You could be a lot more than you are. You could be so much more than you are that the boundaries of that are unimaginable. That’s a way better message to someone who’s in despair. Because what? You’re okay the way you are. Miserable, suicidal, nihilistic, hopeless, amotivated, resentful. It’s no time for a maternal embrace. It is in a sense, you know, because there’s comfort in that. Mostly what that’s time for is the clarion call to maturity. It’s like no, no, no. No, most of you has to go man, but the best of you it can come forward and that best is there. That’s way better. That’s way better. And so that’s another thing that a father and a husband can offer and to the wife too, you know. Many women haven’t had a good relationship with a man and they need that masculine spirit.