God is not a being, but being itself. So the famous answer given to Moses, right? I am who I am. Moses is asking, what kind of being are you? He’s trying to put God in categorical terms. And the answer there is so important because that makes all the difference when it comes to understanding religious language. If we follow Moses and his question, we will inevitably end up in atheism. Because if you think God is a categorical object in the world, eventually you’ll say, well, I don’t see this object and there’s no evidence for it and I can explain the world without it. That’s why the answer of God in Exodus is so powerful because he’s saying, dumb question, wrong question. I’m not a thing in the world that you can name. I am who I am, which means I’m the Prius. That’s Augustine’s language. I’m prior to thought and to language. I’m prior to being. I’m that upon which the categorical realm depends.