What do you think the symbolic significance of global warming climate change might be? Well, I’ve been wanting to make a video about that. I was thinking of making a video about that. I think that the global warming climate change thing, what it is, it’s a form of secular apocalypticism. You know, it really is the same structure as when I was young evangelical and people were telling me that the world is going to end and this is the signed and there’s doomsday in front of us. It is a form of millennialism. It’s a form of the end is nigh. It’s the same thing. It’s just closed differently. But it’s the same as the nuclear holocaust when we were kids and we thought that the world could end with a nuclear holocaust. It’s all the same thing. It’s all the same thing. And I think that it’s interesting to study the global warming climate change thing. I think that using this, whether or not it’s actually going to happen, I mean, whether or not it’s just a political narrative or whether or not it’s a mix of political narrative and science. I really actually do like one time someone asked Jordan about this and I thought his answer was pretty wise. He said, I can’t differentiate the science from the politics when I hear people talk about climate change. And so because of that, it’s difficult to know when people are actually being objective in terms of science or whether they’re in a narrative. And I think it’s really great because it’s showing us, you know, I did this last video about how Flat Earth is showing us how the world of kind of rational thinking is, let’s say, of this rational bubble that we created in the Enlightenment, how it’s breaking apart and symbolic thinking is coming back. And so it’s coming back in all kinds of weird ways at first. It’s not necessarily coherent, but this idea that we can no longer differentiate the narrative from the quote unquote science is partly us understanding that, you know, that meaning is inevitable. And you can see it as a frustrating, it’s frustrating because we see it in, because it’s happening as the world is kind of falling apart. We see it in news. We see it. We can’t, we listen to watch news now. You can’t ask yourself, what’s their narrative? You can’t, we can no longer just wonder whether or not they’re just telling you the facts because it just seems impossible to do that anymore. And so, and so in terms of, in terms of global warming, I think that it’s a, it can be a useful tool to explain to someone what it means for God to judge the world because the way that people understand, let’s say when they read the story of Noah, they read the story of Noah and they think, how could God be so horrible? How could God destroy the whole world and cause a flood? And it’s really fascinating because if you, if you study the, the traditions of Enoch, you see that as the world becomes more and more technological, as they learn about magic and about smithing and everything technological, and as they do that, become, they become more warring, they war, they have more fights between each other and they also become decadent. They create mixture, they also, you know, become sexually decadent. And so it’s like all that is happening and then the flood. And so you think, oh, how horrible is it that God would, would punish the world that way? But the same person that would think that would, can still, can also think that if we continue to, at the pace that we’re going, if we continue, capitalism continues the way it does, you know, if we continue to pollute the earth like this, we’re going, the world is going to destroy us. And they, they, sometimes it really does have like a mythological narrative where it’s like mother earth is going to spit us out and, and the world is going to reject us as if we’re parasites on, on the earth. And so, and so it’s actually an interesting way to show people what the judgment of God is, because God’s judgment is, is, is also the causality of our own actions. It’s like the judgment of God is related to the, the, it’s the meaning how you could say it this way. The judgment of God is often the meaning of the consequences of our actions. Right. And so it’s like someone starts to cheat on his wife and, and then, you know, his wife, his wife finds out and his wife leaves them and then he starts to drink. Then he becomes an alcoholic and then, and then he, you know, he becomes a, he loses his job and he becomes a total loser and then he gets on heroin. And then he, you know, he starts to, and then you’d say like, oh, that man, that man has been judged by God, you know, he’s under the judgment of God. But the judgment of God is the meaning of the consequences of his own actions. And so, and so, I mean, not that sometimes there can’t be like a, like a lightning bolt that comes down. I believe that is totally possible. But, but, but in general, usually there’s a, there’s a relationship between the actions that you pose and the judgment you receive. That’s why if you, if you look at medieval representations of hell, the punishment that the person receives in hell is always related to the sin that they, that they committed. And so, for example, someone who was a glutton, you’ll see them in hell being stuffed by demons, you know, like being stuffed with food by demons until their stomach explodes, you know. And so, and so, and so the same thing like with, with, with, let’s say someone who had a kind of sexual perversion, then you’ll see them being abused by demons in hell. And so, it’s always, the idea is that your actions bring about their own consequences. And those consequences are also the, the, the, are also God’s judgment upon you. So.