So, do you think a conscious knowledge of symbology is important or do you think people get the same benefit from completely, you know, unconsciously just absorbing these things? I think that the problem comes in between. You know, it’s like the kind of, let’s say the… How can I say this? Like the peasant, let’s say, in a medieval world, right? The peasant who has no education, let’s say, and is not illiterate, but lives, like really lives grounded in the world, you know, like his life is grounded in this life. That person will inhabit those patterns in a kind of intuitive and really organic way. And so it’ll just happen on its own. They don’t have to be conscious of it. They’ll be shaped by those things at the same time. The problem happens kind of in the in-between stage where people start to think they’re smart and start to think like they understand things and they start to analyze things. And so then they kind of pull away from that and they can’t see it anymore. And so then they come up with all kinds of crazy ideas. And then they’ll sometimes try to fix the stories and change the narratives. And when you try to do that, it has a huge effect on reality. Like it has a huge effect on how the world then proceeds historically and in terms of what’s happening around you. And so it’s like once you’ve kind of come out of that, you know, once you’ve kind of come out of like just the kind of basic, almost peasant life existence, it’s like then you have to come to a more conscious understanding of these patterns or else you you deride them and you you mock them because their appearance is very common. You know, it’s like because it’s so grounded in in a kind of basic experience, they look at first glance, they look like superstitions. They look like things that that are that are kind of childish or that are really simplistic. But in fact, they really hide like so much so much mystery. And so you kind of have to make that conscious effort so that you don’t get pulled aside, you know, left and right and start thinking crazy, crazy things. I don’t know if that if that makes sense. It does.