So the temporary victory. Mm-hmm. It’s that’s also something really good to know about marriage It’s like you can never win an argument with your wife Like you could if you only lived with her for one day, right? It’s like I won. See you later. Yeah It’s like no. No, she’s there the next day. Yeah, and then she’s been remembers that she does she does remember that? Yeah, maybe even more than you remember it, you know And it also might be that she was right and you just out argued her So, you know and that’s something that’s really worth knowing too because sometimes you know You’ll have an argument with well, let’s say with your wife and she’s got something to say and it’s not very well articulated Same could be true for you. And so you can just brush it aside But you don’t want to brush it aside because maybe there’s something there and if you don’t address it then it’s not like it’s gonna Go away man. It’s gonna grow. So maybe you have to help her formulate her argument, which is really annoying You know because you want to win you have in this disputes like I want to win. It’s like well You’re not winning that game you’re winning the game Well, I think about it as the game of games you want to win the set of games that stretch across time the long war Yeah, that’s right. Exactly the long where that little battle is not gonna matter And in fact, I don’t you should not try and be right if you’re right, everybody knows it’s fine But there’s the worst thing to do is rub it in and yeah, I’m right and you’re wrong Yeah, yeah You do that a hundred times and then like well you’re the you’re the winner and she’s the loser and then that’s great because now You’re married to a loser I mean, you know that’s if you do that a hundred thousand times then your marriage is over and then and then they’ll be held To pay you can be sure of that You