If you’re not united within yourself and you need to be united in relationship to a higher purpose to be united within yourself Then you’re weak and the world will take you apart and and and the reason it takes you apart I think is partly because Life is is rife with suffering and it’s certainly bounded by mortality and those are very grim facts And unless you have hammered yourself together to find a destiny That’s of sufficient nobility so that that so that those negative elements become tolerable then the suffering will take you apart and and and demolish you and So it’s not optional this and you might say well, what does that have to do with God? And I suppose that depends on what your what how you interpret God But it certainly at least has to do with the finding of a transcendent purpose So and you do that through consultation with yourself, you know and your yourself and this is a kind of a the way of looking at things that that Carl Jung developed You’re the self that I’m talking about is the higher self that tells you for example when your pursuit of impulsive pleasure has demeaned you or or interfered with your proper mode of being and people understand that experience very well You don’t have to talk to someone very well long until you can Discover what they’re ashamed of for example like why be ashamed if you aren’t doing something that demeans you why have contempt for yourself if you’re not missing the mark and With and the fact that you have shame and self-contempt indicates that there’s something in you that’s striving beyond what you’re currently investigating and and for your libertarian types like I would say look You don’t have to count how to an arbitrary external authority although often there’s use in that from a disciplinary perspective but I could say just as straightforwardly and and usefully that your Viewers and listeners could merely stop doing what they know themselves to be wrong Forget about what anyone else thinks it’s like, you know when you’ve transgressed against your your being and we we could say Well, you have an ethical it’s an ethical necessity to limit the transgressions The transgressions that you can identify against the nature of your being and I don’t see that that’s a disputable point unless someone can Step forward and claim. Well, I never feel any shame and everything I do I believe to be a hundred percent, right? It’s like get away from that person unless they’re the Buddha You