How you pick up knowledge of how to act well, that’s not quite as explicit It’s not as easy to figure out obviously a model You know that children take up a lot of information by modeling behavior Which is basically they copy adults and that basically means they watch adults act move their bodies through space And they duplicate those patterns of action and they generalize from them So that’s one way behavioral wisdom is transmitted some of its explicit as well At least in terms of the receipt of rewards and punishments because parents will Modulate their children’s behavior by engaging in motivationally significant interactions with them at least that’s what you should do if you’re a parent That’s your primary Responsibility in a sense so that’s what we mean when we say that you’re paying attention to someone it basically means that you’re modulating their behavior with your behavior with your emotions, so like a child will monitor or parent will monitor his child and React positively when something that the parent wants to happen happens and negatively when something happens that the parent doesn’t want to happen So the child’s behavior is well, that’s just classical reinforcement theory basically You exchange rewards and punishments and threats and promises and modulate behavior. We do that all the time in our interpersonal interactions That’s part of the reason why people with personality disorders can sort of have an uncanny effect on Which is to say if your personality disorder you have a really potent Expectation about how someone else will behave usually like a son of a bitch And if someone with a personality disorder encounters someone who doesn’t act like that They’re a challenge to their belief system and people with personality disorders are extremely good at turning everyone They meet into the same person that they already met and they do that. I think by exchanging very very subtle and colder reinforcements, which is to say You’re engaged with me. I have a personality disorder every time you act properly I’ll ignore you or say something contemptuous or look away or do something quite subtle and every time you act like a miserable bastard Which is basically what I expect I’ll at least pay some attention and possibly even reinforce you covertly You’ll find if you get close to me that you it’s almost like you’ve been distorted by a gravitational field as your behavior starts getting pulled in strange directions We do that to each other all the time. And one of the things you might consider is well Our societies are very large We’re all engaged in these patterns of mutually modifying interactions and something emerges from that stable I guess I would say that The things I’m going to teach you about mythology are the things that I do as stable emerging properties from Centuries of reciprocal interaction. So if we’re engaged in some pursuit, you’re gonna modify me and I’m gonna modify you And neither of us really know precisely what that means Because we’re not conscious of all the reasons that we do everything And that’s a spin. I mean it’s bad enough if there’s only two of us, but if there’s like 50 of us Well, then you can imagine that calculating all the permutations of the interactions becomes virtually impossible The point is we will settle into some sort of stable configuration Disappear those are the options and Human societies do settle settle into statement configurations and we don’t really understand how that happens. But we We have developed the ability to describe those configurations without understanding them I think that makes up a big part of mythology Myths are the stories we tell ourselves about how we behave when we don’t know how it is that we behave or even why so While that one is, you know things to consider in the future You