When thinking about the heaven and earth dichotomy established in Genesis, I started to consider the distinction between negative abstract higher principles and negative lower material principles. For example, a fallen angel is higher, more abstract negative principle. I was thinking of it perhaps as an evil spirit or personality which can manifest itself in a person’s being via a godless ideology. Maybe one that puts power at the pinnacle of its hierarchy instead of God. There would also be lower material negative principles such as wild animals that prey on humans, i.e. alligators, crocodiles, snakes, parasites, yes, or natural disasters, etc. etc. In relation to each other, this creates a masculine and feminine dichotomy with the category of the evil. Is this an accurate way of understanding the pattern of evil? And if so, doesn’t this support Jordan Peterson’s view of order known and chaos unknown as having both positive and negative polarities? I’ve heard you cast criticism on chaos being associated with the feminine. However, this seems to be caused by immediate mental associations, chaos as being wholly negative. We forget that chaos can be good such as the chaotic exodus of the Jewish mass living in Egypt. All right. To be honest, I don’t totally understand your question. Maybe I can say it this way. The idea that chaos is negative, negative in the sense, not in the sense of immoral, negative in the sense as a non-being or not declaration. Chaos is a question. Chaos is potential. Chaos is what is it? It’s asking what is this? And so it’s asking for an answer. Chaos asks the light to reveal it or to contain it or to reveal it. In that sense, that’s also the relationship between the masculine and feminine aspects of let’s say chaos and order or chaos and name or something like that. In that sense, that’s the best way to understand that. There is definitely this relationship of… So you can understand it as these principalities that have fallen. So they’re below. So you have a macrocosm and then you also have our world, which is smaller, let’s say. And then you also have these parasites and things at the bottom. But some of the predators are not negative. They’re not below. They’re above. Predators are often above. You need to understand that in order to understand symbolism. Like let’s say predatorial birds or predatorial lion. The lion is seen as above and so is the bird. And this is more like the predatorial aspect of heaven. And there is a predatorial aspect of heaven in the sense that heaven picks things up and lifts them up. I’ve talked about this before. And so I think that… Yeah. So I think that I’m struggling with the categories that you’re trying to fit into this. And so I hope that my rambling was helpful for you to understand that.