I want to go back to something I asked you to define love and I’m going to define it on my terms now And that is the best in me serving the best in you And I think that’s the deepest pleasure That’s the deepest and most lasting pleasure and it is the most fundamental fundamental motivation It’s the inexhaustible source because if I can do that whenever I do that, I feel that I’m being properly And there’s nothing better than that and you can extend that to you can extend that to to to to the world to Situations places. Well, I think that’s what you’re supposed to do by accepting the proposition that God is love Hmm. I mean it’s God is love and God is logos. Those are those are both there so then the question to some degree is the rank order of the two and I would say God is truth within love and That’s the animating spirit of mankind and that’s a way different claim than the one the atheists are going after by the way Yeah, think about it everyone is truth Is truth in the service of love not the best animating spirit of mankind when it isn’t pursuing an aberration We can all ask yourself that question. I think that’s a good question to ask Thank you. What I mean is I think it it re I Think it reorients us to the we can put that on a t-shirt is is truth in the service of love a good question I Guess I I see them as more I See them as more Interpenetrating I want to make a stronger relationship between them. They’re just a relationship of service. I mean this is how about her man Yeah that that this way I like the term realization that love is a way of Affording realization and it and the deepest knowing yes of reality is in realization That’s what I if I had to okay, so well, so it seems to me Okay, so I’ll make I’ll make an appendage to my claim, right? The reality that is most justifiable is brought about by the action of truth in the service of love Yeah, but I guess what I’m saying is I see truth. I Think you’re using it and I’ve heard you use true as something beyond a Correspondence between the semantic content of a proposition reality. I’ve heard you talk about yes, right, right And we even use that when we when we use the phrase yes, it seems to incorporate some of those other dimensions that exactly Talking about exactly. Okay. Well great man. So fill me in. Well, that’s what I’m trying to get at I’m trying to get at that power is a way of you know, when when your shot is true Your skill has been effective and you’re gonna hit the mark, right? But but but presence is also a way in which things are are true to form, right? And then care of the Participatory knowing is when we’re like the deepest sense of true which is you know related to trust and and being betrothed To the world in an important way So if you will allow me to expand what you mean by true to cover all of those dimensions It shows to the world in that you extend the same courtesy to the world that you described extending to your partner Exactly. I think the answer to nihilism isn’t some Propositional answer this is what I get from this you’re telling me I’m right It’s to relearn and I mean this deeply in the Buddhist sense of Sati to remember What it is to fall in love with reality to fall in love with being and if that’s what you’re saying is the thing You think that what Sam Harris is striving for in his spirituality? Well, it’s not it’s not a throwaway answer it’s like what’s he up to exactly? I mean, I don’t know he’s he’s he isn’t he on a Sophia I finally a Sophia adventure I think Everybody is how can I put this everybody lives from the the non-propositional kinds of knowing emphasized by Plato and that’s what all of the scholastic research is pointing to now that Socrates was trying to point people to the not non propositional knowing the procedural the Perspectival the participatory I think we all have to live from that given a lot of things I’ve said a lot of things we’ve said well you should maybe you could you could expound on those a bit more for us and clarify that a bit more and and So you said the answer to nihilism that isn’t that isn’t exactly a comment on my comment that the culture war is about claim That the drive to power is at the core of Western being I think that’s an equally nihilistic claim That’s that’s my point the claim Claim is nihilistic or my claim about that is nihilistic That power is a fundamental reality is an attempt to assuage the wounding of nihilism But it is fundamentally Mistaken in its endeavor. It will it is it is it is constituted the wrong way It’s like framing a problem the wrong way So that yeah, you know Do not get the insight needed to get to the solution of the problem I so I think of it as a fundamental framing. That’s what I’m trying to say Okay, that’s why I’m not I’m that’s why I’m hesitant to say either yes or no to it because I get it Yeah Well, I believe that I believe that it is misframed because I don’t think it would be taking us in such a pathological direction The whole argument if it wasn’t misframed And so part of what I’m trying to and for me this dovetails with the you know, the The the increasing crescendo within 4e cognitive science about embodiment and embedded and extended and enacted cognition is Most right you see this as a subset argument of one of those elements. Yes, but that’s a he Like I said, I’m really having a hard time I know what you mean, but and I suppose what you’re trying to do with everything you do is to expound upon this But I certainly want you to expound upon this. Let’s go into those Three modes of alternate cognition a little bit more deeply okay, so I mean so the the first distinction of course was was classically made by rile and We even carry it in psychology when we make distinctions of our own procedural memory and things like that Which this is the distinction between propositional knowing that something is the case in which what you’re trying to do is basically assert You know the truth of the semantic content of a great and that’s that’s akin to the proposition that to believe in God is to Accept a set of propositions exactly the nature of God. Yes, and that’s what always strikes That’s why I’d never answer that question. Yes, because I think that’s the wrong framing of the question so I can’t answer it Okay, well may man you’re helping me out here. So because you’re differentiating you’re helping me differentiate my sense of the non-propositional Space and I mean I know some of this because I know that the knowing what and knowing how circuitry is separate Yeah, I’ve known that since I wrote maps of meaning and I know the inside circuitry is separate and you know That’s what I’ve been getting out also with regards to this idea of revelation and then critical thinking which we started all this with I’ve never got back to even though it’s just a true Logos we’re following I hope so. Yeah, I hope so John because it’s certainly the only justification for my existence Red skull and all I think there are many reasons that justify your existence my friend