I’m a true speech advocate, which is to say that I believe that people should say what they believe to be true. That’s your obligation. It’s also your right, but it comes with an obligation. But I don’t believe that true speech is possible without free speech, because you’re just not very good at thinking. And so you have to stumble around when you’re first formulating ideas and wander into territory that’s not necessarily productive, and manifest your biases, and in short, you have to be a fool. And the only way that you improve upon that performance is by observing carefully what sort of reactions you’re getting, and having a dialogue around it so that you can start to sharpen up your ideas, and improve their focus, and find out where you’ve made a mistake, and all of those things. A lot of what’s necessary with regards to thinking is the freedom to make mistakes, because, what, are you going to do it right the first time? I don’t think so.