Hello everyone, I want to invite you to an event which will be happening from September 16th to the 18th in Thunder Bay, Ontario called Consciousness and Conscience. It is going to be a conference where I will be there with John Ravecki, with Paul Vanderclay and also with Dr. Richard Mondrill. For those who follow this little corner of the internet, you will see that this is the closest thing to a conference bringing us all together that we’re going to have in a little while. The closest thing to a symbolic world conference as well. It’s going to be several days of talks, of discussions, and it’s even going to start a few days early on the 14th where we’re going to have an airsoft and barbecue and it really shows you what is the purpose of this conference is to get together to discuss ideas to also get to know each other. So I’m really excited to participate in this. My own talk will be called Love and Attention and I’ll be looking at the manner in which Love binds together our attention and why I think that this is really the glue of consciousness in general and kind of one of the secrets to how reality presents itself to you. And so, but mostly really I’m looking forward to being there with you guys with Paul Vanderclay who I’ve never met, with John Ravecki who I always love to be together and discovering also Dr. Richard Mondrill who I don’t know yet. I think it’s going to be a wonderful event and I’m really hoping to see you there. If you want to sign up, go to slash conference and look up Consciousness and Conscience. I’m going to drive there, you know, because of our situation in Canada. I’m actually going to drive like 15 hours in order to get to the conference. So once I’m there, I’m going to be excited to make the most of the time I have with all you guys there. So I hope to see you there and to meet you there and thanks.