Hello everybody. So I wanted to make a video about walls and how walls stop change and so because today I actually had to come back to my house and I had to I had to do some final clean-up because we’re gonna decontaminate today I figured that I would just make this video on the dyke at the end of my street and so if you want to see this is the dyke at the end of my street this is not of course the place where the dyke burst but this is the dyke. Two days ago I posted a video talking about how time is devouring space and so I knew that I had to make the video which was the opposite or was the compliment to that video and which was about space and how space dries up or how space extinguishes the possibility of change and so how in a way space crushes time to a certain extent and so until yeah so here we go this is Jonathan Peugeot welcome to the symbolic world one of the reasons why it’s so difficult to understand by the way if you hear noises it’s because there’s still a lot of work happening on my street so sorry guys this this video on space is going to be is going to be a little bothered by it’s gonna be gonna be eaten a little bit by a bit of chaos so the reason reason why it’s so difficult to understand the question of the relationship between time and space is because what I think is is happening is that because they’re they they have to coexist you can’t have just time and you can’t have just space they are interlinked in the way that they manifest themselves it’s very difficult to talk about just one side and so as I talk and so I decided to do it in two videos because when I tried to see both sides at the same time you know just talking about one is enough to fry your brain but talking about both is almost impossible and that I think that’s why I’ve had so much difficulty understanding it in the past because I would always try to focus on one side and I’ve seen authors that talk about this notion of time devouring space and others that talk about space replacing time and I think that actually what’s happening in the modern world is both at the same time the way to understand it is to understand the modern world as a de-incarnation I’ve talked about this before to understand it almost as heaven and earth separating from each other and because that happens it sends the world into a kind of pendulum where the world tends to swing between two opposites and one of the opposites between which it tends to swing is the effects of time and the effects of space a radicalization of both and it’s almost like a war between the two to see which one is going to win as one you know takes a swing than the other does as well but today is our video to talk about space and so that’s what I’m gonna do there’s a legend that says how Alexander the Great at the end of his conquest up in the northern parts of Eastern Europe in the Caucasian in the Caucasus area he built what’s called the Caspian Gates the Caspian Gates were supposed to be these huge iron gates that were built in order to stop the Gog and Magog from pouring into Europe and Gog and Magog although they have been later characterized as these kind of demonic figures and rightfully so they were originally seen as these nomadic tribes that live in the on the on the steppes in the north of Europe and so the you know what the Mongols the Khazars the nomadic tribes would actually do that would come in and would wipe out civilizations of course one of the biggest examples is when the Mongols destroyed Baghdad and also when the Huns poured into Europe you know and came all the way to the steppes of Rome the the nomadic tribes because they don’t care about stable space they don’t care about civilization they have this desire they have this capacity to wipe things out and to completely destroy things the the the Mongols would have this notion that they would return the land back to grazing you know would return the land back to this stable plane you know where the animals could graze and so it really is this destruction of space by time it really is the nomadic spirit coming in and wiping out time but the there’s also this interplay between the two sides and so civilization and space pushes against the chaos of course the dike which I’m standing on is a great example of where we build a dike on the side of a river and this flowing river this this flowing water is stopped from coming in and from destroying and it destroying but also renewing also restarting things because obviously that’s what happens and I’m seeing it in my own life now that the water has come everything is up in the air you know it’s interesting to go through it everything is you know even my sleep rhythms have been affected I didn’t sleep at all last night and then yesterday during the day I was so tired and I fell asleep so my whole rhythm is completely out of whack and that’s what I mean that’s what chaos does that’s what chaos is but the notion of of of space as pushing against uncertainty as pushing against the indefinite is something that the modern world is very strongly about now we have to see it in the modern world as all these systems all these systems where there’s a strange permanence it starts of course with the the possibility of writing down language itself because language naturally exists in its oral form where it just flows into time and it has a more non material reality but as you write it down then it starts to inhabit space it starts to create a kind of permanence to it and now we’ve seen a radicalization of that permanence if you think a little bit about how on the one hand I talked about the internet as reducing space into time there’s also on the internet a capacity to make permanent every single possible thing about you the the this notion that whatever it is that you do online is never going to go away it has it has been completely made permanent you know when we were young we in the movies they would talk about you know this is gonna go on your permanent record well now everything you do online goes on your permanent record none of it goes away and so that is something that you have to that is something that we have to consider the same in the modern world the very notion of the nation state is something which is very modern the notion of a clear border between two states this is something that did not exist in the ancient world rather there was a kind of hierarchy where you know a powerful nation let’s say a powerful Empire like Rome would have a central city and then would have other secondary cities and identity would flow from these cities and then on the borders on the margins would be intermediary places of mixture places of indefinite space this kind of this kind of no man’s land between the two between the two empires so in the notion of the nation state what we have is this clear you know razor sharp border between states and what has happened is that all the no man’s lands all the ancient places of indefinite space have been eliminated the entire world has been mapped out and everything has been delineated and defined there is no more you know even until the 19th century there was this notion of the kind of you know a dark a dark space in the in the middle of Africa but now it’s all gone all we have is so with the nation state we have we have eliminated all the vagaries all the places that are undefined and we have completely or as much as possible stabilized space and science itself is in a way to science you could say science is there to kill all the dragons to kill all the indefinite creatures all the indefinite categories which exist on the borders of reality and to categorize everything to name everything and therefore to map everything the notion of the map is probably the best way of understanding how this this space has now gone all the way to the edge you know there usually a long time ago on maps there was the there be dragons part of the map and now we have eliminated that there be dragons we have this sense that there is no room for uncertainty and it’s the same with the nations as well there is no room for change these nation states some of them are quite arbitrary but we have this sinking idea that the borders of these states cannot change they’re not allowed to change and we can’t totally justify why we can’t if we think about it we can’t imagine that all these states are going to be the same forever but we also know that that as we have built up these very very clear clear borders the the stakes of the changing of these borders is very high and is measured in war and is measured in in in death and so as while on the one hand we have this notion of time which is devouring space the modern world is also is also at the same time represented by a kind of radical space where the poss where permanence this strange permanence comes to exist and you know your this whole idea for example that you have these ID identity cards that you have a name which is inscribed in the government all the state powers which give you you know your your social security number all these things which are these fixed things about you that are kind of given to you at birth and that you that you that you have you know forever and you and and are impossible to change and so those are those are the counterbalance to the other side of the meadow so I thought it would be something that would be interesting to think about because as I said I really do see the modern world as a de-incarnation and I see those two sides as ramping up against each other and the internet is the best place to see it what at first was the internet was touted as being the place of freedom the place where anything goes then in order to counter that systems were created for the internet to become the very opposite the a system of control that has never been seen that the likes of which has never been seen in the history of the universe and so those two things are happening at the same time this kind of push towards a fluidity and anarchy a breakdown of categories and at the same time a radicalization of categories and you can see it as well even as the identity split for example in the whole gendered fluidity movement you see it as well it’s not just that you have fluidity but this fluidity also creates these strange permanent categories of desire which are these strange categories of desire which are cannot be questioned and so you have you know 56 pronouns but you cannot question them if you question the pronouns then you then you are in danger in some places in the US in New York City for example you’re in danger of being fined for doing so and so so anyway so I’m giving that up for you guys to think about to think about this relationship between space and time to think about the relationship between how they play up against each other in the modern world and how they build up one against the other and my personal situation is the best is one of is a great example they built a dike at the end of my street and at the end of our town and they built dikes all along the waterways the St. Lawrence waterway and because of that the water has no place to go it has no no vague lands to inhabit and so all it can do is go up and up and up and so at one point the dike breaks so what are you gonna do they’ll do what this is what they’re gonna do at the end of my street they’re gonna make the dike higher gonna make the dike bigger and imagine if everybody does that now everybody all the way up the waterways starts to make these dikes higher and bigger and bigger and then what’s gonna happen the water has nowhere to go all it can do is rise rise rise and the flood just goes up until some other dike somewhere is going to break and so anyway so maybe now you understand why I’m talking about this right now because it’s a way to talk about symbolism as I’m going through all of this so once again guys I want to thank you for all your support and and yeah next video is going to be about credit and how it affects our interaction with the future so alright guys thanks a lot bye bye