What do we do when once our ego has helped us plan the dominance hierarchy and secure a mate? Why then should we keep looking for a mate and how to curtail that instinct? Well, I think part of the way that you curtail that instinct is that you have You have the sort of life that you would have with a mate. The question is, you know, what’s the purpose of pair bonding? And one of the fundamental purposes of pair bonding Well, there’s a couple one is that it solves the sexual access problem so that you don’t have to continue to obsess about who you’re going to be with and Where and how and so you can get on with other elements of your life, but I mean with with your mate You have to decide well, what does it mean that you’re now together? You know, you’re there’s companionship obviously and friendship and there’s shared interests You have to decide what they are and I would say that you should continue dating your your Partner at least once a week or perhaps twice a week because otherwise the romance goes out of your life But then also you have to decide about children and and eventually about grandchildren because you know You’re gonna get old and and you’re gonna get older and more mature Children are a huge part of life and they get a bad rap Which is really unfortunate because you know, maybe I’m I’m different in this regard Perhaps I am to some degree but I never regretted having kids for even one second because they’re so I mean All of a sudden you have an intimate relationship with new people that is as close as any relationship that you’ve ever had You have the opportunity to make that relationship as pristine as you possibly can I mean there can be a lot of catastrophe involved in it, but it’s a great opportunity There’s just nothing wrong with having some additional people that love you, you know, and so What you do is you turn your attention to the issues of maturity and you’re turning your attention away from the issues of being a juvenile And you do that partly by knowing that it’s actually better to do so, you know There’s nothing more absurd than the 40 year old 20 year old It gets ugly and and there’s something like there’s something like spoiled milk about it. It goes off and you have to gracefully accept the challenges of each stage of life and things work a lot better when you do that much much better and you also have to I would say work on and perfect your sex life with your partner and Express what you need and want and teach each other what’s necessary to keep things exciting and and and new It’s not an easy thing to do But it’s very much worthwhile because then you can combine sexual excitement with intimacy and there’s no better combination than that so and Love that can all be nested up inside love and inside a you know a destiny that’s intertwined together That’s the best you’ve got man. That’s that’s that’s what life has to offer And so That’s what you do is you accept the responsibility of the next stage of life and you don’t mourn the past I suppose that also means that when you’re young you do what young people do and so that you don’t want to do it again so You