What is the significance of the aesthetic of coolness and its ubiquity as an ideal in our culture? Is it related to prevalence of irony? Does its rise come at the cost of other values? I mean, it’s very simple. Coolness is just a symbol of power. It’s a version of the idea of the snooty elite, right? It’s the idea of the elite which is above things and is not affected by things. You have this image of an aristocrat who is extremely, extremely, has extreme proudness in doing something. He can ride a horse in a really amazing way, but it doesn’t bother him because he’s so above it that he acts very cool about it. It really is just a symbolism of that. And so, obviously, it depends at what level, but it’s mostly about that. It’s about looking detached from something in order to announce that you have power over it, that you’re better than something.