All right, so Samuel asks, hi Jonathan, I’ve always wondered about the quote from Luke where Jesus says, Father, if you’d be willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done. I always found this to be a mysterious moment as God the Father and the Son are one. I read a little on the subject, but many of the explanations I have heard essentially say he did not really feel this as he could never have had any doubt that, and Jesus is acting, but this seems slightly odd. Do you have any thoughts on this? To be honest, I don’t think that Christ was acting. Okay, so the way you can understand it, if you want to understand the idea that Christ is acting, you have to understand it in the sense that Christ is playing out the story, but you can’t understand it as he’s pretending. You have to understand it as he is fully engaged in the story. He’s fully engaged, right? He did suffer on the cross. He didn’t, he wasn’t, you know, the God laughing as his body was dying on the cross. He wasn’t, that’s the incarnation. He wasn’t being cynical about what was happening. And so if you look at that mysterious moment, you have to kind of understand it as a manifestation of Christ’s identity in the sense that Christ can only be the logos. He is only the logos if he submits himself to the Father. But I’m not saying he could have done something else, but to understand that that is what makes him the logos is that he is doing the will of the Father. And so that moment is like playing out, playing out the submission of the Son to the Father, the submission not only of the Son, but then ultimately you could say all of creation and all of us that we also have to die to ourselves in order to participate in that process. And so it’s not that he’s pretending, but that he’s playing it out completely and fully in the story.