If your life isn’t everything it could be, you could ask yourself, what would happen if you just stopped wasting the opportunities that are in front of you? You’d be, who knows how much more efficient. Ten times more efficient. Twenty times more efficient. That’s the Pareto distribution. You have no idea how efficient efficient people get. It’s off the charts. If we all got our act together collectively, and stop making things worse, because that’s another thing people do all the time, not only do they not do what they should to make things better, they actively attempt to make things worse, because they’re spiteful or resentful or arrogant or deceitful or homicidal or genocidal, or all of those things all bundled together in an absolutely pathological package. If people stopped really, really trying just to make things worse, we have no idea how much better they would get just because of that. So there’s this weird dynamic that’s part of the existential system of ideas between human vulnerability, social judgment, both of which are major causes of suffering, and the failure of individuals to adopt the responsibility that they know they should adopt.