If you deprive rats of the ability to, of the opportunity to engage in rough and tumble play, they show prefrontal cortical developmental deficits, and manifest behaviors that are akin to attention deficit disorder, which you can then treat with Ritalin. And so one of the things that’s happening with boys, because they’re way more dosed with attention deficit disorder medication than girls, is that their natural proclivity to engage in robust and troublesome active play, isn’t appropriate for a school environment where you’re just supposed to sit down and shut up, and so the kids get hyperactive. And instead of letting them out to run around until they fall over half exhausted, which is exactly what you should do, you know, you medicate them so that their exploratory systems, which are, the activity of which is facilitated by the dopaminergic agitus, that’s the ADHD medication, suppresses the play function.