Everything should be equal. Everything should be equally distributed. We should strive for equity. It’s like wrong, especially if you’re a conservative. Wrong. What we want are just hierarchies of competence. Not everyone’s a neurosurgeon. If your father has a brain tumor, you probably want a hierarchy of competence for neurosurgeons, so you can pick the one that’s the best, so that he might not die. That’s what a hierarchy of competence is for. For the postmodernists, there’s no hierarchy that isn’t based on power. Well, because they think the world runs on power, and that’s why they’re willing to use power to get what they want, because it’s the only thing they believe in. But a valid hierarchy of competence is, God, we need those things, man. We need the best plumbers. We need the best contractors. We need the best carpenters. We need the best lecturers. There has to be a hierarchy of quality, not only so that we know who the best are and can reward them properly, but so that we can reward them so they keep being the best.