Hi Jonathan, my question is about ways in which principalities manifest in our physical world. What differences are there between people embodying principality, willing or unwillingly, eg. King embodying angel or the kingdom or demon of lust possessing a person and principalities taking particular physical or rather visible form, eg. archangel Gabriel visiting Mary and how incarnation of Christ fits in all of this. Thank you. So think about it this way. Think about it like everything that exists is both an agent and a body. It’s both something that is acting on the world and something which is being acted upon and is a body for other things. Right? And so that’s true of everything in the world. And especially intelligent agents. So you are the body of your family, part of the body of your family. You are a body for your state, your body for your Facebook group, your body for whatever it is that you engage in that has a higher identity than you. You’re a body for certain causes, you’re a body for certain political ideologies, you’re a body for your city’s recycling program, like whatever it is that you act in and you can be a body for that. Now you’re also a principal for sure, you’re a principal to a certain extent for things under your power you could say. And so that’s the way it works. And so the difference between, let’s say, so there are more direct and indirect ways to act or to manifest. So sometimes things, let’s say, let’s think about it this way. Let me help you think about it this way. So let’s say I’m the father of my family and so in my house, mostly my wife and I, let’s say my wife and I are house functions as an extension of our relationship and therefore there are certain implicit rules and certain implicit ways of being that have to be maintained in the house for that to continue to be true. So my kids, at this point now, without me saying, they know how to behave, they know what is acceptable, what is not acceptable, they know how to engage with each other, they know what their responsibilities are and then once in a while, let’s say it’s time to do the dishes and my child doesn’t do the dishes and so I have to go knock on their door and say come do the dishes. And so one is a more direct implication of the principle where there’s a direct communication which comes down and then informs you of what you need to do and the other one is more indirect. Your will kind of imbibes the body of the thing that you’re the head of and then that just kind of naturally exists. So you know, yeah, hope that helps.