You have to celebrate Christmas, right? It’s not just enough to believe that this child born of a virgin was the logos from before the ages. We can say we believe that, or we want to. But if we don’t act on that information in some way, and the way that you act on this information, Taylor talks about liturgy, he talks about the feast, the act of celebration as being like a song, right? So the song has a melody, think of like a little melody, has sequential moments, you know, all these different notes and everything. But really, the beginning to the end of that song all happened in the same moment because it’s a unit. So if you don’t sing the song, you have no way of participating in it in that moment. And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, then the moment, this holy moment, right? This moment when heaven and earth, everything comes together into this point. That moment just passes you by and pretty soon you stop believing at all.