This is Deacon Eric Seitz from St. Alphonsus Parish bringing you an update on how we’re bringing the gospel to your homes. Holy Week is almost upon us. For Holy Week we will be offering drive-through confessions Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. In case of inclement weather, we will be having confessions heard in the Adoration Chapel and there will be a sign on the door indicating that’s where the priest will be. Our Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday liturgies will be available via a live stream on our St. Alphonsus website. We ask that everybody participate from the safety of their own homes in accord with the decrees of Bishop Fulda and the guidelines of the CDC. Palms will be available in the church on Palm Sunday. If you wish to take these home and have them for prayer, you are free to do so. And remember that we still have Sunday bulletins available in the entrance of the church and the R Sunday visitor newspapers available in the church. Take care and God bless.