Paul, minneapolis um And he said that there’s nothing in this book that is reserved that any priest can do them at any time It has got some pretty Pretty intense stuff in it, you know No, okay, this lighting’s too grim i’m going away again, okay. Bye. Bye all sorts of uh minor exorcisms there I don’t have to worry about my so anyway, um, right that’s what I know That’s what I know. I know the guy in our diocese who does him I hear they’re kind of long and kind of tedious and okay only occasionally tricky So joseph and I were talking once long long ago about um I I told him something about how In order to understand a certain thing You would have to get to know the life of the church And He asked me some follow-up question along the lines of do you think people? in the catholic church are Like that much better than people in other Uh other churches or other places And um It made me realize that I wasn’t sure he knew what I meant by the life of the church Um, and if he’s here, maybe he would like us to talk about what the life of the church is Yeah, are you here joseph He’s posted at 909 Okay, let’s just assume he’s here because because that might be kind of an interesting. Um You know if that’s a phrase most people aren’t familiar with Yeah Um could be kind of interesting to talk about Right because the church the church has a life Right the life of the church isn’t just how people Who are in the church live or how they act? It would be the holy spirit. That would be the life of the church Spirit of christ, yeah Well, yeah, it’s not it’s not just the holy spirit like it’s not synonymous with the holy spirit Like the holy spirit’s like involved but you know the life of the church is like It’s like the life that the church is having On earth, you know what I mean? Okay, it’s more like the rhythms and the rituals. Yes exactly. Yeah. Yeah, right. It’s it’s partly the liturgical year Um, is that carlos? It is carlos. Oh, hi carlos. Oh, oh darn it’s a webcam Um Yes His boss just walked in I’m good. I’m good. I mean can’t can’t really talk much now because uh It’s a little busy in the morning. So okay, but I just wanted to say hi to everyone. Yeah, nice to see you Hope the kids are well Yeah, yeah, it’s actually my son’s sixth birthday. Yeah, so Yeah, happy birthday time flies fast. Yeah crazy For sure Right, I’ll probably just hang out in the chat. So okay. So yeah, good to see you. Yeah. Thanks for coming. Good to see everyone you too Yeah, but anyway the life of the church for sure the liturgical year would be the number one thing I would think about in that in that regard. But what else could we mention? Well, maybe just like the whole All the people who are getting the sacraments and how that works that’s part of the life of the church, I guess Yeah, yeah liturgical year, but just the fact that there are always people getting various sacraments And those sacraments function in a certain way and have certain rituals that go with them and people attend them and are involved That’s certainly a sensible way to talk about the life of the church But that wouldn’t be like a strict that would be more like a sociological category I think than a theological category that you’re talking about which is fine because Yeah, but you know, it’s a thing people it’s a thing people say right? Yeah. Yeah the life of the church But yeah, it just occurred to me that conversation that I’d never really had to define it before it was just a like a phrase people toss around Carla Campbell meant Just meant for the hands or whatever Just meant for the hands or whatever I guess you see some people do it like this with the fingers all together like that and some people just do it like this Oh, well, I think that is it supposed to be these two fingers or does it matter? I that’s the thing is it He’s right. It is an action Yeah, I I usually i’ve always done just kind of a flat hand Yeah, you’ll see the eastern traditions tend to to bring their fingers together like this That’s they’re they’re very specific about that so yeah Yeah Yeah, I think I tend to do this. Yeah, so dabs a lot says he’s never heard of remote exorcism Okay, that was told to me by somebody else like I don’t I don’t know Uh, but his priest definitely shows up forever exorcism. He has to do very cool Uh rabbi. Yosef has no memory of what you’re talking about. Are you sure it was him? Well, it’s good that he’s here. Yeah, I think it was him It was a really long time ago though. Okay Yeah, uh the unforced rhythms of grace quote from the message I don’t know the message. So I I can’t laugh along with the joke. Yeah, I don’t know what the message is either. Yeah All right, what’s what’s the message charlie? We’ll get there sir dabs a lot respectfully disagrees with laura the holy spirit is the life of the church And I don’t think laura would you would say that the holy spirit isn’t the life of the church, right? Well, yeah, I think we’re talking about a different thing there that would be heresy Well, yeah The holy spirit is the life of the church in what sense father like as in the holy spirit is what gives life to the church Is that how you would say it or what? Yeah. Yeah, it’s um You know like uh, you could think of every individual Christian as being a cell in the body, right? Yeah And the cell every cell in your body every tissue in your body receives its life from the soul, right? That’s what gives its its movement So if we’re going to think of the church as a supernatural organism that’s capable of moving in a supernatural way Then absolutely that outstrips our power individually is just physical creatures But uh, but to have any any sort of uh contact with god any sort of contact with grace, um Needs to be empowered by the holy spirit. It’s beyond our capability. So insofar as we are Part of the church and insofar as we are actively cooperating with the holy spirit Then the holy spirit is the life of the church Yeah, yeah, but I was just thinking of this phrase the life of the church that people do use sometimes which tends to mean The pattern of life through the church year more like yeah, yeah. Yeah. So anyway We just have to distinguish the different usages of the term and oh Yeah so The message is a bible paraphrase version. Ah, oh it like the good news bible, maybe Yeah, the good news bible or the catholic living bible. That was the first bible. I ever sat down and started reading Wow, it was a catholic it was a paraphrase it was a paraphrase and I got I got like I read that So hey father, what’d you think when they changed the translation of the liturgy back in what was it like 2012? Yeah, so remember I was like a uh, uh, a brand new seminarian at the time So I remember this was coming right? And so I just graduated from high school. We were having our summer seminary a gathering Uh, i’m 18. I don’t know nothing. That’s fine for an 18 year old So we have a q a with the bishop every year during our summer seminarian gathering and um and i’m like so Why are we even doing this? Right? Like what was wrong with it? and uh the bishop secretary, uh He gave a good little answer about you know, the original latin version and needing to be faithful to that um, I just didn’t understand at all right because It was like I didn’t know anything but So anyway, I was in the seminary when it happened and uh We were all like very ready for it. We had all had our cards right there with the new the new responses on it and now that i’m uh a little more so that was my reaction at the time was like I guess we’re doing this and We’ll just do it and we’re not going to worry about it. Um Yeah, um You know, is it perfect? Uh, no, is there any such thing as a perfect translation? No, indeed Um, if the dewey reams bible, that’s a perfect translation There’s there’s no such thing it’s a perfect translation of anything. Yeah, so it’s not a perfect translation sometimes. Um You know, I really wish we could have the people who had the quality of english Uh, like in the 16th century Like like that kind of quality of english if we could have somehow brought that in there Uh, because occasionally the the new translation does feel a little bit um I don’t know dry technical It just doesn’t feel like it’s got like Like it like like a really solid translation Like a really excellent translation would simultaneously be accurate and beautiful And I feel like the one we have now is mostly just accurate At least it’s accurate right at least it’s accurate at least it’s accurate it was an improvement It was definite improvement over over just like the kind of the really just horribly sloppy translation I spent years being enraged over the old translation and then Around the time they changed the translation to a better one was when I left the church Which And I remember I remember thinking oh man if I were still into this i’d be so excited that they’re having a more accurate translation Yeah, but then I was away for a long time then when I came back I had to to relearn Some things that was kind of the same time I left too But I wasn’t like super upset about that She were like 10 I was like 11 yeah, yeah, that’s kind of different Yeah, so um But I remember I remember being involved in a couple things around the time That they would like they were getting ready to introduce the the new translation and uh, or do you want to comment on? What Zechariah is saying there? But you I I think this is pretty wild because like You started going back to church after listening to Jordan Peterson, right? Yeah. Yeah um And I didn’t start listening to pvk until I saw that big, you know Protestant pastor comments on Jordan Peterson, right? I listened to Peterson first so I remember I I saw paul vanderklay in a conversation with jonathan pageau First I was like who is this guy and then I just didn’t look into it at all And then I saw the peterson commentary and I was like, oh wait, it’s this guy again Yeah, I first saw pvk in a conversation with paul vanderklay it was really paul vanderklay and it was it was It was peterson to start with but it was more paul vanderklay who specifically got me to go back to church sure sure But yeah, it’s like It’s wild yeah, it took a while though I had to do a lot of detoxing I guess so It was uh, it was 2017 when I started listening to peterson. It wasn’t till november October or november of 2020 that I finally went back to church Wow, you went during all that Yeah, I went well 2020 It was it was a kind of apocalypse Yeah, so It was a time to realize things right? And I mean take stock of things again and make commitments That’s true. The interesting thing is I started going back to church in like march of 2020 Or february and then like a month later. Everything shuts down. I’m like, guess I can’t go to church now And now it’s funny because i’ve met so many people at like these latin masses and stuff who are like Oh, yeah, I remember back in may 2020. We started this latin mass here and stayed open during the whole pandemic I’m like gee, I wish I knew about that two years ago Yeah I was just sitting at home Waiting to go back to church Yeah, yeah Oh, but I knew I was gonna say about the translation I was um I was singing with a choir that was touring around different churches at that time And I remember being at a church rehearsing And then after we did our rehearsal somebody who was also traveling around the diocese But for the purposes of teaching people about the new translation Sort of came on a few minutes after we finished rehearsing so I got to hear his um presentation And the thing so i’m a translator or I was for like 20 years now i’m teaching but Translation has always been my main Thing um So it was interesting to hear the questions people asked him because Basically what kept happening was that people would raise their hands and ask well we used to say you know, we We used to say he descended to the dead and now we’re gonna say he descended into hell Why are we why are we changing it to that or then people someone else would raise their head and go well We we used to say and also with you and now we’re gonna say and with your spirit Why why are you changing it to that like they wanted to know with each specific line? Why is it this now right? You see like a side by side with the latin and english And he would give them kind of long answers But I wanted to just run up there and be like guys the answer to all your questions is Because that is what the text says, right? The source text says this so we’re gonna say it too, you know Yeah Yeah, so Yeah, generally, I think we’re in a better position with it. Um, yeah, and maybe maybe someday when i’m an old Gray bearded priest will have the perfect mass translation come out It’ll be simultaneously beautiful and accurate and i’ll rejoice on that day But till then what we’ve got is uh is all right And if we just did everything in latin, we wouldn’t have to worry about translations. So yeah exactly So in the church I grew up with we always said and with your spirit Even before the translation yeah, because we didn’t because we weren’t catholic Yeah I remember I didn’t know why they change it from and also with you to with your spirit and I heard it had to do with the latin And then I finally went through a latin translation It’s not supposed to be something we just make up I know I now I know that But uh, then I went to a latin mass and I heard them saying et cum spiritu tuo and i’m like, oh It says spirit right there. This is so obvious. This is the better translation So pretty pretty stinking obvious right there Yeah So something that I don’t know if anyone’s interested in this probably not but if we’re talking about translations something that I find kind of interesting Is um well that um We always use the familiar form of you to address god and in most languages you use the familiar form of you to Address the priest as well, but in french they don’t I think Think in french when you make the responses in the french translation of the mass the priest is vu Also when you say the hail mary mary is also addressed as vu Which is strange, which is strange because the angel gabriel literally approached The blessed virgin mary and said hi Hi Hi, but hi mary it’s hi minus take him. Yeah, I mean when he when he actually uses the word you it’s Take him not yeah Hi mary Yeah, right. Ave ave is the either casual greeting, right? It wasn’t salve. It was all of ave It’s just that’s the latin and and and the greek. I can’t remember. I know it’s hi That’s the uh the casual greeting so I don’t know what I do angel appeared and said hey there Yeah And then interestingly I noticed that at the spanish mass even though officially the response is A lot of the uh a lot of the congregations say just because I don’t know. I guess it feels weird to them to be talking to the priest and And using the familiar form of dress but that is what they are supposed to do. What is this still french? No, this is spanish now Oh So in spanish in spanish if you in spanish they are supposed to call the priest too during mass, but some people just don’t I think Yeah, it’s probably people have never really thought about it, but it just probably just feels weird to them A ton of the uh spanish masses i’ve been to you know, I don’t speak spanish So i’ve got the little you know booklet in front of me for all the uh different uh And uh, the priest is supposed to say, uh uh Or something like that But they all say ustedes Well, yeah here you’d see el señor este con ustedes because yeah because vosotros is just in spain Yeah, and maybe that’s that’s a part of you know, like there’s this european hegemony over the the translations of the the spanish missile, um Oh, so does your version actually have vosotros printed in it? Yeah, it has it printed in it That’s what I imagine is printed in the missile. Oh, maybe it is You know and that’s like, you know, whatever seminarian was putting this together there for our seminary spanish mass Which you know, it’s like we got a bunch of white guys doing a spanish mass you imagine how that goes. Um Yeah I’m sure they appreciate it Yeah, um So it’s uh, it’s just really funny just really funny The the spanish seem less bothered by these sorts of things than we are Yeah, it’s it’s funny fun to compare translations at least for me. All right speaking of comparing translations. We got carlos Oh, yeah tagalog The that’s how you pronounce it. Okay, very good. The tagalog translations also use the more formal you instead of the familiar Although in other familiar filipino languages, there isn’t a familiar formal distinction So carlos, who’s that for talking to god? mary The priest during the liturgy Or all of the above. Yeah We don’t often talk to mary because like well because like in french you you’d still god You’d still call god by the familiar form like in the our father you address god with the familiar form But in the hail mary you address mary with the formal form which I do find very odd Yeah All of the above carlos says oh All right Uh, I guess I have a meme uh someday when i’m an old bearded priest, uh, makes a meme Got a meme coming that way Um So when there are notes on the side here from jacob pottaracchi are those actually from you or are they from him? Um jacob is listening to everything we say too because this is also uh, his call is being monitored Yeah, for the most part for the most part I imagine most of our viewers are coming from his channel there Yeah, so we got the private chat Yeah, and then we got the comments which are public chat Okay, so if you can’t uh, those are two different things Carlos is the only one using Your channel’s chat Oh, I see. I’ve got what I can. Oh, yeah. He does follow my channel private chat and comments. Oh I’m also in there because I can actually use that one. Yeah Yeah Yeah, so anyway i’m trying to stream yard thing out Well, you know All right, pretty cool. So this is this is real slick It all gets integrated straight into your youtube account and can control everything there and has a bunch of useful tools So it’s a little simpler to use an obs, uh, plus we can just welcome people in so it does a lot Yeah, charlie. I’m charlie campbell in your in the lutheran liturgy you grew up with did you guys say and also with you? I’m a little confused I don’t know Yeah, is he just expecting it at a catholic mass or did he say it in his lutheran church? That interests me slightly because we said end with thy spirit Oh you said and also with you oh that’s interesting was it an elca So It’s just a steering at the chair That 10 second delay The evangelical lutheran church of america that makes more sense. Yes Because we had we had a nice old translation and we sang everything right? so We’d sing and with thy spirit Very interesting. Yes More singing the better And charlie campbell says what a wonderful church organization I may detect a hint of sarcasm there. No doubt. No doubt I don’t know what the missouri senate church organization is like, but my specific church was nice I’ve like most of the missouri senate lutherans i’ve found now here’s an idea Isn’t peterson kind of gnostic? And what’s your opinion of his more yungian sentiments? Gnostic in what sense? I think i’ve heard that i’ve heard that gnostics believe that the world is evil And we should kill ourselves Uh, the thing is that is that this one word gnostic carries so much water. It’s almost useless, right? Sometimes you’ll hear people rage against gnosticism in the sense that it’s uh, uh, uh, uh, two worlds duality Spirit good matter bad and that’s that’s like that’s something that a lot of gnostic groups believe but other times it’s like this um, this uh, Secret knowledge and that’s that’s what they’re going after and and you got like this secret knowledge that you gotta get in there Uh, maybe he is kind of gnostic but nobody’s perfect so i’m not gonna worry myself too much about it Uh, I don’t know. I don’t know much what to make For yung like I was interested I was interested in yung for a while and uh, I think the danger the danger with yung is maybe that um, You don’t think in terms of good and evil very much and instead you just kind of think everything is interesting, you know Oh like this thing is Often thought to be evil, but actually it’s just interesting. You know what I mean? Right and and and sometimes that’s a useful sentiment like anger isn’t intrinsically evil You know, it’s passion it intrinsically interesting. Yeah So like if that’s what you’re dealing with and you’re moving that from the category of this is very bad And i’m not allowed to experience it that that’s actually helpful as a psychologist, right? No, it’s like, okay Sometimes you’re angry. He’s a psychologist, right? So he’s dealing with people like, you know, it’s okay to be angry Just like what are you doing with that anger? You know, that’s what mr Rogers taught us and I think his take on integrating the shadow like peterson’s take on integrating the shadow is pretty decent From what i’ve heard him talking about it But if that goes too far If you don’t have the appropriate guard rails up all of a sudden Those guard rails are very useful. Uh Yeah, very useful things If it goes too far you find yourself having people force you to stick your tongue out and cut your arms off and you go Wow, this is so interesting right We’re back to second maccabees Not in the protestant bible Not in the jewish bible, but in the catholic and the orthodox bibles So I like, you know back to the sermon this morning. I was um, oh Now i’m looking at the comments. There’s um Just got a yugian commentary on the gospel of john written by an episcopal priest double heresy Yeah, I was gonna say I gotta apologize for not remembering much from the sermon today But I can tell you that I did spend some time at mass today thinking about whether I would be able to go through With having my tongue cut out Uh-huh You know, we would say that uh, the holy spirit would come and give you fortitude that this world doesn’t understand That’s what i’m hoping That’s that’s what we all really got a prank on and you know, maybe maybe you should try like doing exodus 90 or something To toughen you up a little bit. I thought that was just a guy thing. No. Yeah. Yeah. Oh it is. Okay well, I mean there’s like a So here’s an interesting take and i’ll get your take on it more is uh, okay like exodus 90 is more necessary for men Because they need to opt into suffering Whereas women they might have the option to opt out of it But they have to like voluntarily do that. I didn’t know what to make of it because i’ve never been a woman before um But it makes on the man side it does like make sense like I actually have to to go out of myself to like You know, I can just sit in front of my computer and do nothing all day. That’s an option I have Um, or I can go out and women do that too, though Yeah, but they’ve got other things going on This all just goes down to giving birth to children, doesn’t it? Happens to be a big deal if it didn’t happen to me, um That I wouldn’t be here so So I don’t know. Maybe maybe you don’t want to touch that. Well, no i’d talk about it I’m I need to get a little more clear on what? I I kind of get the idea but like I mean so there’s a There’s a discussion of like what’s intrinsically feminine or like what What things traditionally belong to feminine existence and then there’s the question of if you are a woman right now in the united states What will what does your life necessarily entail? Those are kind of two different things Because obviously you can be a woman now in the united states and never have any children and never I don’t know never get involved in any of those things that used to just happen to women because You know your parents set you up with somebody and then you were married and then you were gonna have as many children You’re gonna have and it was just gonna happen to you. You know, yeah. Yeah um I think um, okay, well there are certain things that just happen to women but in terms of being able to Meet like the challenge of martyrdom or something. I think you need to have done some Uh purposeful practice of some kind Even if it’s just the very simple fasting that the church would You know the one main meal two smaller meals that don’t um Because actually on my last retreat the priest who’s given me spiritual direction told me I was being too ambitious with my fasting Oh, and then I needed to uh to scale back on that, uh, which is not what I was expecting him to say Yeah, but he said yeah listen sites just stick with the church’s fast Ah interesting Yeah fasting is good for sure. Yeah And giving up other things and you know and also deliberately exposing yourself to reasonable amounts of pain when you could avoid it like um Definitely the first time I was gonna have a baby um, I resolved not to take a lot of painkillers and it was for that reason That I wanted to train in case I ever had to Go through something really bad for faith purposes That’s hardcore I like it Do they give painkillers when you give birth usually of course I mean they’re available. They’re not they won’t force them on you, but they’re around. Yeah They’re they’re not just like it’s not like they’re giving you an oxy or something. Um, they’ve got like special ones. Uh, For like it’s not gonna get into your baby basically, uh, Right. Yeah, there are different options. Yeah And the way they inject it or something so they’ve they’ve got ways of doing it that make it sound maybe less bad than it could be Okay, there’s an epidural which is where they inject stuff into like your spinal cord and then yeah, that’s your whole lower half Yeah, so basically like that. Yeah. Yeah It all sounds pretty intense. Uh, I’m usually I usually show up by the time of the baptism There was a lot of screaming yeah, I screamed so much with my first baby that I was really hoarse for days Wow Yeah, yeah, it sounds pretty intense. Yeah Apparently my mom pushed, uh me for about nine hours and then still had to have a c-section Pushing for nine hours. That’s not good. Yeah So one of the funny things about it You learn a lot What if you actually give birth to a baby you learn how dumb movies on tv are when they show all these things about having a baby One of the things they always I don’t know if it’s still like this But the thing one of the things they used to show on tv or movies When women had babies is that the doctors would be telling them to push right They’d be like no Push again, you know, whatever you do not need to be told to push It’s like getting hit by a train wheels is like you you have it just happens No one needs to tell you to push Maybe they’re all untrained doctors Yeah, they’re actors that’s Yeah, it just sounds more dramatic it gives gives the actors a line to say I guess Are you here to chew us catholics out for failing mark I I wouldn’t know what catholic failure looked like. Why would I do that? I are here to say our ceremonies are too weird because you don’t know when to stand up and sit down and say stuff That’s true of all churches That’s a church problem What about the metal church? The metal church is the best that’s like the best I I was on a plane with this once and the guy goes that’s that’s a church. I want to attend them It’s a great band. You should check them out It’s quite good and in fact, they’re yeah their song that that particular song is great It’s fantastic if you like metal music You don’t like metal music, although the themes that they go through in their music are all awesome They’re very deep a lot of metal music has really deep themes And maybe the exception to that is actually metallica. Although the early metallica stuff is is good A lot of metal is very deep theme stuff like metal church has one song based on edgar alan poe telltale heart Which is really good. So so mark apparently you’re gonna heat the stream up now Yeah, I saw that charlie charlie has um has high hopes for whatever I don’t know what yeah What are you here to say? Just say it mark? I’m not here to say anything Did you just say that metallica doesn’t have deep themes He said their early stuff. He said their early stuff was deeper. He did say that But yeah metallica is not as deep as metal church. That’s for sure They’re not there. You know a lot of the metallica stuff is in as deep as in some of the mega dust stuff either They’re not that deep. Yeah, the pop is great. Right outlawed horn, dude outlawed torn is like The I don’t know for me. That’s kind of the metallica sleeper like the deep one It’s musically. It’s not that Complex but lyrically now that song I Took over the symbolism game because the you know lame churches like the catholics gave it up That’s they should have been on top of that I’m okay with giving up metallica and churches What? No, no, you’re supposed to if the churches were doing their job There wouldn’t have been a need for metallica and and I think that’s the whole that’s the whole problem Is that the music took over? That whole symbolic area which had a dirt from the church I mean, I think I think bishop baron actually talks about that right in the four horsemen of meaning He’s pretty explicit about it. Like and it’s not even that they that it happened It’s that they didn’t even notice or at least the guy the priest he was with didn’t notice Which I thought was it but that was an amazing story. I was like, this is like the best part of that whole conversation And no one talks about it, you know, but bishop baron makes a really interesting I don’t even think he understands the gravity of his own point, right? What was his point It was uh, so he was he was going to uh, what is it the the big cathedral in france the chart cathedral, um and uh Right. It’s and it’s it’s like the biggest gothic cathedral in the world. It’s just an absolute. Um absolute pressure of church architecture Uh, and he’s he’s walking through it with this priest right and he’s one of his contemporaries, right? This is like back in the 80s and early 90s. He was like explaining all the symbolism to him Oh, right And then I can’t remember what do you remember what the other priest said? He said yeah, but this isn’t liturgically You know Yes This isn’t liturgically correct. Right? It’s a shame. It’s not literally correct. Yeah and it’s like my dude You need to drop the carl ronnor. You need to drop the skill of x and read a little thomas equinus That’s what I shall say to that Is that is that what it’s all about? Oh my goodness. Oh there was I mean seriously mark You would be horrified at seminary formation in the united states circa 1968 to about 2000 in most places Absolutely horrified at what they were doing, you know, it’s a shame. It’s so liturgically off. Yeah, that’s what he said What what what what change happened eric to to to screw everything up in the 60s and traumatize all my relatives jimmy had The communists were in charge So the church is that basically? Yeah, the base. I mean, I don’t know. I don’t know if communist is the right word, but it’s like revolutionaries Because you were claiming the mafia would have run it properly The mafia would have run it properly But you’ve laid the Italians for vatican too. Is that is that was it communist italians? Because that happened Yeah, I don’t know communist people People with bad people who had a fundamentally revolutionary mindset Hey, so mark i’ve heard you talk about your catholic relatives being traumatized before but was it vatican too? They were traumatized by or was it something in the 50s? Oh, I don’t know what the They all went to catholic schools. So all they talk about is being traumatized by the schools Okay, so they were probably in pre vatican to catholic schools where they got beaten and stuff Hmm. I have no no idea. I do not know Yeah, yeah Which is it actually a I I think actually the big problem has nothing I actually I actually think that has nothing to do with it Like I actually No, I just did a video on on navigating patterns given seeing that youtube channel. It’s great. It’s got over 400 subscribers now Thank you very much um But I just did a video on this education and I said look, you know You can you can talk about education versus training and you can talk about the destruction of education in the in the public school Systems, right and and describe well, they took religion out of school, but that isn’t what happened Right. What happened is they took religion Gym art music and recess out of school to some extent all at the same time And so why did that happen? Because that’s not a we hate religion thing. There’s something else going on there Right. It’s a much bigger undercurrent and that’s that’s actually why like I think that’s more important than this Alleged fight between science and and religion which the religious people should reject as being uh Thanks, ethan as being completely as being completely, uh irrelevant there’s something There’s an undercurrent that also affects the church the materialism roughly speaking Although it’s it’s bigger than that and that’s causing all the problems. So You can’t you can’t say oh well the and and I think you know, look I love paul van der klei But I think paul falls into this too. I think a lot of church people do you can’t say Oh, well look the solution to today’s problem is to return to church because I think the church has got corrupted And that’s why people left they left for the same reason They left for the same reason that corrupted the church or the church’s corruption is the reason why they left or something and so Them just going back isn’t going to work because the church is still broken in some sense Yeah, there’s something to that actually like I wouldn’t if You know somebody who’s like a spiritual seeker I wouldn’t just tell them to go to the nearest catholic mass and assume that that was going to do them any good You know, and it’s kind of because of what you say, but I don’t know. What do you think mother? Yeah. Yeah. Um, so here’s here’s an example, uh mark. Uh, so the dominant theologian 1960s early 1970s through the 1980s carl rauner, right? Absolute like his stuff was all being taught, right? And i’ll give you i’ll give you an example of something he taught that would not be let’s say more traditional He would say that any of our sacraments Any of the sacraments that the christ the church performs is actually? Simply recognizing a reality that is already present Right so that when we come together and we celebrate the eucharist what we’re really celebrating Is what christ has already done? In the church, right? This was absolutely dominant This was absolutely what bishop barron would have been formed in and a great many priests of his generation would have been formed in right? And so when they’re in the shark cathedral, they see this huge cathedral that it’s got it’s very long and narrow Right and and everything’s kind of far away, right and everything’s kind of up upwards and exalted. It’s above you And so when the bishop barron’s friend looks at that He says well look at how far away the celebration is happening from the people that the celebration should be closer to the people because This is what we’re celebrating, right? Right, uh, whereas More traditional catholic theology would say no when we perform the sacrifice at the bass That is the lord coming down to us and communicating himself To us, right? So when we talk about this flattening out of the church, right? Like that’s that’s an extremely insidious nature that guys were being trained to think of themselves not as priests not as mediators, but merely merely in a reductive way as ministers, right? In the same way that I could become A minister at any church and i’ve just called forth out of the community to take this presiding role But i’m not actually a mediator of these defined realities. That’s what guys are being taught and seminary I’m a functionary. You’re a widget and not a conduit Basically, yeah Yeah, that’s very that’s very materialistic. It’s it’s funny So somebody well grim gris grim gris posted on the awakened from the meeting crisis server, I guess earlier today Uh verveky talking on this channel called uh fantasy creates reality Uh, which is a weird weird channeling and I watched it. It’s it’s only a little over an hour It’s very interesting the things he’s done because he’s he’s avoiding emanation like you wouldn’t believe I mean it The grim thinks it’s his best summary of his work Uh, I I would not at all classify it that one, but it is a good summary But but I would call it a good summary of all his blind spots That’s for sure because he’s very much talking about things we do and emergence emergence and more emergent lots of emergence and you know like he categorizes, um he starts to categorize things in terms of uh like the connectedness of things as as the important part without talking about what it’s connecting to and i’m like But what’s it connecting to and so he’s talking about daemon diamonds, right? The the ancient greek spirits Right. Well, yeah, we would call them spirits. Let’s let’s let’s give them their due father eric. Let’s give them their due They can’t handle the word spirit. They created a new word called egregore. Remember? It’s as much as they could deal with but but he talks about that and he says well the the diamond isn’t so much outside of yourself. It’s the connection and it’s like Wait, what like? So so it’s not the it’s not your private god, which is what it is in in ancient greece, right? But it’s the connection the connection to what dude? It’s like that’s connection to what and then he’s talking later on the second half of it The second half is really brilliant. Actually, it’s quite good. It’s quite good He’s talking about how um There’s a fire that you’re supposed to you know, kind of find in yourself and and this is in the buddhist tradition So he’s linking the eastern and western traditions in quite a unique way actually and i hadn’t heard this before Um, but I would say they don’t need linking. They’re just talking about the same thing, right? Well the neo- Neoplatonism and the silk road it no no if if you have a tradition here and a tradition here and a tradition Here that are all talking about the truth. They’re all coming things. They’re all talking about the same thing, right? so He he talks about this kind of self-starting fire and it’s like what about other people to help you? What about you know, it’s nothing what about an organization or a structure? And what about having a ritual that enables the fire to start, you know Like what about leaving a space for the fire, you know Because it’s all like what can I do to set myself on fire and the funniest part in the whole talk Is the guy he’s talking to goes wow, you’ve really lit a fire in me and i’m like, yes, because that’s how it works like what It’s so ironic the whole thing that I think it’s I think it’s worth watching just for a moment Like the other the other thing he did which is hysterical I did I liked it so much I I sent it to vander klan said you might you might want to check this one out and pointed out a few a few of these things for him, but And the other thing he does is he does that well what evolution wants trick and i’m like, wait a minute Evolution is an agent in the world again. Like where where did the wants of evolution come from? John? I’d love to like These evolutionists always fall into that trap. It’s it’s hysterically funny Oh, man But but you you can hear from your description the church is in the same problem with the materialism, right? There’s focus on the physical and the and the focus on the here and now right and then the rejection of that Of you know by other people who are focused only on the later, right only on the right and there’s no balance in that, right? So the materialism will say maybe it creeped up in the 60s, right? I’m out on a limb here, but maybe it creeped up in the 60s and then The the fundamentalist was just a rejection of that in some sense because fundamentalism while it focuses on propositions They also just talk about the afterlife to take to balance it out But they’re overcompensating for the materialism that they came into we’ll say the mainstream churches And I think that’s where you get the extremism from is that whole interaction? Yeah. Yeah, and there wasn’t uh, there wasn’t like a robust A robust response that wasn’t fundamentalist That wasn’t fundamentally caught in The game that the materialists were playing of reducing everything to the propositional Right Right. Well, then and that’s my problem with theology in general theology is just the science Sciencesing of religion or the propositionalizing of religion and that science was treats of god and his creatures in relation to him Yeah Theology right there Yeah, yeah, but it’s very propositional. It’s like the propositional It’s literally exactly correct. I don’t have anything to disagree with you with on there. That’s that’s what it is It’s literally it’s treated as a by Scholastics is a science, right? But they had an appropriate container for them, right? Because all of the greatest theologians of the church were also saints And so they had this And so they had this The sense that that you needed in order to be a great theologian you needed to be participating In the life of god in the life of the church already before you would be at all qualified to speak of these things Right, and that’s and that’s like the great dominican charism right there They were preachers, but but they had to study and they had the prayer kind of all linked in together Right, right, that’s why you know when when people get into theology I’m like, yeah, I don’t want to get into that because hey, I know nothing I don’t know the propositions that you’re talking about and I think the odds that you’re a theologian are probably zero It’s like I read all these books. It’s like okay, but that’s not theology is how much prayer have you done? speaking right there, yeah What’s the participation rate right high participation is proper theology and low participation is is you’re fooling yourself by trying to claim theological capabilities or credentials or something right and this this is kind of the medieval notion of connatural knowledge This idea that uh, this is this is the way I figured this out. This is the way the mid evils talked about Implicit forms of knowing was it was connatural to you that I think covers Procedural participatory and perspectival knowledge Um So and and this wasn’t explained to me very well on seminary It was always an extremely murky idea But it had this sense that like the really pious church ladies if you said something heretical to you to them They wouldn’t be able to explain to you exactly why it’s heretical, but they would just know it’s wrong immediately Like that’s not correct. This is what you need to do So that yeah So so if I would put that in a better model than bravakis, which is broken and doesn’t work Um, I would call that intuitive knowledge because it’s only intuitive in particular knowledge in our model So the intuitive knowledge is the thing you can’t communicate well through Propositions when propositions are information. This is where bravaki gets it very confused Like he’s describing information and calling it knowledge very clearly right like oh we we have a memory Oh, do we remember knowledge? Is that what we remember? I don’t think so. I think we remember information Um, so if there’s four types of memory and there may be uh, then there’s four types of information Yeah, fair enough, but that’s information not knowledge. That’s why I think john’s model is one of the many reasons I think john’s model is not correct, right? He’s not talking about the right things and if you want to know about mark’s model You have to go check out his uh youtube channel navigating patterns Right. I have a I have a video on the knowledge engine and that is the that is the core model right there Yeah, yeah, so anyway, which slides with slides, yeah, so So yeah, anyway um This uh, this this thing that you were talking about. Um That you don’t like and you think is destroy the churches and materialism functionally That was the program from like 1960 to 2000 in a lot of places And it it goes on longer in some places that end sooner in some places Sure, of course, this is why I do this kind of stuff because I think uh I’m trying to bring some of these insights here into the church so that we can feed our children Yeah, yeah sustainable. Yeah Well, well, I mean do they have a sense because like everyone gets this this materialism idea completely wrong in my opinion, right? They keep going. Oh, well, it’s not that it’s not that only material exists But that’s not materialism is just the statement that you believe the primary mode Of we’ll say action in the world is from material in other words, right? Like more it twitter is is making everybody into a dumpster fire or something. It’s like no no or or a capitalism is right Somebody somebody said that to me the other day that always drives me nuts Uh-huh. I’ve got a capitalism video recorded too. It’s it’s coming the the editor needs to needs to grab that one Um But it’s when you think that the material of the world whether it whether you created it as a human or not Is the thing that’s moving the world and not spirit which is correct? The correct answer would be spirit, right? And you can see like the materialism they bump up against the edge of materialism And then they need it’s like oh materialism doesn’t describe this we need something. Um, agri-core agri-core. I know I would say without unironically without understanding the etymology of the word they grab it and i’m like You don’t know where that because I studied the occult when I was young I’m like you really don’t want to use that word You do not understand the pandora’s box you’re opening for yourself as a materialist. We’re just using the word like agri-core Well, i’d say it takes a long time to be cured of these sorts of things. Um, so when I Went to seminary as a pious young lad. I believed in god. I believed in the sacraments all these sorts of things I I was trying to do things the best I could But when I look back, you know 10 years 12 years after I look at it as a you know, I was functionally materialist, right? And like at 18 that didn’t bother me. It wasn’t until I started studying human nature, right? Uh my philosophy of the human person class, uh starting to see what the Implications of actually believing that right and like the the the black hole that we have Uh symbolized by just saying the word sam harris together and like the pull that that would have you know And then in a in a almost uh It was it was like this kind of messed with me for like a period of a month Right where I didn’t know how to resolve this right? I didn’t know how to put these different things together Uh, and and like like the cover of my friends and the formation faculty like, you know, right sites like you seem like Just kind of distressed by this, you know Um, and it didn’t help that you know It was cold as heck outside that year and I wasn’t leaving wasn’t leaving the seminary buildings very often um And then I just like had this Realization that came out and you know what? uh A hole is more than just the sum of its parts. Like that’s the way it ended up getting expressed but I think it was something like deeper And that was what was I was able to articulate right then in there What was it? What was this class and what were they teaching that that broke you out of this materialism? Well, it was uh, it was it was like a historical survey of views of the human person, right And so I had gotten like, you know soul and body with Aristotle and I didn’t really understand it I knew how to play with the words correctly to get a good grade on the test, which is not a bad place to start And and but then we got like to to 17th century materialism Um And then I figured out that that’s what I actually believed I wouldn’t have been able to say this at the time but like well, that’s what I actually believe right there You know, it’s just like this mechanical view of the human person there Um, and it’s like wait a minute like on the one hand I have this faith right Which I didn’t fully understand either what it meant to have faith in those days, um But then i’ve got like this other thing and this materialist view and like science and Physical causality all this thing. I didn’t know how to how to put them together. I didn’t know what order they should go in And so it you know, it was it wasn’t like You know this this this all of my professors were catholic unless I was at another university taking like math or something So it’s not like they were trying to teach me this but it was you know You had to be exposed to it in order to have it drawn out and cured basically So so it was like a historical survey of different views of human nature. Um Yeah, so I I don’t know if that answered your question No, that’s that’s that’s good. That’s interesting. Yeah One of the things i’ve been tracking for a while and I asked jack the lineage about this he he His channel is dr lampenbeck. He’s got a talk about excellent talks with pervade his ai Plato’s cave the matrix video man. That is like vervekia at probably his best by far Not it’s not a good survey of his work, but it’s a good survey certain parts of his work But one of the things I asked jack about because he’s a phd is an ancient philologist He’s a phd in in philosophy unfortunately He likes to be called an ancient philologist because he has the same problems with modern philosophy that I do Uh, they’re all fakers. They’re all self-job creators. He actually says that it’s really funny Um, but what I asked him is I said, you know Do you think that the inability to understand sequence because we seem to be confused about which comes first and which comes second? Why that’s important, right? um, and so so like for example if you think that Capitalism is controlling people, you know towards more wealth you misunderstand Literally all of history right because wealth redistribution increases and becomes better for the poor as capitalism increases like it’s just It’s right there in the data. You can kind of see it, right? Uh, but also All the things they’re talking about happened before capitalism And so they like it can’t be capitalism’s fault if it happens before capitalism and without capitalism, right and they That works. I mean you can argue you can argue people that way and that works But I think it is the loss and and jack sort of agreed with me that it could be the loss of the Teaching of formal and final cause which I know is one of your favorites sort of but there’s your emanation versus your emergence Right because final cause of emanation and formal causes emergence What Yeah meeting crisis solved guys are you going to bed laura, yeah, I was just about to say it’s my bad time so good night Yeah, I think it’s mine too I guess we’re gonna stop the catholic q a yeah, it’s okay. We can we can let these heathens in yeah Oh, I didn’t know it was an exclusive club my good no it wasn’t supposed to be but for the longest time It was me andrew and laura All catholics, so you should have painted me earlier. I would have come in and Look over the tables for you because you’re all unable to do that because you want to believe jesus is perfect or something All right, you take care andrew All right. Well, have a good night everyone Yeah, peace should do this another time. We might we may be very well All right Have a good night Night so we gotta get the uh The the the 24 7, uh stream going like jacob wats. I mean pvk made it made an admission there So well, you know, I probably will be pulling all nighter reading this So I probably could Uh, oh you wanted to know what the book was. Um exploring So call you in christian faith uh By who’s it by paul merlz and daniel j teller hoisen I very much Do you know either of them? But yeah, i’m not surprised. Uh, it seems like a pretty Third rate book, but I have to write an essay on the entire book tomorrow so that’s fun, but From that story anyway, but um Yeah, so maybe i’ll take over And just a graceful moment by myself and see if anyone dropped in well this um This is being simultaneously broadcast on jacob’s stream and it’s being broadcast on my youtube channel and so uh I don’t know if we would want to uh I wouldn’t be comfortable broadcasting onto jacob’s stream with somebody else at the pilot even though the 24 hours stream is his idea so so he I am on his list of Oh, are you qualified people? Okay I don’t know. I’ll probably talk to jacob Well, I wouldn’t want it on my own my own channel. Oh, yeah for sure for sure. I gotta represent, you know, yeah What else what a content do you have on your channel father? I’ve got some stuff about the bible mostly I I haven’t I don’t I I Have thought about going real hard on the youtube stuff And what I worry about the most is that that would bring out the worst in me Right that but yeah, so so so far Just about i’ve got a few other things like little experiments. I did with just little topical videos um But for the most part everything i’ve put on my youtube channel is something i’ve done for the parish And i’m just going to share it with youtube in case somebody Finds it useful so like some talks that i’ve done a whole series on the book of revelation Well I I really enjoyed doing it. It was very informative for me gets a little repetitive near the end Because as it turns out the book of revelation is repeating itself constantly It’s like it’s like imagine like running a scene All the way through and then you get a different angle and you run the scene all the way through And then you get a different angle and you run the scene all the way through and what it all is all about is just giving us a pattern of The end of the world And what the end of the world looks like It is useful because the end of the world happens all the time It might not be end of the world but it could be the end of a particular world and worlds end all over the place World or your world or your world. Yeah So, yeah, I think I think it would be helpful to reframe all of urviki’s Work in terms of how the bible addresses all of it, right? Because the bible really addresses the perennial problems that john talks about And why it’s a bestseller That’s I people keep saying I I think you could hype the marketing up a bit Like if it had a slightly longer more descriptive title and an actual author That just helped me to you know, maybe maybe some better cover art more more consistent so that I could have recognized it and I I think that would I would use the sales quite a bit Vanderklaas still doesn’t get that joke by the way, which I think is really funny He never got it every time I do it. He doesn’t get it. I’m like, okay, it’s still funny, dude Oh boy He hasn’t fully integrated the uh, the other lobe of his of his extended consciousness congress Did you did you see the uh stream he did on friday? I did I did Yeah Yeah, what was it? Uh, it’s called home room The home room. Yeah the home room stream. Um Yeah, it was really interesting, you know Well, what what did you see what were your impressions what did you like what did you not like etc? Um, Yeah I don’t know. I think they were a little hard on his uh, erin’s uh, Singles group. I would never ever have a singles group at the church That’s just singles group right like we could have the young adult rosary crusade We could have the young adult bible study group. We could have the young adults Anything average the uh the sin, huh? No, no The second that you make this explicitly hey single people Come here and meet the love of your life. You’re going to get all of those dynamics, right? If you’ve just got a young adults group and it makes it clear, you know We’re kind of catering to the to the unmarried crowd here Uh, and everybody should be under 35. We’ll just I don’t know. We’ll just we’ll just name a draw an arbitrary line Everybody under that’s a young adult Then you have a chance of actually Performing the function of a singles group whereby people could pair off and live happily ever after together without introducing all of those without With having something else to contain all of those other dynamics, right? Yeah, you want it to be a second order effect, right? Yeah, and I think that’s just sure we’re together to pray the rosary But that’s just the protestant desperation, right? Well, we know we know men come to church for the hot young women So let’s just be honest about it. It’s like this is why you’re failing protestant. This is why protestants fail Yeah, no, it should be uh, it should be like you’re here to pray the rosary. This is what happens at hot Catholic, um, this is what happens at catholic College chapels, right? It’s like oh they’re sitting next to mass together now You know they go to daily mass now and they’re sitting next to each other. Isn’t that exciting? You know, but it’s like hey guess what’s at the center. Well, holy sacrifice of the mass, right? Not each other Boom. Well, and and the product got rid of the overt symbolism And so I don’t think they understand the nature of second order effects anymore because that’s what symbolism is It’s all about the second order effects. So i’ll say something for my arm The oisach perish i’ve been Inquiring that is having like a christmas choir thing And they’re they’re starting rehearsals Uh at the end of november that they’ve been like posting on social media and like putting posters up and big letters In the middle of the page is Sopranos and outers needed Which is like hmm There is definitely a heavy skew male Yeah, yeah Bring in the sopranos in the altos Yeah, church choir that’s another that’s another great like, you know not pairing up thing but You know, we want you to pair up, uh here is Church choir another thing that you got something else at the center versus the intention of the group get the second order effects. Yeah Well, that’s good because it you know, it draws you out of yourself like you’re not going to be in a good relationship for you know Any relationship you have is not going to last if you’re in it for selfish reasons. And so you can’t be sitting there Uh, you know staring at each other with the goal of Being together right you you you want to you want to grow together in christ or something, right? You need that containers chapter 10 of beyond order by jordan peterson I’m just saying it’s right in there. It’s it was funny too because manuel and I came to that a while Like oh relationship about the container not about the individuals in the container, right? And then when you focus on that everything works better Yeah So anyway, that’s my advice to aaron if he happens to be watching his become catholic and Hopefully the catholic churches aren’t Making those mistakes too Well, they talk about empty man the one around here that I went to with my aunt a few times Absolutely empty Meanwhile our no young women we’re building out there. So it’s like That’s the thing about the body of christ is some parts are gangrious and other parts are going gangbusters. I can’t figure it out What are you building out here a church? Where where oh in your in your area? Yeah, yeah out there literally out that window You if you could see it properly you’d see the steel going up you’re stealing all the uh, all the Protestants from their churches. That’s what you’re doing Maybe I don’t know I can’t tell i’ve got i’ve got um like 13 people in my Hey, I want to explore becoming catholic class that are exploring it so Oh, wow, we do a lot more baptisms, you know infant baptisms catholic parrots But uh, yeah, there’s some some of that too Yeah Not a fan of this infant baptism stuff, man. I’m i’m suspicious on that one. Wow Well, I guess it’s just a priority for us to have the kids be a part of the body’s crisis as soon as possible Are they though I the problem is that it creates all kinds of problems, right? Like one of them is that Being baptized after you’re able to understand the relationship Is is a part of the materialist problem of oh the world only existed when I became conscious, right? That’s the part of sam harris’s mistake It’s like you listen to sam harris and you realize oh he thinks the world starts when he became conscious And that there was nothing before that and that that’s true for everybody else too, right? Which is a deep a deep materialist error for sure um, but It the whole catholicism issue is weird. So the first time I went to charleston um, I was here I was in south carolina taking care of my mother while she had cancer right before she passed away and um, My friend came down from new england I don’t know. She she’s not a particularly good friend. She would describe herself as well I’m not a particularly good friend But she would she came down three times while I was taking care of my mother and and she came down and she Just planned to like take me away from where I was and we went to charleston, right? Which is about two hours from here It’s not that far and i think charleston’s gorgeous. Oh, it’s a lot like boston, too, which is very strange It’s a lot like boston. She’s the southern version of boston a much bigger We did this tour and on this tour they were talking about I think charleston south carolina has more churches than any other City or town in the united states or something. It’s like and there are churches every it is crazy You can’t recognize in the churches because protestants suck, but you know, they’re there and um the thing that really struck me was They were you know, we’re driving along in a horse-drawn carriage through the city and they’re pointing things out and they go well And that’s the you know, one of the last churches built in the center of charleston the catholic church, you know Like we let them in last everybody laughs and I was like This is high blasphemy in new england you’ve never any of the new england’s of puritans They’re not they’re not a lot of catholics up there either, but You you don’t talk religion in new england. You just don’t do it And you certainly would never say anything about somebody else’s like that. I’ve never heard anybody in new england ever Speak badly about another person’s fate ever Mostly because they don’t talk about it right there if you ask them They’ll tell you what church they go to or what nomination or whatever But generally it’s you don’t do it like Just never literally gets discussed at all because they knew better like they understood We can cooperate under god without getting into the details and I think that’s where the It’s sort of funny right the puritan had ecumenism correct in some sense Maybe incomplete maybe incomplete but correct in the sense that they’ve been doing it for a long time And it and it seems to work out because they don’t get into those religious battles anymore I mean you can argue in the old days They certainly did but you know part of that was fights over land and you know, there was a lot more wrapped up in it So what does this have to do with infant baptism well, you know again I it’s it’s that whole idea that that there is this battle between the the Catholics and what they’re doing Right and how they approach these things right and and they’re being kept out for reasons and that’s one of them Right is infant baptism is bullshit, right? And okay It’s it’s it’s one of those things that that gets objected to quite strenuously by certain by certain groups Uh, you know, I and I mean it it literally is one of those issues For the protestants or at least some of them at least where you know They’re just like this is a hard line and absolutely no you’re all insane clearly the pope is the antichrist which you know I mean I can maybe agree with that sometimes It depends on which one right? Yeah, the current one i’m i’m still a kid. I’m still yeah, it seems like a good candidate right there. But yeah You know if I stay up much later, this is way past my bedtime I’m gonna start saying what i’m really thinking So that’s dangerous right there so I have I have one more question for work because you you Bad math Philosophy that’s why I came on. I wanted to ask you if I should Throw my major in the garbage and change it to something different Yeah, I mean Philosophy especially modern philosophy is all garbage like it’s not you don’t need any of it like it’s just A lot of the problem that it’s been brought into the academy and it was always supposed to be a little more hands on Uh boots on the ground to be in the gym. Yeah Well, so I would say at by all right There are I think we’re required to take two classes, um Um The called practical wisdom classes and they’re based on pierre hither’s Book, we don’t use the book, but it’s based on pierre hither’s philosophy as a way of like idea Right, and there is a serious effort at by the way as a christian university to connect philosophy with Practicing your christian faith So do try it Yeah, I think Yeah, go ahead What modern philosophy is set against this thing called metaphysics and I have a video on that too where Metaphysics is a a complete misunderstanding and be bullshit, right when people are talking about metaphysics. They’re talking about religion In other words post-con to certainly but maybe before immanuel con The the project has been to replace religion with philosophy rather like explicitly And that is that’s garbage. That’s all garbage There’s no there’s no reason to do that And I think the one one of the really good things that revaki brings in is physical practices Because I think that’s actually where the key is physical practices are important and significant And need to be paid attention to and that’s where proper philosophy is is is brought together right into the real world And and so studying it in a book and and especially only doing that but doing that at all is questionable to me And it was questionable to play it up Right Yeah, that’s her. Um Yeah, and certainly like one thing i’m learning here is like the very much the department is making the argument that philosophy Properly understood is a hand-raising to really good in theology At least proper to the service You should you should know mark that My man thomas equinas does not understand philosophy the way you do or metaphysics. Um It’s uh, what is it? We I I we I went over this the commenting on your youtube channel navigating patterns That uh that oftentimes people will use uh metaphysics in the sense of ontology But you said that still collapses into a religion, right? Well, I Yeah, I mean it depends which version of there’s five Standard definitions for the word ontology. That’s that’s another problem in and of itself, right? Yeah Yeah, when the way people use the term metaphysics they are speaking about religion If you try to create an ontology you are in the realm of science and out of the realm of religion but the question is what makes you think that Like if there is an ontology to being what makes you think that you could ever know that like that’s an insane problem This is the water you swim in It really literally is just honest to god You’re a fish, you know in a body of water And what makes you think you can ever understand fully the water you swim in when you can’t get out of it long enough To see it. Yeah, it does not make any sense that that would be the case So this is just a denial of the concept of limitation as such And I would argue that that that denial of limitation is the same as the denial of the concept of creation And just to loop that back real quick Richard just to to to make the one of the points that jack made so jack The cynic actually went Traveled around the world to various colleges to the heads of philosophy departments himself Personally, he met some very famous people I don’t even remember all their names but there are there are actually people that I knew in modern philosophy And ask them point-blank as heads of the philosophy department You know, what are you working on and do you believe in absolute truth and almost all of them said they do not believe in absolute truth And his point was and he told them all this apparently according to him That’s what people think you’re doing And so we have a deep disconnect between What philosophy departments are doing and what people think philosophy departments are doing and that alone should be? A problem like enough of a problem that people go. Well, what the hell is what’s going on? Like that’s kind of a big deal And and I would say proper philosophy is in in according to the ancient greeks is more about implementation and justification For the implementation and not justification for the action because the action for the ancient greeks is all justified by the gods Anyway, it’s a gift. It’s it’s that’s a solved problem for them They they never needed that fix because it was never a problem It’s a problem for us only if we remove and this is the other problem that bravicki made or the statement that bravicki made on this tradition As a living force video that he did on this The fantasy creates reality channel Uh, you know he he he said, you know Oh, hume was one of the contributors to no hume didn’t contribute to material as to the materialist problem Because hume was embedded in the religion and as long as you use enlightenment In it, you know as embedded in religion, it doesn’t become a problem and I talked about that on my channel with uh with uh with adam too and Two great conversations with him, right and when you understand the enlightenment In the framework of the christian religion Nothing about the enlightenment leads to any of the problems we have today nothing Those problems do not occur it’s the it’s the unmooring of the Of the philosophies of the implementations from their reason from their purpose from their telos that causes all the problems It’s right which shouldn’t be a surprise, but it but apparently even bravicki doesn’t understand this simple statement Alrighty very good gentlemen It’s been a good time I wish you guys were here at the beginning of the stream, but we had fun along the whole way I think i’m gonna go ahead and call it a night um I guess if you really wanted to mark you could try and keep the party going over on your channel But on my channel, it’s bedtime I don’t think so. I think it’s my bedtime too. It’s later for me than it is for you But I I appreciate the opportunity to come on and chat with you as always father eric and it’s always good mark more conversations in the future and I don’t know if i’ve ever met you richard, but I think I saw you before so Yeah, yeah, we’ve seen each other around. I think this is the first time interaction Alrighty. Have a good night and god bless You too