Are you depressed or do you just have a horrible life? And those are not the same question. If you’re depressed, you have a life that, in principle, should work, but isn’t. I’ve got a good job, I’ve got a good family, my wife loves me, but man, I’m miserable all the time. It’s like, okay, well, let’s delve into that a bit more deeply, but that kind of sounds like depression. But then you might come and say, well, I’m miserable, I’m suffering, I don’t even wanna be alive, and you can walk through someone’s life and you can find out if they’re reasonably embedded in a hierarchy of social institutions. And if the answer is no, no intimate partner, no family, no children, no friends, no job, no career, no educational pathway, no engagement in civic responsibility, no church attendance, no spiritual life, no routine. Well, you’re not depressed, you just have a horrible life.