Well, if there’s anything that Christians like to do best, it’s to complain about modernity. We don’t like modernity. We wish modernity would go away. We find everything that’s associated with modernism to be bad, bad, very bad, and the opposite of good. Now the point I’m about to make is not going to be particularly new to any fans of Mark’s YouTube channel Navigating Patterns, but I do think it bears repeating today. This category that we have of modernism is not a good category. It’s intrinsically confusing and slippery. So if we look in the dictionary, we’ll find that modern in modern English means now existing or of pertaining to present or recent times. Now the problem with trying to use this chronological category to refer to stable realities is that time just keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking into the future. And what was modern at one point is now outdated and no longer relevant. What is modern keeps on changing because our experience of time as material creatures, as human beings, only goes one direction. And until I see the DeLorean with the flux capacitor in it, I’m not going to believe anything else. This is how things are. So maybe you don’t believe me. Maybe you think, oh, I think it’s still a perfectly useful category. Well, next time you’re reading something or you’re listening to someone speak, every time they say modernism, replace it mentally with todayism. Replace it mentally with todayism. Ah, yes, that 16th century was the beginning of the today period. Was it now? My goodness, you certainly have a very different experience of time than I do. You know, we what we find in todayity is is it going to be different tomorrow? See, when we use this basket category of modernity, we’re including different things underneath that. And whichever one it is that you want to complain about, complain about that one particularly. So I think a lot of times when people are talking about modernism or modernity, the thing they really want to complain about is some form of materialism. They want to complain about a reductive materialism or they want to complain about a scientific materialism. Well, complain about that specifically. Talk about how bad of an idea thinking that all of reality is just a bunch of electrons scooting past each other is. That’s precise. That’s an idea that isn’t going to slip away on you. Or maybe they complain about how the viewpoint of people today is limited only to this world. They might call that modernity. Well, complain about secularity then of only thinking of the age and not thinking of the forever. Complain about that specifically. And that category won’t get away from you. Or maybe they want to complain about ugly art. Just call it ugly art. I don’t care when it was made. I don’t know. I don’t care what era it belongs to. If it’s ugly, it’s ugly. And the odds of it ever becoming beautiful are not good. So as a rule, go ahead and avoid the category of modernism, which is no different than saying todayism. Speaking about 17th century todayism is ridiculous. Speaking about 19th century scientific todayism is absurd. But there is one place, one category where I will allow you to speak about modernity. Here we go. Or I will encourage you to do this. And that is in the realm of theology. In the realm of theology, I will go ahead and encourage you to talk about modernism. Now, why is that? Why would that be? Well, it is actually a useful category in theology because it describes kind of a movement in theology in the late 19th century. What was going on was people were making the argument that the Catholic Church needed to update its doctrines, needed to update its timeless dogmas, needed to decide not to be stuck in the past anymore, but to be moving on into the future. And the argument that they made is that our personal experience of theology is more important than perennial patterns, than time-tested doctrines, than the authority of the church. And that on account of my experience of theology, I should be allowed to update these things. And that’s actually a decent use of this word, modernity. It was well named by St. Pius X when he condemned this as an error and as a heresy. Because that is ultimately this idea that what’s happening today should change things that are supposed to be forever, things that are supposed to last for a while. That can all be changed based on what we are seeing today. And so when you hear in the context of theology, people talking about modernism, it’s not necessarily bad framing, it’s not necessarily a bad category. That’s people who want to judge the things of heaven, perennial patterns, by the things of today. So it is a form of todayism, and it’s condemned as a heresy by the church. So that’s what I think about modernism. Just a quick announcement. Next stream will be Monday, April 1st at 10 a.m. Central. How you doing, Casey? Good. You brought up modernism, and I just started to tune on this book, actually. So I think, I mean, he gets into the relevant issues, obviously. Like, belief in the world today is the start of the book. But yeah, that’s good framing for how modernism is. Thinking that the way we think now is more important than like… Things that have lasted for centuries. Yes. Yes. Hmm. Yeah, that describes many things. That’s why didn’t he call it modernism is the synthesis of all heresies? He did. He did. And yeah, yeah. It was especially because… So when Pius X condemned the heresy of modernism, he did with kind of three… It was like a three-legged stool. He had this idea of immanentism, that our experience of God, of the faith should actually be what is normative. So that’s kind of the first thing. It’s kind of like the most powerful thing, because you had this experience of the divine, you know, and like it makes you rethink the way you live. The second part of it was agnosticism. This idea that we could never come to a final question about things regarding God. Revelation would always be open, always open to further interpretation. So we couldn’t ever have the final answer there. And the third is… Third is evolutionism. The idea that the church’s doctrine can evolve on certain things, that it can change and morph and go from at one point A to another point not A. As opposed to… My understanding is basically it’s made more clear over the years, as opposed to like anything new being, you know, like we’re digging up something new and fresh. Like this is our new doctrine here. It’s like, no, that doctrine is eternal, but, you know, you can see it more clearly, let’s say. Yeah, yeah. And what was implicit in one age might become explicit as time goes on. Wonderful. Yeah, good night. That guy, I caught up in time, but there was nothing good coming after that. But he’s on the band list now. So anyway, I’m gonna let… Thanks for being on the internet. I’m gonna let things cool off a little bit before I post the link again. So you might just have to remind me if you want on. People are crazy, man. All righty. Let’s… Mark, you know how to let yourself in. Yeah, we share a StreamYard account. That’s how you know you’re really close. Yeah, we were talking about it. Yeah. Yeah, people crazy confirmed, that’s for sure. So, Casey, how was Palm Sunday? Nice. And Palm Sunday is always interesting, just because like, it’s pretty much the longest mass of like the whole year, except for maybe the Easter Vigil, I guess, right? Easter Vigil would usually be longer, but it’s the longest one that is gonna have a bit of a longer time. So, yeah, I’m gonna let you know. I’m gonna let you know. So, I don’t know how you do it at your pitch, but for the passion reading, we had like three readers or something, basically. Is that how you guys do it, too? It’s extremely common. I have three readers, and then everybody has the pew missiles open in front of them, and they do the crowd parts. And so that comes from a tradition where if you were chanting the passion narrative, or you were chanting the passion narrative on Palm Sunday, or on Good Friday, you would have, in Rome anyway, they would always have three deacons, one doing the narrator part, one doing the part of Christ, and one doing the other voice, and then the choir would answer with the crowd parts. And they still do it that way in Rome. But after the revisions, after the second Vatican Council, it was just the way it developed in the United States was to read it in this way, which is not that far from the way it was being done. But if you can hear it chanted rather than just spoken, I think that’s really special. Chanting makes all religious texts 5,000% more interesting. The one of the priests in my parish is like a newer priest. He got ordained in 2020. And he said that’s his favorite part of some masses, is just being able to chant the whole thing. So it would be really cool to see that. Yeah, it passed his bedtime. Watch out. It is past my bedtime. You got me until another 10 minutes or so. Okay. Well, sleep is important, especially if you’re a working man. Mm hmm. I took your ideas and put some fancy packaging on them. But that todayism thing is just really. I’m thrilled. That was great. That was really brilliant. I like it. What did you think of my talk on the heresy? I hear a sea of modernism. Once I heard that, I’m like, how come every time I dig into these things, there’s like actual like Satan at the bottom of it or somebody stated, yeah, this is evil. Every single thing I dig into, I’m like, really? This is getting a little weird coincidence wise. It’s almost as if when I listened to it, I didn’t hear the whole thing. But listen to the first, probably 55 minutes of Jordan Peterson and Destiny. And I know I can’t. I can’t. I could not. I will not ask Mark about it. Well, well, it’s it’s nice to hear somebody who’s actually just factually incorrect and could just look it up and know that and just be wrong about absolutely everything he says. I’m like, that’s impressive, dude. Like you’ve got every fact you’re bringing to bear wrong, every single one. And to watch it. Yeah, it’s crazy. But you can’t do that on accident either. Well, that’s the thing, right? It’s something’s going on. But two interesting things happen in that first 55 minutes or so. One is Jordan Peterson basically lists what some people call egregore. You and I would call spirit for sure. And calls that out. And in the other one, he talks about satanic possession. And they’re only a few minutes apart. But I was like, yes, that’s it. And he like outlines it. He’s like, well, I don’t know, you see all these things that they’re doing and they all sort of have the same end results. And I’m kind of thinking maybe they’re moved by something else. Yeah. Which in my draft of the essay that I sent you about Dr. Peterson, he’s right on the edge of materialism, right? And he’s like, well, nobody bloody well knows what’s going on out there, but it sure is strange. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Well, I think that’s his like, that’s where he should be. And you should never leave. You’ve said that before. It’s not really up to me. But you’ve said that plenty of times. So I agree. I’m just saying that’s like a good place for him. Maybe it’s not as good for him personally as it could be. But maybe it’s the best for the world. And maybe that’s a sacrifice that has to happen. I don’t know. I’m just saying it’s worth considering. That’s why we have these dog headed books. Dog headed books available. Soon. Soon. Available soon. Coming soon. The tale of the dog headed. We got to travel for Easter and then we’ll get back. We got 500 of those. So I got to do something with them. All right. Yeah. So wherever dog headed books are sold. Well, I’m trying to get them as part of Peugeot’s press there. But maybe they don’t need or want them. Which is totally fine. But I was trying to get in touch with Richard Ruell. And then he’s at the summit. He’s like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. DM me on Twitter. I can’t. That’s why. You can’t DM him. Yeah. For whatever reason, there’s all kinds of security settings. I’m not blocked or anything. I mean, I think his signal went way up after that just because he really showed up. And it was awesome. And I was there for it. So yeah, it was great. It was great. Yeah. So I’m hoping I’ll hear back from him, you know, just after Easter at the latest. And then that won’t be Easter yet for him. But this is like, this is crazy because Orthodox Easter isn’t until like the end of April. Oh, really? It’s like really, really way off. It’s that stupid Julian calendar. See, this is why you need a pope. So the pope could just be like, hey, guys, new calendar just dropped. We’re using it now. You need a really great pope. Or even just a mediocre one can pull that one off. They give you a new calendar? I don’t know. It’s pretty cool. Yeah. I mean, you just got the right mathematicians on board. And it’s amazing. The old Vatican Observatory, they had like a room without any windows so that they could track the motion of the sun across the floor. But they, you know, they’re Italian, right? So they painted the wall and they had like this angel with its mouth open. And that was the hole through which the sun came and showed down. So it’s, you know, I mean, it was Renaissance art, but it was still pretty good. And I like the thought. I like the energy behind, you know, the angel bringing the light in. Yeah. So anyway, so would you recommend people listen to Peterson versus Destiny? No. Okay. I cannot. I wouldn’t think you would. No, it just, I mean, the problem is you need to like, there is enough people in the comments that are clearly fooled and think like, Peterson’s angry. He’s never angry. But he gets shocked. He’s like, did you say something that stupid? Although he doesn’t say that, but you can, that’s the type of shock. And people are like, he got angry. And I’m like, that’s actually not anger. And I think part of, we’ll say the loss of the poetic information in the world is people can’t tell emotion from tone anymore. And so they confuse things like passion for anger, or things like shock for anger. I mean, he’s genuinely shocked, right? Because Destiny at one point says, why don’t I don’t think that redistribution was one of the problems with communism? And then of course, Peter, like, right. And at this point, you expect Peterson to just explode, right? Because like, he talks about the Kulaks. Like, what did you think that was? You know, and I mean, he’s very gracious about it. But his voice gets like, what? Excuse me? What did you say? It’s not but it’s not anger. It’s like just complete shock. Like, have you never heard a word I’ve said, sir? All right. And then he was too busy playing video games. Right. Well, you’re right. You never listen to all these people do that. They don’t they don’t do their research. And it’s just it’s just atrocious. They’re just they’re just like open field that anything can be planted in. Right, you’re gonna get weeds, you’re gonna get weeds. That’s what’s gonna happen. Right. But cleared out the native grass, just weeds is gonna grow there. But that loss of skill, right in the same way that people like maybe maybe today on Twitter still don’t understand why the word modernism is not a good word to use. And therefore, postmodernism, which was even worse, right? It’s like after today ism. So we’re talking about tomorrow ism, meta modern, right? It’s meta today ism, meta today ism, right? Which is worse, because that doesn’t even mean what comes next. It means outside. So technically mean before modern, technically, because it’s just out everything outside of it’s like, you guys are just throwing our words and squashing words together. And you have no idea what you’re saying. I’m with Sally on this one. We need to believe in the church of tomorrow. Why to be content with today, but we could have tomorrow. Exactly. We’ll seize tomorrow today. Yeah. Yeah. And it is that it is it is weird to me. So so I think if you watch it, you’re not going to notice destiny making all the mistakes he’s accusing Peterson of. There was one great moment too that I saw that was was so good. So at one point, he goes, what definition of leftism are you using? And Peterson plays plays from the same deck I play with a lot of this stuff. And he goes, the one you listed earlier in the conversation. And of course, destiny doesn’t remember defining leftism, but he did. Right. He’s not that smart. They never remember what they say. They never do. If you’re making it up on the fly, of course you don’t. Yeah, you can’t. And that’s he makes everything up on the fly. He just grabs facts that he thinks are correct. And usually facts are wrong, too. And then he puts them together in inappropriate, illogical ways and then says, and therefore, and like, and he’s constantly going like, you’re confusing weather for climate and then going, yeah, but we’ve had four years in a row of of global warming. And I’m like, dude, you’re the one that said that Peterson’s confusing weather and climate here you are doing it. Like, I don’t think people will know. We need like 30 years to establish a reliable trend, right? Right. But it’s funny, too, because Peterson points out, well, they put the temperature monitors inside of cities or just outside of cities, and then the cities grew. So they’re really inside of cities. And I’m like, yeah, guys, aside from all that, you’re collecting much more temperature. And guess what? You’ve changed the measurement. And guess what else they did? The climate thing is endless for me, because I actually did research it. So like, I know, I know all the tricks they’re using. They they revised down the old temperatures that were measured with mercury thermometers in favor of the new temperatures measured with digital thermometers, which we know have a huge variance margin of error, huge. Right. Because that works on a bimetallic strip, doesn’t it? Well, it it works on a digital measuring device that’s doing a sampling against an unstable in temperature and time item. And so the problem is if you you you need to control for one of the two and you can’t control for either with the new thermometers. And you know this, because all you have to do is take one of these digital thermometers. I have one right here. And you just take this and you move it to another room. And the thing is, if you have another thermometer, like if you have two of these, and they’ll be one degree off usually. Right. If you move them both, the variance between them will change. Okay, so what that means, it’s a simple test, right? It sounds too simple. You’d think the big smart people would know this. Well, they usually do, but they just don’t tell anybody. So what that means is the variance is too high for it to be used as a stable measuring device. That’s what it means. And so if it’s not a stable measuring device, because when they if you use a bimetallic strip, and you estimate because you have to how quickly the temperature changes, if you do that, you still have to you have to be right. You have to update how often you measure. They have to match in a reasonable ratio. Otherwise, too much readings fluctuate unstably or just way out of whack. They can be out of whack by three degrees. Like this thing is out of whack by at least three degrees. And that’s three degrees in freedom units, not in communist units. Exactly. Yes. So that’s what those letters mean, right? Yeah, yes. But you see, it doesn’t, it’s funny too. Like, it doesn’t matter that the temperatures are off even they’re not stable. And so year on year for the same day, they could be three degrees off, and maybe the temperature is not going up at all. And it’s just there’s no way to tell. Right. And then so if you revise down the stable thing, which is, you know, mercury, very safe, right, then what you’ve done is you’ve corrupted all the good data and substituted all the bad data. That sounds like a problem to me, but I’m just a priest. So I don’t know anything about data. It’s a problem of science and data manipulation. And yeah, he was saying also, oh, yeah, you know, the economists can predict the stock market. Because, you know, if you invest in the S&P, it’s going to go up 7% per year. And I’m like, an average is not a prediction. And anybody who’s ever done any trading knows this. An average is not a prediction. In fact, using an average as a predictor is dangerous. If anybody could predict the stock market, eventually that would break the stock market as a speculative enterprise, right? Manipulates the stock market. Yeah, a lot of people have predicted pieces stock market. But the minute you do, then a lot of people point this out. The minute you use a system that works, it changes the market such that your system breaks almost immediately. If you overuse it. And knowing that now now we’re into the specialty of mine, knowing that is virtually impossible. It’s very, it’s not impossible. It can be done. You have to know a lot though, to really understand the market dynamics at a level that, first of all, economists aren’t aware of. Good to know. And it’s impossible. But it’s weird because that problem is everywhere, right? Where we talk rationalization, which is what an average is. An average is a post hoc rationalization of a move through time, right? Whether it’s a five day average or a five month average or a five year average, right? Confusing that for something about the future or being predictive. It’s post hoc means it already happened and then you looked at it. Predictive means it hasn’t happened and you’re making a prognostication and guess about it, right? And he did that a lot. Like he did that with the climates. Well, you know, if you look at, I think he said it was 150 year chunks of temperature movement, then you see this vast temperature. First of all, it’s absolutely 1000% false. Just right off the bat, that’s wrong. What he’s saying is wrong. But second of all, yes, if you average, any average smooths the numbers, right? And Nassim Taleb does a great job of this and fooled by that. And that’s what averages are supposed to do. That’s what they’re supposed to do, right? They’re supposed to remove the variance. And so you can’t say the average is this and the variance is this and therefore there’s a problem because you’re talking about two different numbers that have no correlation or connection whatsoever. In other words, the variance can affect the average, but you don’t know how, right? But also the average doesn’t affect the variance at all. It’s a one way relationship. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Very asymmetrical. Well, here’s the real question, Mark. When is it going to be navigating patterns versus destiny? That’s the showdown I want to see. I’d completely annihilate him. I know. And I have a bucket of popcorn. It would be great. I am tempted to him. I’d love to just eviscerate Sam Harris publicly. It’d be glorious. See, I can already tell. Just thinking about it, my brain’s too happy. Shouldn’t do that. Shouldn’t do it. We wouldn’t want you to be too happy. You would lose your edge. I’m not saying that I wouldn’t. I’m just saying I shouldn’t. It would be glorious. It would be like me destroying Claire Cough. And I was happy for days after that. I was so thrilled. I’m like, oh, this is my favorite game and I never lose this game. You’re the monster with four left arms. We should make you happy. As long as you’re punching the right things. That’s Mark’s nickname, by the way. He’s the monster with four left arms. I gave it to him. So he didn’t make it up himself. It’s bestowed by me. It’s not my given name. It’s a legitimate nickname. He didn’t make it up. I’m like, that’s me. That’s a made up nickname right there. There’s a made up name. Also, it’s weird to me that people don’t listen to him and immediately realize he’s a little more effeminate than maybe a male of the species should be. Because I can just hear it. It’s not just his tone because he has that nasally, whiny voice to me. But it’s also the way he talks. It’s very soft edges and he rounds out his words. Everything about him, I’m just like that. It’s more of addiction than a… It’s both. It’s all of it. I’m not going to judge a guy for the vocal chords he was handed. He wasn’t. He wasn’t, though. That’s the thing. But if it’s a matter of the way you speak and you could affect it, it could be different. Then that tells you something. No, actually, see, this is really interesting. I got to do it. One of these days I’ll publish this course. You can deepen your voice just through a normal practice. All that normal practice does is effectively train your confidence level. It changes your level. Oh, that’s what Margaret Thatcher did. Yeah, yeah. Right. That’s what I mean. There’s no reason for any man… Apparently, she had a very girly voice and she got into politics and it wasn’t working. She got a voice coach and it became, the lady is not returning. Exactly. You can do it. I do blame people because I’m like, you can change that. It’s actually not that hard. It’s well known. It’s well researched. I can give you a simple method for doing it that takes no effort, requires no extra special anything and not a problem. But he doesn’t want to. It’d be interesting to get him angry to see if he can be angry because he just sounds like a passionless wet noodle. Oh, really? Okay. He got Trent Horn. I’ve never listened to Destiny Talk even for a minute, but he had this debate on abortion with Trent Horn. Trent Horn is a Catholic professional arguer. He’s one of the two best, I’d say, him and Jimmy Akin. They’re both real solid. Trent Horn is known for just being super positive all the time and really polite and friendly and welcoming. By about an hour into this debate with Destiny, he just looks at him and says, you’re insane. You’re insane. He yells at it and he’s clear he’s just lost his mind because that told me everything I needed to know. That’s funny. I didn’t finish that one. I just couldn’t listen to Destiny. My problem was people keep saying, oh, I had a debate with Destiny and then they don’t follow the debate format. I’m like, dude, if you’re going to have a debate, have a debate. If you’re not going to have a debate, don’t call it a debate because that’s- Is that with a moderator and time limits? Is that a debate? Yes, yes, but the minimum for a debate, you don’t need a moderator, technically. Technically, if you want a formal debate, you need a moderator. But if you want an informal debate, all you actually need is two people taking a stand and then defending their positions. Actually, I have to articulate their positions rather than just talk. Destiny never articulated a position in the piece of that thing that I listened to with Trent Horn. He didn’t do it. What he did was he can say, well, and he actually says, see, this is what I mean by you shouldn’t watch the guy because for some reason he enchants people and they miss very obvious errors that he makes. He said, well, I imagine that if you’re against abortion, your position is, and he outlines a straw man position and then fought that in the debate. I was like, why is anybody allowing this to happen? Right, because he needs to, if you’re Destiny, sorry about that, you have to say why abortion is good, basically. Exactly. You have to defend, you have to state your position and defend it. That’s what a debate is. You state your position and you defend it. A typical trick of these people, particularly like this, for some reason, most of them seem to be on the left, weird random coincidence. The world is not equal and smooth and symmetrical. It had to be one or the other. They will not take positions on things. They flat out refuse. With the first half hour of the Mark Destiny debate, just be you trying to get him to take a position? No, no, I just wait for him to say something and say, you’re wrong. And here’s why. And see, this is what I think people are missing. When someone’s wrong, you need to stop them immediately. You need to. It’s not optional. I know you’re going to piss them off. Whatever. I don’t care. You have to, because they will enchant the audience and you will lose the opportunity to fix the audience. Forget about them. Who cares? Right? If you’re doing a public debate, it’s not about the guy across the table. It’s about the point you’re trying to make. And so your job is to protect the audience from bad ideas. And on both sides, like, look, I don’t know whose idea is going to win. Right? But that means when somebody makes a false, see it Casey, when somebody makes a false statement, you have to stop them immediately and then ask them the simple question. And it is a simple question. Where did you get your information from? How much research did you do? What white papers did you read? What experts did you do? What books did you read? That’s all you have to do. Why? Because zero, actually zero of these people have ever done any research. Zero. And I know this because when they talk about these issues, which I have researched, I know what the research says and it doesn’t say what they say. It’s really that simple. Most people are lazy and they don’t do the work. And instead they’ll, you know, always in Twitter wars about this stuff, they’ll quote somebody else and I’m like, dude, you could literally just go read the paper. Here it is. You could go read it yourself. You don’t need some person in the government or some historian telling you something. You could look it up yourself and know for sure that what I’m saying is correct or wrong. Right. It’s correct, by the way, because I actually did the research, but whatever. Right. You could just do that, but they never do. But then the question is why do you believe that you know something that you’ve never researched? Because that’s the way in the age of gnosis, which I’m a little disappointed you didn’t mention, that’s the correct frame framing for modernity, what people are using it for. In the age of gnosis, that’s the highest value is what you know. Okay. How do you know what you know? And then that’s when their world comes crumbling down, which is good for them. Like you, you, you got to be able to push back on people, let them know when they’re wrong. And so all of this indicates the necessity, if you’re going to be properly grounded in the world and we’ll say navigate it well, the necessity for beginning in a state place of humility of, you know, it reminds me there was this famous letter that St. Thomas Aquinas wrote to somebody, he wrote back to somebody, it was some like punk kid who was just starting off at the university. And he’s like, Hey, what do I need to know? Right. And he’s like, well, basically what you have to do is you have to start small, get the fundamentals done well, not go after things that you’re not ready for, and basically follow the plan that’s laid out for you. And, you know, if you, if you do it like that, rather than just trying to become important, things will go well for you. And that’s actually not nearly as easy as just coming up with something on the fly to defend that position that you just kind of intuitively grasp at because it’s convenient for you. It’s actually a lot more work to go in and be like, huh, this guy’s saying this, I don’t even know what I think about it. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, well, in the age of gnosis, we don’t want to have the position of ignorance, because then we’re valueless, because the only valuable thing is knowledge. That’s why it’s the age of gnosis. And then once you see the pattern, it’s like, oh, oh, oh, you know, and, and, and, yeah, there’s some link, I haven’t quite figured it out. But I did notice it on Twitter today, actually, there’s some link between that and the, and the arrogance, the inability to admit when you transgressed. I don’t really understand what that is. I mean, I think, I think maybe that’s the sin, right? To not know, or to know and be wrong is a sin. And so they won’t go like I got, I got an ad hominem attack. And I just basically very nicely pointed out to guys, well, you’re ad hominem attack means you’re right or something, you know, something equally cheeky about that. And then he responded with this whole excuse that the subject of the conversation had shifted. And he apologized for not noticing that or something. Or he didn’t even apologize. Maybe maybe I’m bad at that. And I said, All right, maybe your word salad means nothing. And you’re not actually communicating. Because there was this word salad first. And then I said, and maybe just acknowledging the transgression would be a good idea. Good for you. You know, like I don’t care. Literally, you’re a bunch of texts on Twitter. I just can’t care about that. Sorry, I can’t. But it would be good for you to acknowledge that what I said about the ad hominem attack, which you clearly, you know, launched was a bad thing. But you just say like, Oh, I did this. Okay, that would be good for you. It’s good for your soul. Do anything for me. I don’t care. Your opinion of me or really anything is beyond meaningless to me. That’s why we make people do confession when they’re young. Yeah, yeah, yeah, get them in the habit. I confess that I’m a muppet. Sorry. Amen. There you go. There you go. That’s that. That’s a good habit to get into confess your muppetry. Confess it, man. It’s like, what do you that’s a really funny thing, right is that I’ve been here before, right? Where, like, you’re you’re standing in line for the confessional, and you’re just kind of embarrassed to be there, right? Along with everybody else who’s there for the exact same thing to go to confession inside of the church, where you will regularly hear the priests talk about how useful it is to go to confession. It’s like, come on, man, like, everybody’s doing it. It’s actually really normal and healthy. And the people who are in trouble are the ones who refuse to come here. So like, right. But I’ve seen it in me, right? I’m not just pointing at other people. It’s like, this has been in me too, that that shame can keep you from shame in the wrong spot. There’s things you should be ashamed of. But it’s, it needs to it needs to be where it belongs. Right. And that’s why we got the soundproof box. And you have a you have a backlash effect to where now people just confess inappropriately in public forums, all that I’m always shocked. I’m always all I think every day, practically, I see somebody confess something that I’m like, dude, let’s suppose what you’re saying is true and accurate, which you know, you know, you, you know, you did it, I wouldn’t tell anybody that not in public. I might not tell my best friend that particular thing. I think I’d leave that one to myself. Right. It’s like there are plenty of things that you you YouTube people don’t hear about me because I’d save it for confession, right? It’s like you get this public slice of me, so that we can have a society where people can live. Right. Well, and you can exemplify something more than than than the whole of you. Right. Or present your best face. Like, it’s weird, because on the one hand, people want like, No, I want the whole authentic you like right out. I’m like, Yeah, you definitely don’t want that. But but on the other hand, they’re like, Oh, but, you know, you want to bring your best self. And it’s like, you do realize that’s a contradiction, right? And they don’t. Yeah, because obviously, you’re great, because you could sit down in front of Dr. Jordan Peterson, and just make things up and you’ll win and everybody will clap and think that you’re just wonderful. And they’ll see what an awful you know, first off, he’s not really that smart. And second off, he’s just a gateway to the alt right. And third off, I have blue hair. So I win. Yeah, it was it was really remarkable to me to listen, especially on climate. I’m like, dude, I did the hardcore climate people have already admitted that’s a lie. I don’t want to tell you about that. Like, you know, crazy. Oh, you get amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere correlates to temperature. Actually, it does not. Not even close. I was like, I don’t I don’t know where you think you read that. But let me explain something to you, son. It’s got a line graph. He’s got a line graph in his head. Carbon goes up. And temperature goes up. Obviously, that’s how those two things are related. Obviously. Obviously, you know, highlight this, this is this one. Yeah, one of the worst things ever said is if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best. Thank you, Don. Yeah, that is a worst thing. That’s the worst thing to say. And not an awesome live your best life now. Oh, yeah, I don’t live your best life now. No, how to live your best life in modernism. Same statement. It’s your stream, dude. Like, that’s one of the problems with this little corner of the internet, right? The what? With the Peterson’s fear? What Peterson’s fear? Yeah, I was. For mind’s repeat sake, what are we even talking about here? All righty. Here’s the real question. Why is there snow now? We didn’t have any snow in February. Now we got snow on the ground. That’s no to Sally Joe’s been complaining about it. So she probably got more than we did. But like, I don’t know. Oh, this is good. Gage Murphy noticing a lot of it is if it’s not public, it’s not real is an underlying assumption. Unfortunately, it is. So and I haven’t exactly seen this part yet. Although Sally Joe tells me that it’s in the destiny. Peterson conversation. There’s a big and you’ve seen it elsewhere, right? There’s this big move towards if, you know, the majority sees it, then it’s real. And I talked about that on my live stream on Friday, actually, this democratization idea, where it’s like, well, if enough people see it, then it correlates to reality 100%. And it’s like, that’s definitely not how that works. You need you some church readings, boy, or any wisdom text, because it’s weird to me. There was like, you know, we need East and West to be I’m like, dude, read the books that you say exact same thing. Like, there’s no, there’s literally zero variance. I don’t know what to tell you. Well, this should be another age of gnosis thing, right? Yeah. If nobody knows this, then it doesn’t matter. Yeah, you’re right. Yeah, exactly. Well, and the more people that know it, the more important it is. His correspondence theory stuff is weird to me. I’m like, I don’t I don’t understand why people get why people are like that. But you’re right. It’s a good, it’s a good spot. See, this is why age of gnosis is so handy, because it’s like, Oh, yeah, there’s some age of gnosis there. And there’s a little more there. And yeah, it really helps. I got to get on the articles my next I got all the I got a single swipe at all the transcripts on my YouTube videos now. So have them all. Finally, you don’t try to do that programmatically, because it’s it’s nearly impossible. Don’t worry if I if I I’ll pay you to do it. Yeah, you can do that. Absolutely. I’ll have I have a method now. It takes a little bit of time, but it’s it’s not it’s not bad. I haven’t checked that I’m in the process of checking them see how good they are. But I got to get my tweets so that I can do my age of gnosis stuff that’s been holding up my age of gnosis. Sorry, get article has been held up. Peterson sphere for, right? That’s going to be for my sub stack for your sub stack. I’ve got an article for, which I cannot understand why I keep forgetting to post it. But I actually just need to post the damn thing. Well, you know, I’ve put the link back because I think the I think the trolls are gone. So the link has been restored to its rightful spot. Yeah, that video that that guy showed was pretty disturbing. I’m glad I got to it in time. Yeah, that was weird. Yeah. Well, you know, he had a demon. So that’s just what happens to people is they get possessed by demons. So possession by Satan, Peterson mentioned possession by Satan, effectively, didn’t use Satan. Right. He did it in his Gnostic framework. It’s not new for him. But it’s good that someone’s pointing that out. It’s like, why did you do that? You don’t know why you did that. You’re being driven by a force outside yourself to do horrible things on streams. Just saying. Yeah, yeah, no, no, it it is worth saying. So anyway, the links back up. Um, Mark and I can talk for hours. It’s about two thirds, Mark, one third me normally. But this is the open mic. So I’ll put it put it out there. We can get somebody else in here. I gotta highlight this. It’s not obviously the climate gets worse when there are less pirates, which shows how much Mark cares about the environment on navigating patterns. Thank you. That is 100% can confirm, can confirm. All right. Yeah, yeah. Um, it’s science. Basically, you did the measurements, you did the measurements, science, the number of pirates has gone down. Global temperatures have gone up. I don’t know what else to tell you. The correlations. Pirate age, the global temperatures have definitely gone up. So, oh, there we go. Excellent. Well, how you doing, Emma? I had help. Appreciate it. Appreciate it. How was Palm Sunday Mass? It was good. It was actually it was only like 20 minutes longer than regular mass, which was an impressive feat. Well, the the Roman Missal, right, because I’m a nerd, I actually read it. The Roman Missal says a a short homily may be given or they may observe silence. So it’s actually actually skip the homily. You can actually skip the homily. I do think it’s worthwhile to to say a little something. But I actually had a pretty solid homily. Father didn’t realize didn’t he said he didn’t start to feel rushed until right before like the Eucharistic Prayer. And so he decided to go with Eucharistic Prayer too, so that he didn’t feel like he had to rush through. You know, I’ve never as a main celebrant chosen Eucharistic Prayer to not even once. It’s all one in three. I’m sure that shocks you. He startled the altar boy with that one. OK, this guy sounds like he’s all right. But really, you plan on having a two minute homily on Palm Sunday. And then because Mark, I’ll explain this to you, Mark, because you’ve probably never been to Palm Sunday, Max. It’s a week before Easter every year. And if you’re doing it right, which we had to modify a little bit because of all the stinking snow on the ground, you start in someplace other than the church and then everybody has palm branches. And so the bishop goes around and he blesses all the palm branches. It was the bishop today. I am seen for the bishop today, but a normal priest can do it too. The priest goes around and he blesses the palm branches and he sprinkles and then with holy water, which is very important. And then you read the gospel of Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. And then what do you do? We all march into the church. That would have been nice. You had the solemn entrance. You had the solemn entrance. So the first, there’s three forms. There’s the solemn entrance or the procession, which is what I just described. And we just did that from the basement up into the church because of snow. And then there’s a solemn entrance where he does that just with everybody in their seats. And then we did that one. Yeah. Which is, uh, yeah, it’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. But Emma’s just a little disappointed that she didn’t get to do. I am a little disappointed because I like procession. Who does it like processions? Very boring people. Or maybe the people who have to organize them. You know, that’s fair. Because they are a lot of work, especially if you’ve got to get the police involved. They’re like closed down streets for you. Oh, like really big processions. Oh, man. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And there’s not only that mark, but then when you get to the, um, the gospel reading, you do the entire passion narrative, which takes a solid 15, 20 minutes in itself. And then you have the rest of mass. So it’s a, it’s a big deal, but people come to this mass who don’t come to church often because they get, they get palms. They get stuff. Are they not aware that I could give them the Eucharist every time they come? Um, apparently that’s not their big draw. It just, I, I don’t understand why you would go half these on Catholicism. It’s like all or nothing, obviously, right? Obviously it’s all or nothing. Someone’s all in here. I think, I think for a lot of people, it’s the emotional impact more than anything else. Like that’s mostly what they’re judging by for things like this. I hope so. No, no, no, no, no. That’s the emotional impact of everyday Eucharist is lessened because it’s there every week. Yeah. People like novelty. That’s another age of gnosis thing. I haven’t figured out the novelty connection. Also, I’m going to have to go back and listen to what you actually had to say about modernism. Um, so it’s really easy, Emma. It’s real easy, except in theology because it means something pretty specific and useful in theology. Every time you hear somebody talk about modernism and modernity, just replace it with todayism. I will say that I do think there is a specific literary movement of modernism and with specific characteristics. Talk about those characteristics instead. Yeah, fair enough. That was the whole point was you can’t use, you can’t, this is the point of my video on the same subject. You can’t use the term because the term basically always means now and it can’t refer to the south. Yeah. I mean, my argument is that it’s stupid to name your like literary movement or whatever after like, oh, it’s the one that’s happening now because someday the literary movement of today will be the literary movement of yesterday. And how stupid is that going to sound? And if you write a great book, high schoolers will be made to read it. Right. But the, but the more important part is the theological definition because the theological definition tells you why you shouldn’t use that. Go ahead, Father Eric, tell us the use case, actual use case. So modernism condemned by Pope Pius the 10th in the early 20th century. Um, immanentism, the idea that your experience of the faith should be normative, not something outside of you, but your internal experience. Agnosticism, the idea that we can never come to a final question in any matter relating to God, a final answer to a question in any matter relating to God. And evolutionism, the idea that church doctrine can go from at one time being a to another time being not a. And so since it’s often, how often do you think people have confused the condemnation of evolutionism, the condom condemnation of evolution? All of the time. Yeah, probably a hundred percent. That’s 100% of the time. But look, man, it’s, it’s, it’s not development. It’s evolution. Evolution has changed from one thing to another. Bulbasaur isn’t the same thing as Ivysaur. Everybody knows this. Right. Right. Actually, that’s probably an example of development, but never mind that. We don’t know. We don’t know because the Pokemon or they don’t actually exist. There you go. So yeah, that was, that was, that was the, the brief version with fewer comical asides. So now you know, now you’re hopefully that knowledge is useful to you. So basically using modernism is Satanism problem solved. I agree. 100%. Well, I see a lot of church people use the word modernism or modernity to complain about materialism. So just complain about materialism and get in much better shape. Yeah. I’ve seen a lot of that too. Yeah. It’s, it’s a weird arrogance to Andrew’s comment, which is defined hysterical. I’ve been trying to hold back my laughter. Andrew, it’s great. But it’s, it’s, it’s a weird arrogance that sneaks in for the artists of any, you know, type of art to, to use the term modernism. Like there’s the chronological snobbery right there. Like what makes you think that like, cause you’re basically stating you’re at the end of architecture or art or literature. That’s what you’re not getting any better at. Well, and that’s why now we’re stuck with stupid words like postmodern and meta modern. Yeah. Which are. Trying to stay in that frame and continue on past it. No, no, no. See, that’s the trick. Oh, oh, oh, that’s the trick, right? The second you start seeding the territory of today to somebody else, then they have it forever. Right. Right. Yeah. Because they’ll always be modern. They’ll always be up to date. And you’ve given that to that. Right. Whereas I could just be like, listen, Sam Harris, you’re basically just dealing with 18th century materialism here. Like you haven’t progressed past that. Read, read that French guy’s book, man, the machine. That’s what you believe. Is that the guy who thought that the ocean would become lemonade and we’d live in a utopia? I, that sounds like a bit older. Can you, can you look that up and get me that guy’s name? That’s I, I, I want to know more about this. I’ll yeah, this is one of my husband’s favorite, like crazy early economist stories. And I can never remember the guy’s actual name. Economics all began as commentary on the book of Genesis. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Well, on a, on a conceptual level, not a, you know, nerd sitting down, counting beans. But man in his primitive state and, and kind of the, the notion of the universe in traditional exegesis, they would look at the garden of Eden. And they would say, Adam lived in a place of plenty. There was an abundance of resources available to him. And the, the move you get with Hobbes and Locke, who predated Smith. I read a really smart article on this somewhere. So that’s where I’m getting my information. They said, well, actually, man, the universe is scarce and there aren’t enough resources to go around. And that’s why there’s conflict. And they actually did this in the context of, you know, because it was the 16th, it was like the 17th century. The Bible was still everywhere. And like, they couldn’t get away from it. So that’s how they made their argument. And it like, man noticed his scarcity and that was the fall from the garden. My man, Andrew, he gets it. So the modernist style was meant to be a style for all people, all time. And it doesn’t actually work. He’s a good Catholic. You don’t worry, don’t worry about him, Mark. He’s going to be fine. No, no, I know. But the heresy is in the use of the term because it’s an arrogant, it’s an arrogant term because it just implies there’s no time. Yeah. And so whenever you actually use it, you’re basically ceding the ground to anybody who says, well, yes, I am very modern. Like they get to have the future now. So yeah. Yeah, it’s really tricky. And I think people didn’t know. Like, this is what I mean by don’t watch Destiny and Peterson unless you’re really careful because you’re not going to notice all the tricks that are going to be played on. Charles Fourier believed that the ocean could be turned into lemonade. It had let’s see, actually, I’ll just take the whole link because he found a whole like quote from it. I’m pretty sure that the ocean is already lemonade. No, you see, if we change how the Earth’s atmosphere works, then it will the snow will be a whole bunch of acid, which will make combined with the salt in the ocean to make it taste like lemonade. I see. Well, that’s the French for you. Yeah, this is also the guy who came up with a mathematically perfect number for like a civilization. He’s like something like there are like two thousand one hundred and fifty three types of personalities. So if you make a town with one of each of those personalities, it sounds more like an eccentric fellow to a party. Sorry, two of each. They have to make babies. It sounds like an eccentric fellow that you would invite to a party, not a real intellectual. It’s like inviting the local monarchists to a party. You know, he genuinely wants to put the Habsburg Monarchs back in charge, which I’m not even going to say that’s a bad idea, but it’s not going to happen in my lifetime unless something very strange happens. And we’ll know about it when we get to the other end of that. So, yeah, yeah, Charles Charles Fourier mathematician to I’ve heard of that’s a different Fourier. The Fourier transformation is a different guy for a transform. Yeah, that’s been for everything. Everything you do in computers uses a Fourier transform. Everything that you get from digital analog and back. Oh, OK. Sorry. Massively oversimplifying passions that resulted eight hundred and ten types of character. So the ideal like group of humans would have sixteen hundred twenty one male and female of each of these kinds of character because everything is perfectly balanced. And obviously, you know, it needs to be perfectly proportioned. It’s not like you need one leader. No, it’s all perfectly, perfectly even. And then they will live in a sphere. Literally, their bodies will make a sphere and it will roll across a perfectly spherical planet and it’ll do regular rotate. I mean, that’s where he’s that’s where that leads. Right. Turning everything I bet that didn’t that made a lot more sense in my head. I’m sorry about that. Oh, she’s muted. Doesn’t love us anymore. Emma, we can’t hear you if you’re talking. Maybe her thing went dead. I think there’s something wrong with your Fourier transformations. And there’s something wrong. Oh, you’re back. Yeah. Yeah. She shut off her headset, which ran out of batteries, most likely. Oh, how sad. Well, it was nice to have her while she was here. Yeah, boy. Charles Charles Fourier, real intellectual. You could see all of the flat world Gnosticism, age of gnosis, ridiculousness there. Right. Right. It’s all right there. I just disconnected and reconnected and that usually fixes it. It did. Frustrating how often that works. It kind of is. IT crowd had it right. Have you tried turning it off and then on again? And honestly, that’s what I do with most technology things. And a lot of the time it still works. It’s everybody acts like you know things about computers. But it’s only funny because it works. Well, the actually the funny part is the really smart computer guys, they can fix everything. When they can’t fix things, that’s what they do. And it almost always works. That’s what makes it funny. That’s why it’s funny in one way to lay people. And it’s way funnier to we people who actually know what we’re doing, because you’re just like, Yeah, we should have just started there. Yeah, that’s what I was about to say with my headphones silenced. No way. Wow, boy, do we have some juicy bits on that coming up? When are we going to do that? Father, I cannot wait. I is after Easter. I know after Easter, but you know, you got to get Adam soon because he’s gonna be in Taiwan. Why is he going to go to Taiwan? You got to scoop him up before he gets in Taiwan. Because already all all irritated tomorrow. So we can read them tomorrow. I got him. I got him yesterday. So I got a video with Adam coming out. Nice. Always worth watching anytime you see Mark and Adam together. It’s peanut butter and jelly. It’s Cisco and Ebert. It’s exactly what you want. Wow. Thank you. Do you know who Cisco and Ebert are? No. That’s what I thought. I only I actually by the time I could watch television, it was Ebert and Roper. But they were movie critics. It’s what you listen to before you listen to the critical drinker. Yeah. Well, and also they almost always had opposing opinions. It was very, very binary left right. I think Ebert was generally the more respected of the two, wasn’t he? Yeah, he was the more conservative. Coincidence? You decide. Mm hmm. Yeah, I like what Sally’s saying. That talk that Tammy did about feminism was amazing. What was the name of it? It was. Somewhere in my notes, maybe. But I don’t have it up top. I’m going to look it up right now. I had to open 62,000 files recently. So now I like don’t know where anything is. Was that Janice Fiamengo or was it someone else? It might have been. No. Yeah. Janice Fiamengo. Yeah. Yeah, it was. OK. Yeah. Yeah. But the interesting thing about that, she’s another one, right? Like I was real supportive of feminism until I actually researched it. Really. That wasn’t it. And then I did some additional research and boy, if I got some info for y’all, I cannot wait. Like, wait a minute. What? Yeah, there’s some really interesting stuff. I didn’t I actually didn’t like the title. I don’t think it delivered on the title, but the untold story of feminism is certainly interesting. I’m still digging, too, because I just like, you know, just like I thought this was a bad thing. And then you dig into it and you’re like, oh, no, it’s way worse than I could have imagined. When have you ever dug into something and it’s gotten better, Mark? To be fair, technology, the deeper you dig into technology, the better it gets. Because it actually works. No, because as you go down in detail, right, when you get to the core, to the beginning of something, which only works in manmade things, hint hint, they get more precise and accurate. Right. So when you start coding in basic and whatever, and then you find because there are flaws in the language, you get all pissed off. But then as you dig down, you’re like, I want to code and there’s no flaws. And so you dig down into, you know, down and down and down into deeper and deeper languages. And you get to like machine code. And it just works better until you hit a flaw with the processor, because there’s always a freaking flaw with the processor. It’s almost as if, Father, I can’t even sit down. It’s almost as if we live in a fallen world or something. Almost. Almost. But at least there are fewer errors, because obviously as you go up in layers of abstraction, or as you scale up, or however you want to say it, because they’re the same, hint hint, more errors are introduced. You can’t get around that. It’s like these people I use to consult for, they’re like, we want to do more releases. And I’m like, you’re going to get more bugs. I’m like, no, no, no, we’ll do more releases and get fewer bugs. And I’m like, it’s mathematically impossible. But hey, if that’s what you want to pay me to do, I’ll do whatever you want. You’re paying the bills. I’ll give you whatever you want. It’s not going to have the result you keep saying, but whatever. Yeah, it’s the same thing. But as you go down in details on the memory, that’s why video games are so appealing to people. Because once they peel them apart, I think that’s also sort of new thinking. I think that might be why people are willing to watch other people play video games, because I just can’t even fathom how that’s a thing. Destiny is living doing that, by the way. So this is weird to me. Yeah. But it’s almost as if, again, Adrian knows this, if you get the secret knowledge from the good player, then you’ll have the detail needed to be the perfect game player for that game. I think that’s something like what’s going on, which is why people watch other people play, even though I think it’s a terrible idea. I think it’s a substitution. So what are we talking about? Sometimes, if I want to take a nap, I’ll put on a speed run. It’s just interesting enough to keep my mind from wandering, but not so interesting that I’ll stay awake for it. Perfect. Sports does the same thing. It’s like watching a sports game, you don’t care about the snack run. The thing is that the interruption of the ads always doesn’t work. So the speed run, so it’s like, okay, you could probably relate to maybe that’s a good, that’s fine. I’m just doing it to take a break. I think a lot of people put the exemplification of somebody who’s really good at video games up. They hold up, here’s somebody who’s really good. And then you’ve got the chat community and their Discord server and the merchandise. And then that’s how they connect with people. Once you have that infrastructure, but I’ve known people more than one that just randomly go through Twitch and look for gamers to watch. I guess they’re not communal at all. They’re not engaging the community and they’re almost always watching games that they themselves could play because they own them. And I’m always like, why would you want, look, I’ll watch a baseball game, a football game, a basketball game, a hockey game once in a while, whatever. I’ve been known to watch whole, like every game of the season of a sport or something. That’s not out of bounds for me or anything. But there’s no way that if somebody has tickets to one of those games that I wouldn’t immediately want the tickets rather than the experience of TV. But what you’re saying when you own the game is I’d rather watch somebody else than do the work myself. And first of all, that to me is like a big red flag. Let me know workers. I mean, that’s, it’s just sort of like late stage entertainment culture right there. Like we’re getting to some really, really dark stuff where you’ve got a guy who’s so messed up that he’d rather watch another man with his own wife than be in there himself. Yeah, I don’t know. I think a lot of it might be the infantilization of these people, where they’re basically children. And they just can’t engage with so-called sophisticated forms of entertainment. Or they feel like they’re not ready yet. And so they’re still in the watch phase because children go through that, right? Children will watch you for a long time before they try to cook or try to build something or whatever it is. It doesn’t matter, right? They’ll watch you for a long time. And then like, you know, and kids are famous for this. So at one point, they’ll go like, can I drive? Like what? And then the parents are always shocked at how much they know about it. Even if they can’t do it. Right. But parents aren’t paying attention to what the kids are watching in that way. And nor should they be like, this is not a bad thing. Like, please, please don’t try to do that. That would be bad. Right. You don’t actually need to pay attention to every single thing your kid does. Right. You should just be paying attention to your kid’s wellbeing. Right. That should be your concern. Not how much they’re paying attention to something in particular. Right. Unless it seems unhealthy or whatever. But yeah, your job is to protect them and inform them and tell them no a lot. Not to study them as creatures to be observed in a lab so that you know what they’re thinking. I think that’s ridiculous. But I think that’s part of the problem is that when I see that, if I want to think of it in terms of patterns, which yeah, navigating patterns, then that’s what I see. I see the pattern of a child who’s not confident but wants the experience. And so they’ll take that detached experience. I like Sally Jo’s thoughts about- Yeah, you know what? You called me out and you’re right. That is why I watch Elden Ring instead of playing it myself. Okay. But I don’t have a thousand hours to put into getting good at that game. It’s not worth that much time. They should have a plot mode. Yes. If they had a plot mode, I would buy and play Elden Ring and all these other games. Like I’m not good at games. I don’t have time to grind to become good at games because I’m busy doing other things with my life. Right. And so these are the options I’m left with. And so these are the options I’m left with. Yeah. Maybe video games are evil and don’t engage, but yeah, I’m totally with you. Yeah. And yeah, you always get into the why not both. And it’s like, well, because time, energy, and tension are limited and one of them is a waste of it. The other one is not. I think this idea of not wanting to encounter resistance, yeah. There’s really something to that. And like, I know that I’ve had more hours than I care to admit wasted on just content on YouTube. I’m not even talking about something that could potentially be interesting or useful. I’m talking about like, you know, 10 bosses in video games that were really hard. Right. It’s just right. Right. And it’s like, the thing is, is there’s no resistance put up to that. It’s just, it’s just all very smooth and you could just get sucked into it. And it puts you in this kind of numb space where you don’t have to think about anything else. Right. Yeah. That’s, that’s a lot of things nowadays. Yeah. It’s like, you’re on Twitter, that gets you wound up and then you got to go calm down on YouTube. The speedballing. We’re speedballing people’s psyches. That’s what’s going on here. I think, I think that’s true. And I think too, I mean, there’s a, there’s a, we’ll say an inherent inherent danger in that. Right. Because I would associate that with infantilization as well. Right. Because you want to give children low resistance ways to engage with the world. That’s roughly called play. You know, it’s not, it’s not all of play, but it’s part of the description of play. And I think that’s, that’s a big part of it. And yeah, I mean, look, I was watching earlier today, I was watching this guy repair a Commodore 64 with an $18 oscilloscope. Now it’s really not, first of all, I suck at electronics for some reason. I can diagnose electronics really well but I can’t do any troubleshooting. I just, whatever. Which is odd because if it’s above the electronic stage, I can tell you what’s wrong. And like I said, I get off and go, oh yeah, that’s a floating ground between these two parts, but I couldn’t probe my way there with an oscilloscope for sure. So this, this knowledge is of zero use to me. And I love the guy’s channel, Adrian’s digital basement. All he does is repair old computers. It’s really funny. But yeah, there is a, and I think obviously, I think there’s a utility to that sometimes, right? Because it’s, it’s, it’s vacation, it’s relaxation. It’s, you know, it’s all those things. Right. You’re, you’re unhooking the bow string so that it doesn’t get stretched out. Right. Right. Yeah. People don’t, don’t account for that cyclicality, right? Where it’s like, oh, the world, even though it happens to them literally every day. Right. Well, and we try to do away with it. What’s your heater set to, you know, it’s like, ah, what’s my heaters? I don’t, because you heat your house. So you’re not experiencing the, the cooling and, and heating during the day from, from sunrise and sunset. Oh, I’m a hundred percent am. I have my, my thermos thermometer, my thermostat set to 65 in North Dakota. There you go. I used to do mine at, at 62, but, but, but I’ll hail the, I’ll have a champ. Well, I can’t do that anymore. Unfortunately, now it’s 73 and I still get cold. The kids. So I don’t know what’s up with that, but yeah, it, it, you know, when you don’t experience any cyclicality or less cyclicality, then you, you, you want, you want the smooth and easy way. You want the no resistance and Sally called it. I like that rather than the delight of the contrast of really hard work and then enjoyment. Right. Exactly. Well, and they don’t appreciate that. So yeah, age, John, it’s not age. It’s illness. Believe me. It’s illness. Yeah. That’s one of the ways I know I’m doing well, because I can, you know, I like, I like walk outside when it’s really cold and not even notice. I’d be like, Oh, okay. We’re not sick today. What counts is really cold nowadays. Well, look, okay. So I’ve had convertibles for years, right? I used to take the convertible out in a shorts and t-shirt at 40, 45 degrees Fahrenheit. And that I could, I could be outside and working in shorts and t-shirt at about 35 degrees. And that way I’ve, I’ve been known to go out shoveling shorts. It’s not a problem. Yeah. That I was really impervious to cold in particular. Yeah. Anything under 10 degrees, that’s not going to work. Probably not. Well, but I, but I’d start putting on layers at that point, but I was really impervious to temperature. Really, really like people were just like, what the hell? And I wasn’t the most impervious, but like, it just didn’t bother me at all. But, but now it’s yeah, ever since the illness and it is one of the markers I used to know, Oh, I’m better. I can do things today. It’s definitely one of the markers is you’re not becoming a snake cold blooded. That’s pretty much what happens. Yeah. You should feel my hands when they go cold. Unbelievable. People are like, wait a minute, 80 degrees. How are your hands stone cold? I’m like, that’s, that’s, that’s the Raynaud’s triggered by some of the immune system response. Well, it’s probably good that you’re, you’re in, in South Carolina then it is. It is. Well, I like what Sally Joe says here too. Yeah. That I look, I got out today and used the chainsaw. So chainsawing away. Oh yeah. We cleared a bunch of, a bunch of land. You wouldn’t even recognize that land. Now we got a long way to go, but made some progress today. I cut down probably about half a dozen little trees. So, and probably about 32,000 vines. I can’t, I can’t even explain to you how many vines there are back there. I’m like, I’m amazed. What is going on? I would be amazed if anybody couldn’t get their plants to grow in South Carolina. No, no, you have to actively do things to make sure things don’t grow. Cause they will. It’s nuts how fast. It’s just fertile there. That’s just how that place is. It’s insane. I remember, I remember. So I lived in South Carolina when I was a little kid and I remember one year there was just like a ridiculous number of caterpillars, just swarming the trees and just like bowing them down. It was amazing. And you know, I was a little kid, so I liked bugs back then. I don’t like bugs now, but I liked bugs back then. I can’t actually count for what changed so somebody explained that to me in the comments and then I’ll highlight it. And I just have, you know, caterpillars crawling around all over the place. Yeah. Cause my parents didn’t let me sit inside and play video games all day cause they loved me. So I went outside and got bit by fire ants. Yes. Oh man. The ants down here. Holy crap. You’d be real careful around the ant mounds. I like Sally. Sally is getting really good at this now. Resistance lets you know when you and nature are separate. So it tells you the boundary where you end and other things begin, huh Sally? That was the most beautiful thing. But because our entertainment has already been like chewed up and it’s been made to be in a human level, we can just absorb it without any resistance. Right. Well, and it’s equal to us. And I think that’s why people sort of migrate in video games to first person shooters. Right. Cause then they’re equal to the character on the screen and it’s all the same and there’s equality doctrine for you. You know, some people think it’s, it’s the souls likes that that’s like, that’s the top tier, but real gamers know that top tier gamers play Dwarf Fortress. Oh man. I have a friend who was obsessed with Dwarf Fortress when I was in middle school. Wow. It’s true. It’s true. And I don’t think Andrew knows. Andrew doesn’t really play video games yet. And so he kept like explaining it to me and explaining what his doors were doing. And I was just so lost, but interested. It was entertaining, but so confusing. And this was not the man you ended up marrying, huh? No, I didn’t know the man I, uh, I am married to yet. Yeah. So let that be a lesson to you. Dwarf Fortress might not be the way. Although I did date the guy who bought me Portal for a while. I didn’t end up marrying him, but I did date him. Interesting. Dwarf Fortress is the best according to Ixnon. Wow. Okay. Wow. We got, Dwarf Fortress is more popular than I would have thought. Well, I just kind of like- Personal vendetta against virtual world. Oh no. No, Andrew, no. You’re going to have to wait a little while. It really, like you want to talk about masculine spaces right there. Go to the Dwarf Fortress subreddit. Oh boy. And a whole lot of, a whole lot of femininity there. Okay. Now I’m curious, but I’m filing that one away for after Holy Week because I’m doubling down on no social media. I’ve never actually been there. I just know I can deduce from a priori principles what the Dwarf Fortress subreddit is like. That’s fair. They are all the scourge of Satan. Yeah. All the, all the virtual worlds. It’s all the Japanese plot to get back at Americans and steal our masculinity, but unfortunately they weren’t able to contain it and it got set loose on their own population too. New conspiracy theory just dropped. Well, that’s section of conspiracy. They hit the meaning crisis first because they accelerated our path because they took it seriously. You know, I’m actually going to say nice things about the Chinese Communist Party. They have like laws where young people aren’t allowed to play more than four hours of video games a week. Yeah. And even I think that might be a little lenient, you know. Yeah. They were, they were onto something there for sure. Yeah. And, and, and I do think that, yeah, they were happy to watch all the other nations around them burn, take over later. Very long, long thing. That’s one thing that we constantly underestimate with the, with the, with the people of the East is the timeframe. They are very long-term thinkers. And because they’re not a bunch of modernists, right? Probably. Yeah. Well, and their civilizations by and large are older and have had more similar shapes for longer. Right. Right. But, but, but, but their, their, their thinking, their way of thinking, read the geography of thought. I think it’s an is bit, right? They just think differently. It’s flat out. They just think different. That’s why you can’t take their, their spiritual practices or philosophy, or whatever you want to call it, and just know it in the West. You can’t do that. It’s not an option because you cannot think the way they do. They can think the way we think, but we can’t think the way they think. This is well researched by the way, very well researched. I feel like you can. Oh, go ahead. Go ahead. I feel like you can see Korea becoming less wedded to that way of thinking and moving more towards America in their television. Like when you watch Korean television, but they can, they can switch ways of thinking and we can’t. So they can, I hope that’s true. And I hope they’re not losing it. No, I don’t think they’re losing it. I think they’ve found a way to blend it because they’re wicked smart. I hope so. No, no. I, I, I think, I think when we, so like Sailor Moon, so when you take Sailor Moon over from Japan into the United States, nobody in the US understands that Sailor Moon’s a family show in Japan. I actually haven’t seen Sailor Moon. Don’t watch Sailor Moon. It’s horrific. It’s like really bad. It’s like, what the hell? This was on TV in Japan, but it’s a family show. I’ve heard it’s a lot of things. Yeah. Right. But the thing is, in general, it’s just something else. But we don’t, like, we don’t see that it appeals to three audiences. It appeals to the, to the children and appeals to the mother and it appeals to the father at the same time. It also appeals to the little boys and the little girls. I believe so because if they’re very little, but at a certain point, obviously. That’s the boys. Because I remember being, you know, about six and it came on the television. I was like, nope. Yeah. If you were six, yeah, you’re probably over the, it killed it. It sent him right out of camera forever. Yeah. If you were six, it’s probably over the threshold of finding babies cute. Yeah. But, but yeah, because there’s, there’s three different ways to read all the scenes. And like, we don’t think that way. Finally. Finally. Somebody who knows what they’re talking about. I know. Hello. I love when I drop out of the conversation, then I get Father Eric’s, like, cold opener for me. And it, it’s a little overwhelming. Welcome. Good to see you, sir. How you doing? Thanks. Good. Yeah, very well. Just a long Palm Sunday service this morning, which was lovely. It was like with choir practice and then being in the school, it was like, like three and a half hours of straight singing. It was pretty wild. Wow. I’m impressed you can still talk. You know, I found that when we process and we’re singing that my cognitive load is at like 103%. It’s like everything that I can do to keep from tripping over my feet. If, if Father had just taken us into the middle of the highway, I probably wouldn’t have noticed. I’m just like that focus on staying on my feet and, and staying, you know, on, on pitch and key and all that. So, but it, it’s lovely. Palm Sunday is beautiful. It is. It’s always, it always shocks me for the blessing of the Psalms when the, when the priest comes in and he’s wearing red. It’s like, oh, this is Christ’s martyrdom. I don’t know why. Like it’s hard for me to think about in those terms is, is somehow like shocks it back into pers, into a little bit more perspective. So we’re you guys talking about Japanese culture and imported Japanese culture in the nineties? Is that what I thought I heard going on? Yeah, I was, yeah, I was going into more about the difference because the East thinks differently than we do and they can switch and like we get Sailor Moon and we don’t realize that’s a family show in Japan because we can’t conceive of a show that appeals to the three different members of the family at the same time for different reasons. Do they still have families in Japan when Sailor Moon came out? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it’s fair because they, they hit the meaning crisis first. That was, that was how it began. Like, yeah, yeah, Japan sort of hit the meaning crisis already and we didn’t notice, but they, cause they adopted our, they adopted all the worst parts of our culture, like on amphetamines or something and just like went full force into it. And then you see that reflected in their, in their media and also in our reflections on them. Right. You know, there’s, there’s something weirdly, I’ve never thought about this until now, but weirdly parallel between like my perception, at least of Japan and Germany actually, and that there are these like modern Germany and that there are these, they’re so well organized materially, like on the material level in terms of like how clean our places, you know, how, how ordered is the architecture, how planned are things, you know, how manicured is the landscape, you know, how well executed are public works projects and things like that. And I’ve never been to Japan. I have been to Germany. We’ve got, we had a family from Germany. And so the first time I went to Peru, I was there for three months. And then the first time I went to an adult, to Germany as an adult was a day and a half after I got back from Peru. So I went from the Andes mountains to Bavaria. And it was like the wildest whiplash. So one of the things that struck me as I saw a building in, in Germany that was built out of like big, you know, those like larger structural bricks, we don’t really use this in the U S they look like cinder blocks, but they’re red clay and they’re mortar together. And they use stuff like that. Like every building in Peru is built like that. And I remember, what was the city Puno? It was like, when you’re standing up above the city, and it looked like a picture from World War Two, because like, all the tops of the buildings are gone, not because they’ve been blown off by a bomb, but because they hadn’t been finished. And it’s just like, pieces of rebar and half finished walls and everything, because there’s various cultural reasons for that. It makes more sense. But, but also like when they, you know, the sides of buildings weren’t usually finished, and they would be like mortar just squashed out the sides and stuff. And like the bus system is both extraordinarily chaotic and extraordinarily effective. And so to go from that to Germany, where it’s like seeing the houses built with the same material, but like millimeter precision on, on the mortar, like there’s nothing extra. It’s all perfectly clean. The buses are also very effective, but they’re effective because they arrive down within like a 20 second interval. At any rate, all that to say, Germany struck me as this, it’s like, or as my, as my brother put it when we were there, when you’re starting to put in a second floor balcony for your cat, you dealt with most of the major like physical problems in your country. All that to say, Japan, from what I’ve heard and the pictures that I see of it and all that strikes me is very similar. And yet there’s this like sort of spiritual death that seems to hover over both of those countries. I mean, did your life become more or less efficient after you had children? Yeah, right. Exactly. When we were talking about that earlier with the lack of cyclicality, right? Now you’re out of sync with nature, efficiency, almost any type of efficiency and efficiency isn’t a thing. It’s got to be, you know, clearly framed because there’s different ways to be efficient about everything, but efficiency as such removes cyclicality by definition. And so there’s a trade off there between how efficient you want to be, right? And how robust you want to be. This is one of the things that Nassim Kaleb does a good job of talking about in his books is anti-fragility relies on changing of state and efficiency relies on either no change of state, at least on a certain axis, or a very well controlled change of state. Usually it’s very steady. And that goes back to Sally’s earlier comment of no resistance, right? We’re trying to live in this no resistance or low resistance world, but that’s actually bad for us. It makes us fragile. Yeah. So I just, I’m almost finished with a read through Captain’s Courageous by Rudyard Kipling. Have any of you ever read that ever? It gets a fun, it’s a boy’s book, basically this, you know, late it’s like 1890s, rich son of a, you know, everything American, everything tycoon who, you know, owns a quarter of the railroads in the continental US and all this other mines and all sorts of stuff gets washed overboard in the Grand Banks off of Nova Scotia and picked up by a fishing trawler. And, you know, they don’t believe any of his nonsense about being, you know, the son of a multimillionaire. And so he ends up spending the whole summer fishing with his crew. And it’s very much like a coming of age. You know, he gets the snot beat out of him and actually knows how to like be a person. But I think there’s a lot of connection there in terms of he, Harvey Cheney, the boy, right? As he has a low friction life, like in every single possible way, he has a low friction life. And like, because of that, he just, he sort of doesn’t exist. Like, this is the weird thing. Matt Wyden and I were talking about this. There’s something about when like, when you suffer is when you actually start to like exist as a person. When you don’t suffer, it’s like, who are you? You just like stuff just happens to you. But then when you suffer, then all of a sudden, then there’s a chance like to change reality and to, I mean, we I’m monologuing, so you can break in and stop me at any point. But, you know, it’s like sick kids are such a great example of this, because like sick, again, to go back to kids, right? They’re like, there’s such a point of friction in your life. But as soon as you say, well, I’m just gonna, I’m going to suffer this sickness and do what’s necessary, well, then you’ve transformed that child’s life, especially like, you know, say a very sick baby who’s going to die without direct medical intervention. It’s like, the only reason that person continues to exist into the future is because you suffer because there’s friction in your life. And so now all of a sudden, you’ve got this, whereas like, when things are going right, they kind of just go right, and you’re not really an agent in the world. So there’s this connection between like actually existing as an agent and suffering. Yes, the boundaries. So what we were talking about is when you don’t have resistance, you can’t find your boundaries, because maybe you don’t have them. And this is why equality doctrine is dangerous. It makes everybody the same. But if you’re the same, then you also do not exist. I was like, we want equality. I’m like, you do not want equality, because if you had equality, you wouldn’t exist, technically, but the technical definition. It’s also practically true, right? It’s why some people resist communism, because they want to stand out. They want to be somewhat important. They want to be different from other people. You can’t claim uniqueness and equality at the same time. They’re certainly opposing in some fashion. You can’t have them both. You got to pick one. But it is that training of the boundaries. But when there are no boundaries between you, where you end and other things begin, then you’re not an agent, for sure. You can’t move things if you can’t grab them. To quote, is it Ronald Dasher Jr? When everyone’s special, nobody is. Right. Yeah, we’re from both ends of the equation. Yeah. No. Are you talking about syndrome? From the Incredibles. Yeah, no, it’s Flash. No, it’s a syndrome line. It’s not a dash line. It’s a syndrome line. Dashiell Roberts Jr. That’s what it is. Dashiell Roberts Jr. They might both say it, but that’s syndrome’s stated motive for killing his whole thing. Yes, he wants to make everyone. No, yes. I can’t remember. That movie’s a wild movie. But yeah, I don’t know. There’s something about, but okay, the sense of what is that word? Maybe is it ennui? Is that the word that I’m thinking of? That sort of like listlessness? Yep. Yep. That’s ennui. Yeah. Trust the French to come up with the perfect word for it. Exactly. Like what is it, Father? Backdoor humor? What is it called? No. Backstab humor? Stairway wit. Wow. My synonym just likes he’s going wild tonight. Les Piedes de Lescarpe. Yeah. The sense of ennui seems to be, yes. Well, I mean memes are worth what they’re worth, but one of the ones that really stuck with me was a hilarious one that showed, there was a picture of some Scandinavian village where everything’s perfect and these brightly colored houses in the falling snow. And then the other one is this grimy Brazilian favela. And over the Norwegian one, it’s like death metal about how life is meaningless. And then over the Brazilian favela, it’s like all their music is upbeat about how life is beautiful and full of love and color and all this stuff. It’s like, yeah, but also- What’s the difference between having sunlight and not having enough sunlight? I don’t think it’s any more complicated than that. No, I think that’s an interesting point. People long for, in music, they long for the music of the poor class. That’s rhythm and blues. Why are we copying rhythm and blues and turning it into rock? It’s a good question. Why are we doing that? Am I supposed to answer that? No, no. It’s more something to think about. It’s more rhetorical. Is that always been the case? But I mean, that is actually for the last 100 years anyway, it seems like those who are in a position of ease seem to be incapable of producing music. I don’t think that’s always true though. I mean, no, that’s not always been true. No, no. The problem is for the general case, that’s true. And for the specific case, everything’s irrelevant because there’s too much variance in the world. It is true, yeah. Yeah, because there’s too much variance in the world. This is what people never account for. That’s why they go, oh, I found one outlier position, so your rule is wrong. Therefore, everything you say is wrong. And it’s like, that’s the opposite of how the universe works. The exception proves the rule. The fact that an exception can exist makes it a rule, not a law, or a natural law is probably a better way to say it. Or God’s law. Yeah. It’s like, does having unlimited resources make you undisciplined and crazy? And the answer is yes, it does. But that also doesn’t just prove people like Elon Musk, who are like, and you know, that other cadre of about 100 insanely wealthy, insanely driven men who just like, do crazy stuff. But like, the vast majority of people with their resources would just go crazy. Pretty much like within a month, as can be demonstrated by the lottery, right? Because the lottery is a more even you’re not selecting for a specific set of skill of character traits, the way you are for like people who make billions of dollars in the tech industry, because they’re incredibly lucky and incredibly talented and incredibly intelligent and incredibly driven. And like the vast majority of people who win large lottery payouts, just lose all of that immediately. Like it’s all gone. And so I don’t know, that’s interesting. I’m just kind of like, I’m using on all I guess, maybe because it’s the end of lent, you know, this role of like, tough stuff, like what is tough? What’s the good of things being tough for you? Andrew Kay has come to rebuttal me. Oh, no, probably not. Probably not. You’ve got a little bit of noise coming in, Andrew. So I took the initiative to mute you. Oh. Yeah, yeah. Hello. What do you have to say about resistance? You get that in school, don’t you? Yeah, oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah. All the time. A lot of people feel adrift and lonely after they’re done with school and like their life is no longer going anywhere. So maybe that’s weird. Things like go to grad school. Yeah, I only went to grad school because I had to to be a priest. That’s what high school sounds like. So I’ve got a question for you all. Do you think that most people still think that the realm of fairy exists outside of low Earth orbit? OK, let’s slow that down. Most people think that the realm of fairy exists outside of low Earth orbit. So it’s like we’ve taken all of the energy that used to go into fairy stories to see in something strange in the woods. And now we’ve projected it into outer space sci-fi. Yep. Yeah. And actual space exploration and like colonization drives and things like that. Yeah. OK, so let me just cast this differently because I’m still a little lost, but I want to make sure I got you. So what you’re saying is the belief in something non-material or mystical, which is what you’re calling the realm of fairies here, is inevitable. Fairy, not fairies. Fairy, not fairies. Fairy. Sorry. We can talk about that distinction another time, Mark, but you’re pretty close to what I’m after. I slipped up. No, no, I slipped up and I was like, oh no, that was a bad mistake. Sorry. Oh, so what you’re saying is that mysticism has moved, you know, to the extra material beyond the orbit of Earth. Yeah, beyond low Earth orbit. Yeah. Yeah. OK. OK. Yes. Yes. Sure. Right. Because I was going to push back and most people don’t engage there, but they do. I really wanted to discover that most people actually believe in, like, djinn or genies that live just outside of low Earth orbit. That would have been a way more interesting world. Yeah. Yeah. We push them away, right? And then it allows us to control our encounter with them, unlike, we’ll say, the Irish story way where you’re going to encounter a fairy at any time, right? And you can encounter that mystical world. Yeah, because the government can’t keep you from finding out about fairies. The elites don’t want you to know this, but. The elites don’t want you to know this, but the ones are haunted. Yes. You can just leave a fairy. I do wonder if it also connects with the general urbanization of humanity, that we aren’t in weird liminal spaces anymore on this planet. Yeah. No resistance. I’m wondering now, you know, I’ve just come across a bunch of stuff. I’ve been watching some stuff on some land restoration projects and forestry management and things like that. And I’ve just, I’ve gotten a fresh dose of the, like, nature, nature is the realm of spiritual purity religion. That’s a weird one. Maybe it is pure, but it might not be purely good. It’s purely something, that’s for sure. Yeah, but itself. But they think it’s pure. They think it’s pure materialism, right? Because it seems to re-enchant the disenchanted material that we create from it, right? But there’s way more going on and they don’t see it. Yeah. Do you think other people are more dangerous now because the woods aren’t haunted? Like this, like, it’s getting dark. Be careful. Just gets completely pushed onto, like, anyone you meet in the dark will kill you. I don’t know, like, so right over there, a block away, is a really trashy bar. And every Friday and Saturday night at 2 a.m. when it lets out, I get woken up by people hooting and hollering about something. And I’m glad that I’m inside. I’m glad that the doors are locked. And I hope that they stay out there where they belong, hooting and hollering about something. So there is something to what your mother said about, you know, not staying out after midnight because nothing good really happens. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Which is one of those funny things where, you know, you talk about efficiency, right, Mark, and like the need to levelize time, right? Because one of the things for efficiency is you want to maximize uptime, which this is actually a downstream effect of capitalism more than anything else because the more, if you have an expectation on optimal return, cash return on investments when you have infrastructure you want that has a function of, like, profit by uptime, so say like a power generation system, you want to maximize uptime on things, right? You bought that truck. You want that truck to run as much as possible. You bought, you built a, you know, you built a generator. You want it to run as much as possible. And so there’s this push to like 24, you know, you’ve built the factory, let’s put in the third shift, right? So we’re getting away from we work when it’s light, you know, and sleep when it’s dark to someone’s always working. Someone’s running the night shift at the, at the trash bag factory. But we totally haven’t gotten away from that. And like weird, weird stuff happens way more often at night than it does in the daytime. It just does. That’s true. It absolutely does. And another funny thing is I was buying flooring for this house from this guy who sells, he just like retails pine flooring from Little Mill in South Arkansas. And I was asking about how often he sells through it. And he said it goes, he sells it twice as fast in the summers in the winter. And it’s like, well, it’s indoor work, like this is indoor flooring. But for whatever reason, the economy picks up so much in the summer that he’s like, right, more house renovations are being done this summertime. And it’s like, oh, so we’re not away from these natural cycles. No, we’re not. Right. We’re not at all. We’re totally not at all. People make more stupid decisions at night. Right. Right. Well, we’re but but we’re tired. We think we can’t be seen because we can’t see. Right. So we’re more likely to engage in bad behavior. Right. But but but I want to put back on some ways that like 90 in David, they’ve actually kind of confirmed back when when we were hunter gatherers, there was shift work. Somebody had to watch the camp or the village. Oh, people were always doing that. I don’t capitalism is a bad is a bad term. See, see navigating patterns for what quality of work they would have been doing would have been very different. They couldn’t have a whole line of fluorescent lights turning the factory forward to daylight. So it would be different. It would just be having a vigil. That’s right. It’s that’s right. It’s different. It’s different kinds of work at day and night. What I’m trying to what I meant what I yeah, to be more precise, what I’m trying to say is it’s it’s a homogeneity. You do the same work at noon and at midnight at six in the morning at six in the evening. It’s the same work all the way across. That’s more important. Right. That that you’re removing. But you never get out of the cycles. No. And you can’t. And you shouldn’t like you should embrace the cycle. Abs. Yes. Yes. So to go to go back to a couple of points, y’all said, you know, I was thinking about when I had that bear attack the pigs. And I was like, I had all this insight into like, oh, this is why people built walls around villages. This is why people stayed up at night. This is why they locked all the doors. This is you know, this is why all this stuff and it’s for for 10 days, I was out a lot at night in those 10 days, I never once noticed the stars. And it was only until the bear was dead. And then I was like, oh, there’s stars. I haven’t because in those 10 days, the only thing that the dark meant was there is a large creature out there that’s going to kill things. That’s right. And now I can see it. That’s relevance realization. That’s the world is attention. Right. That’s all the same thing. I mean, that’s because you’re caught you you got to do a video on this someday cognitive overloads a thing. And you have a limited amount of cognition. And if you don’t put it towards the bear, you won’t be around. And so we’re trained to put it towards the most dangerous thing. And then when we don’t have a most dangerous thing, which I think has happened, right, the affluent people don’t have that, right? Their most dangerous thing is the is the is the top boss in their video game. Right. Cars, actually. Well, yeah, yeah, actually. But but but what happens is they lose all sense of boundaries and they lose all sense of importance, which means all sense of hierarchy because importance and hierarchy actually the same statement at some point, right, or importance points at hierarchy. Hierarchy is the thing that allows you to have importance, right, and apply it. So so then they they squish down the world. There’s your flat world. That was my Friday livestream, by the way, navigating that flat world. They squish down the world. And and yeah, now they don’t then they lose the sense of the poetic. And the next thing you know, they don’t come to Arkansas with us and have a wonderful time. OK, so this is just a plug for this. What we’re talking about hardship is what was like, what was the other thing that was totally bouncing around in my head is another wonderful book I just read called The Boys on the Boat, which is about the 1936 Olympic rowing team from the US. It was a the. Boy, it’s a it’s eight eight stroke. It was an eight or so nine boys because they got the Cox Lane and they’re all just like these depression era, like children of loggers and fishermen out of like the backcountry of Washington. It’s just such a fantastic story. I highly recommend it. And just in terms of like. An appreciation for what hardship can do to people in a really, really positive way as is a it’s a beautiful book. Anyway, so that had been tickling the back of my head for a long time and it finally finally came through. But yeah, I mean, there’s a whole lot of stuff you could take immediately and look at that and be like, yeah, they were. So for instance, the main the main gentleman that the author follows, he was actually his neighbor and he finds out there’s this incredible story he’d already written several well received nonfiction books, finds out that his neighbor who’s dying of congestive heart failure had this incredible story. But I think when he was 12 or something, his father and stepmother and other siblings, you know, the farm had gone just completely south from the Dust Bowl era and depression and everything. This is in Squam, Washington, and he came home from school and his parents, they’re like, we’re leaving and you don’t get to know where you can have the house. And so from like 12 on, I think it was either 12 or 14. He was just like, all right, we’re like, taking care of the chickens and we’re poaching salmon and we’re eating berries and we’re going to like earn 10 cents wherever we can. And that there’s just a lot of like, it’s one of those weird things where it’s like, I wish that on no one and yet it just, you know, you know, for Joe Rantz, it was completely transformative and like set his life in this beautiful, beautiful direction because of what he endured there. It’s such a weird thing. Like suffering is so weird in that way. And it’s like, I don’t, I don’t like, I actively seek to avoid it for my family. And yet it’s also so transformative. But that was why the church gives you safe doses of suffering. I thought you just tried fasting today. I see if you can manage that. That’s like, it’s, it’s the appropriate dose. Cause it’s like, you’re choosing to do it. I can’t make you do it, you know, so you have to, you have to cooperate with it. So it’s voluntary ultimately. And then it’s like, you, you, you won’t die. This is America. None of us are starving. It’ll actually be good for your health to have a fast date. You’ll, you’ll be better after this. And, and yeah, but you know, you’ll know what it feels like to be kind of hungry at 3 p.m. And, and that’ll be good for you. Yeah. Well, that, that reminds me of what Jonathan Peugeot said at symbolic world summit, right? Which is, he said, oh, you know, my wife and I occasionally miss being poor because when we were poor, we had miracles all the time. But the problem, and then Sally Jo points this out, is that some people become embittered by the suffering. And so that’s why you don’t wish it for your children because it’s like, oh, this stuff is dangerous. You don’t know what it’s going to do inside of somebody. So that’s. Yeah. Random, random suffering for random people tends to cut one of two ways and usually not for the best for most of them. Right. Whereas suffering for, you know, for, for, you know, highly religious people, they tend to become saints. So, you know, let’s be somewhere, somewhere. Yeah, it’ll never come to anything. When you’re going to go things coming, this is going to come to the end here, this little live stream because it’s tired and, you know, the, the, the, the natural world has cycled towards dark and cold. And I think I’m going to go to sleep. It sounds orderly. Yes. It’s, it’s, it’s quite orderly. It’s the way God intended. It’s what God wants me to do. God wants me to end this live stream and suffering, suffering for the rest of us. You can, you can start your own live stream, Mark. You have the technology. You could do it, but all I had to say is. Ed wanted me to, I would, that’s for sure. If I could get him. But what father says is what father says is as a good German, it’s nine 30 and he’s done. So good night and God bless you all. Night everyone.