What’s your position on artificial intelligence, potential positive and negative outcomes and general sense of what it will mean for you have you humanity those those people over the next five years five years that’s all. Well my position basically is we better get our act together before the Giants show up and they’re like knocking at the door right now so you better build your arc folks and get on your adventure because we’re whipping up some things in the lab that will make everything that’s come so far look like nothing’s happened at all yet and that’s that’s not like next year that’s tomorrow that’s now so we’re gonna have a lot of things to contend with and you know they’re very promising they’re very promising I was talking to my brother-in-law for example who’s the world’s greatest chip designer as it turns out and he’s built I don’t know if I don’t know if there’s anybody who’s changed the world more in the last 15 years than Jim with a possible exception of Musk and that’d be a tight battle because he built all the chips in your iPhone and in Intel systems and in AMD systems and I mean other people did as well but he was key to that one of the things we were talking about last week was the possibility that we could build a chat GPT system essentially that was a trained neuroscientist and so I thought I could work with him to identify the cardinal works of neuroscience over the last 15 years the greatest books the greatest papers train the chat GPT system on that and then use it as a scientist to evaluate the current literature and that seems like a the only thing that’s stopping that is time like it’s the possibility of doing that’s right there we’re going to be able to build we can already build credibly intelligent systems now they’re not fully calibrated yet and chat GPT has its problems and its biases but Jim figures we’ll figure out how to see right now chat GPT only uses language so to the degree it’s intelligent it’s intelligent because of the intelligence that’s encoded only in language and if the linguistic corpus of the body of text that we’ve all produced is biased and warped in some way that’ll be built into the chat GPT system and along with whatever biases the programmers might have purposely or inadvertently put into the system but Jim figures that the AI systems will be able to calibrate their linguistic knowledge against knowledge of images in the world soon and that’s basically what scientists do right because scientists will take a verbal hypothesis and then test it against the actual world and if the hypothesis in the world fit then you think well that’s scientifically verified and Keller thinks that that AI systems are able to do that pretty soon and pretty soon means soon as someone builds one that can do it because we the tech is already in place and so I have no idea what that’s going to mean you know and it could easily lead us astray so here’s something that’s going to happen in the next year so imagine now you’re lonesome lonesome guy and you can get a digital friend woman and she can talk to you like chat GPT talks to you and listen like chat GPT listens to you which is maybe if you’re really lonesome and nilly alienated more than anyone has ever listened to you in your life and then soon she’ll not only listen to you as a text interface but she’ll be a fully rendered 3d well let’s say 2d photorealistic fully rendered animation indistinguishable from a genuine image of a person image of a genuine person and then that’ll be 3d for your you know oculus headset and then well that’ll be sexual and like just right now that’ll be the that’ll be the value proposition right as you build a turn your virtual girlfriend into your virtual sex partner and who knows what that’ll do right and then the next thing after that is you’ll be able to put that into a robot and that’ll be the robots have been tricky you know but I can’t imagine that’s more than 10 years away and that’s just one thing that’s gonna happen maybe not even the most surreal thing you know pretty soon we’ll be contending with the fact that someone will be able to generate a photorealistic version of Donald Trump and have him say something absolutely reprehensible and spread it everywhere just before election night and there’ll be a real confusion about whether he said it or didn’t so what do we do when our representations of reality can be falsified now you know I was talking to my son about that today and he thinks we’ll get into an arms race right away because there’ll be technologies that can detect whether video is artificial but then you know there’ll be a race because other technologies will learn how to fool that technology and you know maybe we’ll be able to stay on the edge where we can still detect what’s real and what isn’t but I don’t think we’re doing a very good job of that right now on social media you know because social media it’s kind of like the world except it’s way more demented and the problem with that is that it makes the whole world look demented so you know I’ve known for a long time or believed acted as if it’s incumbent on us to become as wise as we are powerful and that’s asking a lot I don’t see another solution you know part of the reason that I’m doing what I’m doing part of the reason we’re doing what we’re doing is because we’re trying to become wiser that’s for sure but we’re also hoping that discussions of the sort that we had tonight why would I say discussion it’s like I know that I’m talking you know but you’re all here and I don’t talk to the group I talked to individuals and I’m watching to see if what I’m saying is landing if people are paying attention it’s still a dialogue you know and you can tell when a talk like this is a dialogue because it it doesn’t seem prepackaged and it captures your interest and that’s because it really is a conversation and we need to have conversations that promote wisdom and we need to get at that like there’s no tomorrow because if we don’t get at that like there’s no tomorrow either there will be no tomorrow and that’s a real possibility or it’ll be a tomorrow that will make all the hells we’ve managed to generate in the past look like like Satan was just warming up and we’re toying with that right now on in an unbelievably provocative manner you know on the AI front on the environmental apocalypse front on the culture war front on the war with Russia front so part of the reason that we’re on this tour you know when we could be say at home with our families with our family and pursuing more local creative enterprises is because we’re hoping that you know we can all get our act together fast enough because I also think that we we’ve got this choice in front of us right now as far as I can tell and that’s we can either play out the apocalypse spiritually that means conceptually and sort ourselves out ethically and separate the wheat from the chaff within each of us or the saved from the damned that’s another way of looking at it can either do that conceptually psychologically and in communication with each other voluntary communication or we can play it out in the world as war and catastrophe and really as far as I can tell that’s everything is accelerating right including the eternal battle between good and evil in heaven and so either take on that responsibility as a spiritual problem or as Jung said Carl you you play it out in the world as fate and I’m utterly convinced that that’s true so