You know, when you listen to a profound piece of music, one that sort of spans the whole emotional experience, it’s not happy. Happy is elevator music and probably you just shouldn’t listen to that at all. It doesn’t have that deep sense of awe and horror, I would say, that is characteristic of the best of all music. You know, you listen to some simple music, so-called. Hank Williams is a good example. You know, the blues cowboy from the 50s who died of alcoholism when he was 27 and whose voice sounds like an 80-year-old man. Simple melody, you know, but there’s nothing simple in the song and in the voice. It’s deep, you know, it’s like the blues. It’s like black blues in the States from the 20s. There’s this admission of a deep suffering at the same time as you get the beautiful transcendence of the music. And that’s meaning, you know.