Female hyper users of Instagram are also they’re sadistic Machiavellian psychopathic and narcissistic and they Optimized for short-term mating strategies, so they’re promiscuous and that’s a marker for antisocial behavior Antisocial people broadly speaking have more sexual partners. They start engaging in sex earlier They’re more callous in their utilization of themselves and others and so would you call that toxic? Femininity is there a subtle thing as toxic? We know what toxic femininity is it’s the female version of antisocial behavior is reputation-savaging. Yeah gossip innuendo Back biting and females are very females can be very good at that now men can do that too And they do especially on social media, but it’s definitely the case that social media enables female antisocial type behavior clearly And so it scales we were talking about you know whether the feminine ethos scales feminine pathology scales magnificently on social media