So earlier in the conversation towards the beginning, you brought up, Jonathan, about the proposition of modernity was specialty. And then the proposition of, you know, the 90s on was specialness, right? And how, you know, you don’t worry about your competency, worry about, I guess, just produce yourself, produce yourself and exploit yourself. And there’s actually a pretty fascinating actual survey or study done about the ways in which moral grandstanding, like it facilitates certain personality traits and narcissistic sociopaths will benefit from a system that, you know, surprise, surprise, if you can prove that you’re a victim, then you’re going to get to the top of the hierarchy, which is exactly what you see in absurdist detail with the Evergreen State College. What is the, what is the solution? What’s the next step then? If, if it’s not, if we can’t rely on specialty alone or competency alone and specialness is actually pretty toxic gone wrong. I mean, you need to have self-esteem, you need to have pride, but we’re going, we’re going at it the wrong way. And it’s, when, when you put on the social pressure, those values actually collapse or cause really strange phenomenon, not only the rioting in the street, but at least in democratic ruled areas, like just the, the, the bowing down to these mobs and then the restraining of authority to allow these mobs to do this thing. And, and like this really messed up loss of actual direction and authority, like what is the, what is the proposition? Like what is the, what is the value? Like we talked about worship, we talked about a higher kind of modus, but is there, you know, like where do we go from here? If consumerism- I don’t know where we go from here, but I can tell you what I think that, I mean, I think the solution is hierarchy is hierarchy, but real hierarchy. Like I know when I say- Based on what? Well, it depends at what level, depends in what field, like each field has their hierarchy, you know, there’s a, there is a hierarchy of authority in terms of the state for sure. And there is a hierarchy of competence in different fields, like there are hierarchies of competence in different fields and there are hierarchies of authority also in your family. There are hierarchies of, you know, there are different, different types of hierarchies in different fields. So- There’s even hierarchies of vulnerability or of oppression. Like this group needs more attention than this other group. Like there’s a hierarchy there. Yeah. There is, yeah, in that sense, in the sense that you need to, and you need to prioritize certain things. But I think that when I say hierarchy, I really mean it in a Christian sense. I really mean it in a balanced sense where there has to be, in order for a real hierarchy to function, there has to be care and love coming from above and there has to be support coming from below and trust coming from below. And when that breaks down, then that’s when you end up having extremes which start to manifest themselves, you know, and you can see it, like if you look at the French revolution, there’s a good, you can see it there happening and it’s far away from us that you can talk about it without being controversial. Where the nobility, because of technology, because of all these different things, the nobility stopped being connected to their, to their, their, their serfs. Stopped being connected to the land, went to Paris, let their land, you know, just let their land alone. Things were being managed over there. They went to Paris, they did their thing, they just went to balls and there was just a disconnected elite that didn’t feel like it was their responsibility to care for the needs of the people that were under them. And that fomented revolt. Now I don’t, I’m not justifying the revolt, but it did. And it’s normal for someone who’s parent doesn’t care for them to want to rebel against your parents, right? And, and, and, and so that’s the, when that starts to happen, when you can’t trust the, your authorities, then you have this fomenting at the bottom and the tendency, the tendency is to try to clamp down on the authority side, right? And you can imagine in a family, right? The parent doesn’t care for their kids. The kids is going wild and going crazy. So finally the parent says, okay, well that’s it. Now I’m going to put my foot down. And from now on, things are going to go this way. And it’s like, well, it’s too late now, my friend. It’s too late. Well, they’re not doing that. That’s the weird phenomena. Like in Portland, they’re allowing the Antifa to like rape police. It’s going to come. It’s just a question of time. The pendulum cannot go indefinitely in one side. It’s going to happen. That the same thing was going on in 19, 1920s, Germany, the same thing happened before the span of civil war and things at some point flip. And so this is what people don’t understand is the pendulum never just goes in one direction. And so right now people are like, okay, you know, it’s okay. It’s okay. But if the protests and this type of behavior goes into the suburbs, goes into the suburbs massively, people are going to freak out and are good. It’s something to, it’s one thing to watch it on television and to watch it on the internet and on YouTube. And it’s another thing to see it outside of your door. I think at some point people are going to ask for for a clamp down. It just might take a little while, but it’s things don’t calm down. It’s going to come the other direction. The Polin followed the French Revolution. That’s right. Yeah, they beheaded the king and elected an emperor. They did really good there. But it’s, it’s, it’s, they had the same thing happened in Russia, you know, Stalin came after the revolution and it’s just, that’s just how, that’s just the dangerous path of this type of, of dynamic.