So tell me a bit about what it was like when you were a kid in the 90s in Korea with regards to eating. North Koreans are on average three to four inches shorter than South Koreans because of the malnutrition. I’m like five to two but most of North Korean men are shorter than me. So if you are above four to ten feet high, you must go to military. So tons of North Korean adornment are around four to ten feet like even below that right now. So this severe malnutrition affects even our brain development. North Korea’s average life expectancy is like if somebody lives up to 60, we think they lived a really long life. Being in North Korea, of course, like only way for me to get my proteins were eating grasshoppers, dragonflies, a lot of insects, tree barks, plants, flowers. And that’s how we survive. And most of people die in the spring because that’s when there is no like really insects and plants are. And most of the people died in that time.