Magnus in the chat asks a mystical question. He says, do you experience something under the symbolic layer, something ineffable, numinous and hard to define, but something which can be experienced in the body in moments of silence and death and be transformed? And so I, yes, I do, I do believe in that. And so I think the best way to understand that is that is the source of the actually the symbolic patterns. So you can understand that let’s say at the core is something like a, that they are transcendent, transcendent something, something which actually cannot be described, something that cannot be said, something that cannot be expressed. And you can access that. You can have access, you can have access to those experiences where you all of a sudden feel transported into that space. But then what happens is that when it expresses itself, so as soon as it expresses itself, when you, when you talk about it, when you, when it comes back down into your art or when it comes back down into the world, that’s, it actually will inhabit this, this kind of symbolic world. And so, yeah, so I, I, I do think so. And I think that you can actually, I think you can actually know the difference between someone who’s had a true mystical experience and someone who’s had a somewhat or a twisted mystical experience, is that often that one, the person who’s had the twisty mystical experiences comes back from that experience and wants to destroy the world. Like they’re like, I experienced that everything I experienced, like the mystical, ineffect, ineffable root of being, and now nothing matters. Now all of this is trash. Like the whole world is just Maya. Like the whole world is just illusion. And none of these, none of these things matter. All your religions, all your communities, all your things, they’re all nothing, right? So there is, you see it, like you can, if you, if you, if you listen to people, sometimes you’ll hear exactly that tone. And to me, it’s like, well, I think you’re on the wrong side of the bed because it’s like, if that, if there is something ineffable behind phenomena, then it is the source of phenomena. So it should actually fill phenomena with this kind of unsaid, but not destroy it. Like anyways, so that I, I tend to, always keep that in mind when I listen to people who talk about that.