All Sunday Masses have been canceled in the Diocese of Fargo. However, it’s still the Lord’s Day, and it’s important for us to continue to observe the Lord’s Day as a special day of prayer, rest, and family life. But, as Bishop Fulda says, the lay faithful are to observe other means of keeping the Lord’s Day holy. Now, he wants us to do that. He’s leaving it up to each individual family and each individual household to see what this is going to look like. And I have four things that you can do which would fulfill your Holy Day obligation. We have put together a worship program that you can do on Sunday celebrations at home. You can find information about this on our website. We can give you more details and perhaps drop the programs off. You could say a rosary together as a family. That would be an appropriate way to put a rosary together. You can put a rosary together on the scriptures for a length of time, maybe 20 minutes to up to an hour, even if you’d like. And it would also be possible to watch a Mass on TV. There were plenty of options to choose from. And one thing I would say about the Mass on TV is to be very careful with that. It’s very easy to begin to just be an observer in a televised Mass in a way that’s not possible when you’re physically present there. I would say it would probably be best if you were to do the TV Mass option in addition to one of the other Mass options. But obviously all of these things are still left up to your own conscience. We’re all praying together. Thank you and God bless.