Talked to Jocko willing recently too and he’s you know, you know of Jocko, of course the black and white Instagram Love it. And most people he’s a military type. Oh, yeah former Navy SEAL a tough tough guy wakes up early way What’s that wakes up early? Yeah, right and we want you to know about asses people not doing it in a friendly way You know He also went on a very inspired rant about the utility of his English literature degree because it made him so Formidable in communication within the military structure It’s like I can’t understand how that idea has been forgotten or why it isn’t being transmitted properly it’s like there’s nothing you can possibly do to become more deadly than to Improve your facility with language and the way you do that is by reading especially great things and by writing and by thinking and by Speaking for that matter But how could that not be viewed as absolutely central to what education is about you want to be inarticulate and stumble over? Everything that you try to think and communicate. Yeah, how are you gonna get anywhere? You don’t even know who you are under those circumstances You’re this massive feeling that’s expressing itself You know maybe in violence because you can’t find the words and yeah You stumble around and bump into things and you’re clunky and dull and you’re not witty Don’t sparkle and you’re not gonna get laid. Yeah, and so Not unless someone feels sorry for you, you know, that’s probably not a great motivation. Yeah. Well prostitution is legal in New York now, so There are ways. There’s always that yes. Yes a hundred percent. There’s pornography, you know where you don’t have to speak at all. I Guess I guess I wonder if it’s like it’s too I have I should tell you the people who are listening I have a list on my website of great books. There’s I swear to God I thought you were about to say I have a list of great pornography Go go go with that list private Anyways, I have a list of great books on my website and I put that there because these are books that had a major impact on me Both as a scientific thinker, but also as a philosophical or psychological thinker So I’d encourage people if you want to Facil if you want to develop your capacity to articulate yourself and gain all the advantages that that brings along with it Which are immense in every possible sphere of life You could go read those books and you won’t come out of that knowing everything But you’ll come out of it knowing a lot more than you did when you went in and then you’re deadly Regardless of what you do. Do do you think that a liberal arts education or humanities education is too derivative from Making money No, no, no, no, not when it’s proper not at all and the evidence suggests that it’s not look in the eyes of the public I’m saying in the eyes of the public. Yeah, but look look what rich people do with their kids historically They send them to get a liberal arts education. Yeah. Well, do you think it’s because they’re stupid? Yeah That’s not why they did that they know that there isn’t anything that makes you more powerful than being literate and articulate Yeah, and so you might say well you didn’t get trained in anything specific and maybe you need to buttress your liberal arts degree with training in something specific But being able to communicate especially as you rise up the ranks in any organization There isn’t anything that serves you better than your ability to communicate. I mean you read to learn You communicate to negotiate to plan to strategize to encourage other people to bring them on board to Put them on your side It’s like so if you’re if you have finesse with language Nothing can possibly stand in your way and that’s how it should be taught to young especially young man But not only young better, but especially young man. It’s like you want to get somewhere. Mmm, like learn to speak. Yeah Yeah in its most basic sense, do you want to get somewhere learn how to speak? there’s a my my fiance when she was younger heard stepfather would Would do this thing with her wish he would make her go start conversations with people she was like Nine years old or something like a young kid, but just go up to people start conversations and don’t ask yes or no questions Hmm I I cannot she’s so much more comfortable around people like I’m pretty comfortable around people I literally talk to them for a living like I perform in front of groups of people For someone who doesn’t perform who’s not in entertainment her ability just walk up to a stranger and her confidence in being able to spark a Conversation right and I’m not just talking to like a guy Of course a guy is gonna talk to a beautiful girl It could be a girl or not because he might be intimidated right into inarticulateness, right? You’re right I’m saying she’s that isn’t He might be rendered inarticulate by her beauty and that’d be especially the case if he’s not confident in his ability to speak 100% so it’s like I yeah, I wonder how much of that like I keep trying to like I had each of them because I used to go to Performances at their school dramatic performances and the kids would be up on stage playing out a part At some concert and I’d be like five rows back and I couldn’t even hear them and it just used to drive me mad I think Why couldn’t the teacher take that child and like spend ten minutes getting them to yell out their lines so that people could hear them Yeah, I took my kids at home and I had them stand up and said well you tell me what happened during your day I want you to talk about your day for five minutes, right? Louder louder belt it out so I can hear it. Yeah, you know put your hands down stand up deliver the damn lines You know, we did that a few times and they got it right away How useful what a useful skill that is to be able to stand up and at least speak loudly enough so that people can hear You when you’re doing your comedy performances, where do you put your voice you whisper so no one can hear you Well something I mean you want people to hear you obviously but sometimes you can use low volume to bring people in Yeah, sure. Sure. That’s when you’re doing it on purpose. Yes. Yes, but you can play with the volume in the delivery Yes, yes, but yeah a hundred percent like I don’t know I think about all this stuff with like child rearing as I get older and I’m gonna want to start a family and like you know even the things that I got from my parents to develop confidence like I Now that I look back on it we would just have we were so very so fortunate like we had dinner together every single night and It was literally the stage for me They would just ask me how my day was and I could go on and I thought that what I said was valuable It was probably so that’s definitely a gift man. That’s definitely a gift And I think your observation about the table as the stage is a really good one a tremendous amount of Socialization takes place around the table. Yeah, people learn to communicate or not there because it is a stage and we share food It’s a very peculiar human trait. It’s very deep. Yeah. Yeah, it’s just so interesting Like I don’t know and you were encouraged apparently yes, they pushed me and you know, both of them were dreamers So that was maybe a unique situation as well But I’m just curious about that especially now as I what did your parents think about your ability you said you were encouraged so You know my father particularly but also my mother but particularly my father, you know, he he had confidence in me Yes, he was strict and and he had very high standards, but he also had confidence in me. So I always knew that Many of my friends who didn’t have that. How did you know that he had confidence in you? How did he express that? I think probably because he spent a lot of time with me when I was a little kid Helping me like he taught me how to read he spent a lot of time with me teaching me things that were useful Mmm, so I knew that he valued my attention my time Yes, that was a big part of it And I suppose it was also partly perhaps partly the fact that he would be disappointed if I didn’t do something well You know which you think well, you don’t want to disappoint your father. It’s like well, wait a sec Maybe you do maybe you want to disappoint your father when you do something not so good I mean, are you gonna be pleased if he’s pleased when you do something bad? I don’t think so