To be chosen properly by God is to wrestle with that which is highest. Not to believe it, but to wrestle with it, right? To be obsessed with it in some sense, to allow it to grip you. The question of what should be uppermost. And you might say, well, nothing should be uppermost. And, well, there’s a problem with that because then what the hell are you doing? Or are you fragmented in 50 different directions if nothing is uppermost? Does that just mean confusion and chaos reigns? If you’re not psychologically integrated around a single point, let’s say, are you not just confused and chaotic and also maybe hopeless? And if your society isn’t oriented towards a single destination, let’s say, isn’t abiding by, isn’t motivated by a shared vision, then isn’t your society confused and fragmented and hopeless? And doesn’t that imply that there’s something like a unity of purpose?