It’s funny because you know people have been attacking me and in some ways attacking John for defending me Which you know I always thank John I think John for defending me But they they attack me and they think that I’m trying to like I’m tricking like I’m trying to trick people and trying to Make them understand that you know trying to like infiltrate ancient thinking into modern the modern world And like there’s this trickery thing and I like no dude. There’s no trick I think the ancients understood the world better than you I really do believe that and that’s the reality I’m trying to bridge. I’m trying to get you into their their way of thinking not the oven not the other way around Right I’m not trying to camouflage ancient thinking and trying to adapt it to the modern world like I know I I Really do think that the Saints and the ancients had a better understanding of what motivates humans and how these These agencies function and how they manifest themselves on others, so yeah But it makes sense though because if you think about it before science science is a very Particular breaking down as abstraction pulls something out of its context if your symbolic way of thinking Before that it means that your a symbol when it first appears is the most efficient means if you want to think about in those Terms of understanding a phenomena, so if they’re using this way of thinking those overarching things those overarching explanations, let’s say Those things are going to be more effective now because stuff that we’re dealing with Past classicalism past Newton now. We’re dealing with a high-end Complex phenomena, and that’s of course going to be better for a symbol Because that they would they were explaining things and understanding things in that all-encompassing way with symbolism Yeah, so well That’s why that you know the idea that you see online like the use of memes to transform reality like this idea of me magic For example like this is a real thing if this is this can actually work. It gets not a it’s not a there’s nothing There’s nothing super. I mean it can be dark because it can be used for dark purposes, but it’s not a it’s not magic Whoo-hoo, it’s like you know it is a deep understanding of how motivation works and now humans recognize each other as participating in something and to create a movement through these types of images or these types of analogies is Something which works and the ancients were more concerned with what works They were in some ways more practical than we are they were just concerned with what and if you ask them How does it work in the mechanics of it like what causes come together in order in order to manifest it? They’d be like well. You know whatever. It’s not that important is what’s important is that it works, and so you know It’s like I put holy oil on you and you are healed and I pray over you and you’re healed and then you ask well How did it happen is psychosomatic is it blah blah blah blah blah? It’s like dude all that matters is that the person’s healed like the other stuff I mean it’s fine that if you want to spend your time on that, but that’s not the real It’s not the real point. Yeah, it’s sort of a science word used I thought that about what’s it called when you have a drug, and it’s a not psychosomatic, but the other placebo So yeah, the placebo effect. It’s like a Real fact the placebo effect is a way into understanding how how consciousness affects phenomena and how there’s a loop of relationship between Human experience and our own consciousness in that experience It’s not it’s not a direct causation humans aren’t just machines that you act on and so But in a way like I think that what could be interesting and and I don’t know if it’s going to happen But like there is a way in which the mechanical the discovery of the mechanical causes does increase power And so for example modern medicine does do things that ancient medicine could not do for sure Clearly they’re able to heal things that the ancients couldn’t heal But I do believe that integrating the placebo effect in the process would ultimately probably yield better results in the long term But Yeah, that’s a tricky thing to do like that’s tricky in there in the modern world to do something like that but also too, I think there’s There’s a term called hypostation Hypostation where where the sped up so fast that stuff starts actually manifest in reality It’s not just psychological though. I don’t think at least from my metaphysic it isn’t and I think this comes down to the question of Young thought this I mean you could talk about his synchronicity where he worked with Wolfgang Pauli and I think this is a nice explanation too because when you talk with Douglas Murray He kept asking this question of but did the physical Jesus resurrect into the thing. Well, okay There’s two ways of approaching this there’s the way of approaching it saying well Yes in the in the sense that yes His metaphysic went into everyone and then saw it and you’ve explained it sort of those ways sometimes but no he did Physically as well and there’s actually room in there, you know, Bernardo Coulstrops, you know him you spoke to him Yeah in his book as he talks about young a Causal things happen a billiard ball It’s quite possible for a billiard ball to move on its own right with quantum indeterminacy up a billiard ball It’s a there’s a real non zero chance of a billiard ball Not being causal and moving because of that and then we know from the butterfly effect How that moves upwards and we also know that attention does affect reality you did half mention it in that Interview but there is there is a you can there’s room there for that to even say that especially when the yeah Founding of world that yes, he did physically Miracle, you know, yeah, I do think I mean, I obviously I think Jesus rose from the grave, you know, the tomb was empty That’s for sure something that I believe I think I hope I’ve been clear on that if for people I just I just get annoyed when people try to get at the mechanical causes That’s when I start to get annoyed and think it’s like the text seems to obfuscate the mechanical causes Like the text seems to on purpose not tell you how is this possible? Like what it is that happened? Like what? What what caused it from below in terms of in terms of physical processes? The text obfuscate that at every level like, you know, like I said the fact I’ve said it several times Doesn’t describe the resurrection it doesn’t show the moment is not described in the text It it then it then makes it it then describes a body that is not recognized by those that you women loved him It then describes a body that you know that like appears in the room and it’s like this is clearly not the same exactly the same body as As you know, it’s if there’s something there’s something in terms of mechanical cause which is not is not is not being described here like not being clearly described and so to me it’s it’s mostly in some ways the way to Avoid the problem of being obsessed by that question But obviously I do believe that Jesus rose from the grave. You like that that his body rose Yeah, I’m a Christian. What I’m saying is that there is an empirical Scientific room there for that to happen They causally if you look into Wolfgang Pauli Jung and Bernardo Karlstrup in his book this room there for that anyway So it’s it and that’s a an a causal theory. I know people don’t love Jung’s theory on that I’m not saying I’m full behind I’m just saying that for people like Douglas Murray who are full-on materialists like well, here is this Here’s this that says such a thing especially in the founding of world because it is the founding of world Even if you look into you look into the material. Okay. Well the world’s this thousand years old Well, the founding of world was that yeah Yes, that’s why that’s why that’s why I brought up the Big Bang in the in the situation of that discussion Which is that he says something so improbable completely improbable happening and I’m like, well your whole world is based on something Absolutely mathematically impossible, which is the Big Bang there, but your whole reality is based on this idea And so why does it bother you that like you said the beginning of a world is is has to be transrational That is how a world begins because the the causalities and the rational part lays itself out within the world So every time you look at the origin of any world, you’ll always see something which is beyond the world Manifesting itself and so the idea that it would be weird that like you said the beginning of a whole world in terms of an entire new world view an entire transformation of reality would happen in a manner that is not Reduceable easily reducible to to mechanically describable events and the end that that event would not just be arbitrary But would be the culmination of thousands of years of storytelling Into something which is manifesting the culmination of those stories at the same time It’s like I don’t know what to tell you. It’s like that doesn’t to me. That seems like something that is Yeah, they just that that’s how you talk about the Big Bang that’s exactly how people talk about it Of course, they’ll say it’s different because it’s bigger and it’s more but like well Maybe that’s how things work