So, what is the deeper meaning of contraception? I mean, I think that contraception is definitely a problem. It’s a problem because it’s a cutting in half of what sexuality is, right? It’s thinking that you can only have the pleasure. And so, the image of contraception is actually an image of our whole society. I mean, it’s an image of everything that is characteristic of who we are in terms of desiring only entertainment, desiring to be only to be, you know, lacking all kinds of participative places. Like, we don’t have any, there’s no participation left. But we don’t have communities, we don’t have groups, we have Netflix, we have games. We have, you know, people talk about video games, but video games are not participative in the same way that a community is participative. It’s still a game, you know, and it’s still part of this recreational world. And so, I think that that’s what happened. And so, you can understand it. So, this is the mystery. So, you know, Christ sometimes says things like, Christ said, you know, when Christ says things like, scandal must happen, right? And so, scandal must happen, but woe to those by whom it happens. And I think that this is a moment where this is it. Like, what’s happening is not good. Our world being completely drunk on laughter and entertainment is definitely not a good thing. But it’s still, if you look carefully, you’ll see that it’s probably also preparing. Like, it’s preparing for a resurrection. So, it’s not justifying it, but it nonetheless is, that’s why we talk about the double inversion. That’s why we talk about the clown turning the world back upside, right side up. Like, it’s not about justifying these things, but it’s about seeing that God’s going to win in the end, folks. It’s just, you can’t stop that one, right? And so, the way that it happens is sometimes surprising, and it’s using death against death. It’s using the fragmentation against itself, and it’s using this kind of weird decadent world against itself. And I think the contraception is definitely a problem. I don’t think Christians should use contraception, at least not artificial contraception. Like, I think that if you’re going to, let’s say, how can I say this? If you’re going to practice a form of aestheticism in order to not have children, then I think that’s totally fine. Like, I don’t see that as a problem. But I don’t think that artificial contraception is, it’s just participating in, I mean, it’s not going to, I’m not saying like if you use contraception, you’re going to go to hell or any stupid thing like that. But I’m just saying that there’s a pattern in the world, and it’s manifesting itself. And so, that’s one aspect of it. And if we engage with it, then we’re part of that pattern. So, are you saying that condoms would be garments of skin? That’s for sure. That’s what they are. They’re like, instead of circumcision, they’re like, let’s add another layer on top to actually stop it from doing what it’s supposed to do. Right. Yeah. And circumcision would be what? The mark of divine sonship, right? Or like a heavenly identity or something like that, right? Well, I mean, circumcision is a removal of the outer garments. That’s what it is. It’s moving into the inner aspect. And so, it’s revealing the inner aspect, you could say it that way. And so, it’s actually a form of unveiling, you could call it. And so, but it’s an image of obviously moving into the temple. It’s an image of the circumcision of the heart that St. Paul talks about ultimately, which is more important. I mean, physical circumcision is a ritual practice which had its purpose in terms of creating a pattern of being. But it has also to lead to something like the circumcision of the heart, which is a better understanding of reality. OK. And now how about… But Christians don’t get circumcised. And that’s also part of like, that’s part of one of the reasons why, I mean, some Christians do. But let’s say traditionally, Christians weren’t circumcised. And that’s also part of their function as the foreigner who is also converted. Oh, right. Because, yeah, the circumcision is tied to Judaism, right? I keep telling people like Christianity is a non-dual religion. And so, you have to be able to deal with that. Like, if you’re a non-dual, if you believe that the world resolves itself to non-duality and an infinite God that isn’t opposed to his creation, then these things have to resolve themselves. And so the enemy has to be absorbed at some point. There has to be reconciliation for the world to actually find its resolution. So like the sheep has to lay down with the lion. But the foreigner also has to be reintegrated. Cain has to be reintegrated. Esau has to be reintegrated. All of these aspects of reality, all the, you know, Samson has to be integrated. All the weird stuff in Scripture, all the like weird patterns, all the strangeness. They have to be integrated. If you look at the story of Christ, it’s all there. Now, I’m just wondering, too, like, so whenever we are talking about, say, like procreation, sometimes it’s referred to as seed, right? So a man’s seed or a semen, like it being inhibited, like what are the deeper things happening whenever, say, like we’re a contraceptive people? I mean, there’s just going to be lack of fruit. Like in practical terms, you’re going to start to stop existing. It’s very simple. It’s like it’s not a very complicated thing. It’s not a conundrum. It’s not a conundrum. If the seed doesn’t get to its destination, then you’re going to exist less. And then you’re going to cease to exist. And then you’re going to be invaded by the outside. It’s pretty simple. I mean, it’s very simple. And you’re also you also have to you also end up. This is the harder part that people don’t understand is that you are always giving seed to something. And so it’s not like it’s not like it’s not like it doesn’t matter. Right. And so your seed goes is given to something. So if it’s not given to your wife, then it ends up being given to the scapegoat or given. I don’t know how else to say it, given to the wild aspect. And so it’s like a culture of contraception is also a culture of pornography. Those two things are the same because you’re giving your seed to a succubus. Like you’re giving your seed to this phantasm, to a feminine phantasm. And so it’s like those two things are manifestations of the same problem. And so it’s not surprising. Like the way that it happened in our world is not surprising. I keep telling people, if you don’t believe in incubi and succubi, you’re an idiot because they’re everywhere. Like they’re everywhere right now. And just because you see an image of a woman, like you see an image of a woman on the screen, you’re not seeing that woman. Obviously, you have no connection with that person. It’s an idol. It’s an idol embodying a feminine phantasm. And so it’s like pornography is just basically engaging with incubi and succubi. That’s what it is. And so that’s what happens in a world where the idea of giving seed isn’t taken seriously. Because it’s not just about the actual… The analogy plays itself out because it’s also about attention. It’s not just about the sexual act. It also ends up being about attention. Like the seed of your ideas? That’s right. Your mind, your attention, your mental attention. What is it that I saw someone… There was a tweet that was going viral and it was some guy saying… They were talking about pornography and how dangerous it is. The guy says, if you didn’t have pornography, what would you think about all day? I was like, there you go, dude. He’s basically… That’s what he’s saying. Your life can be wasted away if you give your attention to these phantasm. You actually will be less productive in life. You will have less ideas. You will be less engaged in your community. All of this is going to happen. It’s not just about the sexual act with your spouse. It’s robbing your productivity. Yes, it is. It actually is. That just makes me think of… In the productivity genre, because channels like Better Ideas or… Huge genre. Maybe it’s a subsection of the business genre of YouTube videos or articles or books. A big part of that right now that’s popular is called NoFap. Have you heard of that? Yeah. Okay. That’s because they realize that without even knowing, they realize that… You know this stuff that we talk about, us religious people, we’re talking about reality. Just talking about arbitrary moral things. We’re actually talking about reality. You’re going to come to the same conclusion that we are, but you’re going to have to get through hell to get there. You’re going to go through hell, and now you’re going to realize that there’s a reason why these things were talked about the way they were in the past. Exactly. People are noticing that if you give in to masturbation, that it’s going to take away your attention. It’s going to make you a loser. It’s going to make you like someone who has no drive, has no direction. And so it’s real. Like I said, it’s not a… But contraception is part of that too. It actually is. Because the thing about having children is that it is transformative. It’s the kind of transformation that you wouldn’t want if you’re looking just for pleasure, and that you can only experience once it happens. I can tell you that the experience of holding your child is something that will bring you in a transcendent moment that will completely transform you. But you can’t know that. You have to experience it because there’s a lot of pain which goes with it. There’s a lot of suffering which comes with having children. But the joys are beyond description. Transcendent joy through suffering, through sacrifice. Absolutely. And so the idea of the single guy who’s in his 40s and isn’t married and doesn’t have children, and who doesn’t have any direction, it’s all connected together. But not just that. Like the couple that decides not to have children, and then get a dog, and then two dogs, and then their whole life is about their dogs, and then it’s like their dogs are… And it becomes a caricature and a parody of reality, and their whole life becomes a joke. And you know what I’m saying is true. I’m holding my tongue right now. I have several people that just came to my life. So it’s like this stuff is actually talking about reality. And so people can knock at the idea that contraception is a problem. They can knock at it, but look at the fruits. It’s like you could… In the 60s you could say that, but now I don’t know, man. Look at the fruits. Well, okay, so like take the nofap, right? Which is basically like don’t masturbate. Don’t spill your seed, because what these guys realized is that they want to start a business. They want to be like Elon Musk. They want to write books, and come up with ideas, and be an entrepreneur. And so in order to produce, they can’t spill their seed, because that’s wasting away their productivity and their energy. Yeah. It’s wasting their attention, and it’s wasting their, like you said, their energy. Everything is going there. So they have to hold their seed, and direct it towards… They end up acting in a ritual manner, where they will be monks. Like not really, but they’ll practice a form of asceticism, because they realize that you can direct… By doing that, you can focus your energy and your attention on a higher goal, let’s say. But it’s utilitarian, which is fine. But if you follow the logic to its end, you get to an actual monk who is reaching towards God, and is holding his seed completely, in order to have this ecstatic union with the divine, and be transformed, and be deified. It’s like that’s the finality of the nofap thing. They just can’t ride their logic to the end. They just think of getting their million or whatever, getting their Lamborghini, which whatever. But it’s still showing you that pattern that, like you said, eschesis, you know, ascetic practice, there’s a reason why we direct our seed, let’s say.