If you pay attention to the things that shine forth, because what you’re seeing is the reality instead of the map, you’re gaining access to the real information that’s in the world. It’s not prepackaged information, because that can be false. It’s the real information flowing out from the ground of being, and if you pay attention It will help you move towards the goals that you’ve already established for yourself as a good citizen that are part of the inbuilt value structure that you’ve adopted, but at the same time it will do something else. It will lead you to transform the nature of those goals, because as you pursue the thing that guides your interest, and more and more information is revealed, then by absorbing that information, which is learning essentially, you build yourself into a different person, a stronger and more informed person, and a more intact person, a person with more integrity and with more strength and with more direction, and at the same time you differentiate your map, and so you’re living more and more in the real world. So as you approach your specific goal, even if it’s a culturally conditioned goal, the learning that you do along the way transforms you, and it transforms the nature of your goal.