Peter Thiel, for example, can’t be gay because he’s a Republican. And Kanye West can’t be black because he came out in favor of Trump. And the fact that stripping of the identity occurs does indicate that identity has a function and a purpose, right? So it’s a way of being. It has a platform. It has a party manifesto. It’s something to sign up to. Yeah. And in the absence of nothing or in the absence of anything else, it might be better than nothing. Absolutely. The question is how tenable it is. And the fundamental flaw that I see in identity politics is that it’s simultaneously predicated on the idea that identity is a social construct and that it’s a felt sense. And it can’t be both of those. And it is, in fact, a social construct with biological root. It means that it’s something that is by necessity negotiated with others, not imposed upon them by fiat. And it has to be negotiated with others because otherwise they won’t play with you.