in terms of what you’re saying, that’s the way it’s especially in the orthodox tradition, that the way it’s understood that is God is both absolutely transcendent and absolutely imminent at the same time because he is the he is the thing that he is that which holds the world together, let’s say the bonding, you can say that the, that the world holds together through the divine love is the best way to understand it, and that everything I would. Yeah, I would say if you believe if you believe in the total inner penetrating imminent God, and that also and this is actually in the Bible is creates good and evil and is sort of passive and all encompassing, then I would say the best thing to do is not worry too much about schisms and civic things anyway because ultimately, it’s just, you know this amorphous beings will and doesn’t matter so much. And it would be mostly a statement of individuality on that end anyway because you would simply be professing your faith doing your thing and living according to what you believe is holy and and God way. There’s a way in which we have to, like not only we have to but human beings manifest like communal bodies like we have to join together. You know we joined together in in in in communal versions of what we are, it is you are like you are an amalgamation of stuff right, you know and so, and that has to hold together or else you’re schizophrenic like if you let the parts of you rule you too much, then you’re you’re you’re diseased. And so we do the same like we come together. And then we create that say higher versions of what we are like we’re we participate in communities and bodies and that that has to that can’t only be to brought down to the individual level can it. Well, it can. If the individuals I argue from a pragmatic perspective and say if the individuals understand critical thinking, the individuality aspect is prime, the civic and religious aspects are more decentralized and and the civic aspect legal one is less important. If you argue the transcendent nature of a deity, the all encompassing nature, the good and the evil the light and the dark the everything and nothing at the same time sort of eminence argument, then I would say it doesn’t really matter if the world ultimately goes to hell, your your soul is safe. Ultimately everything that happens is part of that divine will or lack of will anyway. And it doesn’t really matter. And then I would also I would also argue a proper construing of, you know, the words of Jesus and the New Testament would beg to differ as well and essentially become completely passive towards all civic affairs, and is almost quasi separatist in nature, allowing people to form if they share your religious views, those communities on the outskirts and if they’re persecuted, they’re all the better for it and are martyrs. Yeah, but there’s a way there’s a way in which I think what you’re saying is that, how can I say this, if God is the all is imbibes all things, then we participate in the world that is it doesn’t make it doesn’t become this kind of laissez faire thing where everybody. So, let’s say in St. Paul there’s this idea that we are that through bonds of love, then we create, let’s say, something like the body of God in the world. That is we, we are the ones who make the world. And so, why would that be, but why would that be important in the civic sense, ultimately, you would be spending your time let’s say that you’ve got a societal reform on your mind you make videos about it you march do activism or whatever. Would that not technically be time that you’re taking away from doing what the explicit command was which is to go give things to the poor and help the widows and stuff and you’re trying to help society at large. And in that society if you follow the example of your Christ effectively is nullified there was no real attempt to reform society it was individuals that were being interacted with the only interaction in the collective sense of node is going in with a scourge and attacking a bunch of bankers, which also is something we can’t openly explicitly support that again because this will be on YouTube but it is an interesting story. But there, there, there is the idea that Christ gave the idea of communion is not something which just limits people to the, to if you read the chap, the chapters in saying that in the gospel St. John, he keeps talking about unity he keeps talking about like you know be one as your father in heaven, as I am one with my father all of this idea of like a bond of unity and love. And I think that it’s not something which is political per se, and I think that that’s also why the Christian ideal is is more something like the, the, the saint or the monk or the martyr, but then out of that will flow certain societies, that is societies will flow out of that it doesn’t create. How can I say this. It really is in the sense that I was talking about this hierarchy being that you have the Brahmin and the those that fight and etc. So, if you recognize the, the monks and the saints as the highest, and they’re the ones who do the things you’re saying, because not everybody’s going to end up doing that the world kind of lays itself out in in normal hierarchies like it just kind of flows out, but if the top of your hierarchy is someone who gave everything for the poor. Then there’s a good chance that some of that will flow down into the world. As, and so I agree that like the civic part is definitely not the top. Like it’s not the highest aspect. But it can flow out of it. But then the dysfunction of the world would be properly more ascribed to the sickness of organized religion than anything else, because it’s already there maybe in a degraded form but what allowed it to degrade. What allowed what do you mean what allowed what you did that. Well, if the civic is to be subjugated entirely to the religious the religious is is held up at the height which until the last half century generally it was in most countries anyway. And things are degrading wouldn’t have to start at the top at the root of the problem would be the religious leaders. No, you’re right. You’re absolutely right. And that’s why, if you read. So then if the guy if the Lord allows them to be degraded and it’s not certainly not just the case in Christianity it’s the case in any religious or spiritual movement, including among most pagan movements, then then why entrust them with greater power or try to organize society on their basis if they’re already sick, you’d need an entire revolution. No, but that’s why you in the in this traditions you always have two strains you’ll have, like, you’ll have a saints strain and then you’ll have an official strength, and the real strain is the saints strain. That is, the saints don’t have to be bishops or priests, they can, they don’t have to be popes, they are recognized. They are recognized by the church by the by the people by the bond of love as being representing the ideal, and they’re the ones that really give us the way to go. Then you have the hierarchy, let’s say the actual civic version like the official version of the hierarchy where you have priests and bishops and everything, and those are needed and useful. But ultimately those are, they, they have to bow to the saints. They have to worship, they have to venerate the saints, because the saints are the one are not part of that hierarchy, you know, and the hierarchy is supposed to flow out of it, it degenerates I agree it, of course it does. Like every any human system and ends up degenerating, but it has in it, the possibility of keeping those ideals up there, like the ideals are clearly marked. And you know like what you’re, what you’re following. Whereas like in a, in a, like, that’s why I, if you look at what’s going on in the US, I feel like that’s the main issue is that there is nothing, there’s no spiritual example that is keeping us together. Right, what is keep, what is making us something like what is making the United States something.