I’m only asking if God does turn all evil into good, why fight evil? Well, because of this fractal structure. Like, we are the sons of Adam, right? We are the mediators. We are the ones that God put as those responsible for creation. And we have to become the hands and the feet of God. And even in the story of Exodus, right, God doesn’t just do it alone, right? He could… God could have done anything. God could have just done it alone. He’s like, no, I’m going to choose a man and I’m going to work through him. And then not only him, but then I’m going to have Aaron and then I’m going to have the Levites and then I’m going to add this body so that all of this can happen through… Distribution. Yeah, it’s this distribution of God’s power into humanity. When we don’t fight evil, then we are not participating in God’s desire. Yeah, so just because God has the capacity to correct injustice at, you know, eschatologically as it were, you know, beyond death, doesn’t, I suppose, license a kind of laziness in the face of injustice in the here and now.